El punto de vista bíblico sobre el aborto
Part 1 & 2 Part 1 & 2
Copyright 1993 Copyright 1993
by Por
John F. MacArthur, Jr. John F. MacArthur, Jr
All rights reserved. Todos los derechos reservados.
As we come this morning to the matter of abortion, before I take you into the scriptures and we look more closely at to what the Bible has to say, it is probably fitting for us to get some kind of a grasp on the issue itself. Al llegar esta mañana a la cuestión del aborto, antes de que en las escrituras y miramos más de cerca a lo que la Biblia tiene que decir, es probablemente adecuado para nosotros, para llegar a algún tipo de comprensión sobre la cuestión en sí. So, I want to address that, if I may, for a moment. Por lo tanto, quiero hablar de ello, si se me permite, por un momento. What I am going to say to you may sound like an article in the newspaper because it is full of statistics and quotes and that kind of thing, but it does set the scene for understanding the issue at hand. Lo que voy a decir puede sonar como un artículo en el periódico, ya que está lleno de estadísticas y de las cotizaciones y que tipo de cosas, pero establece las bases para la comprensión del problema en cuestión.
To sum up what we are experiencing with regard to abortion in Para resumir lo que estamos experimentando en cuanto al aborto en America América , we could simply say, " , No se podría decir, " America América , as a nation, is highly committed by law and by practice to a form of mass murder." And that is really the bottom line. , Como nación, está muy comprometido por la ley y por la práctica a una forma de asesinato en masa. "Y eso es realmente la línea inferior.
This nation, which certainly prides itself on its humanitarianism, is in a murderous cycle of violence that makes the Nazi Holocaust look mild by comparison. Esta nación, que, sin duda, se enorgullece de su humanitarismo, se encuentra en un ciclo de violencia asesina que hace que el Holocausto nazi mirada suave en comparación. Nearly 2,000,000 babies are aborted a year in Casi 2000000 bebés abortados en un año America América . Every third baby conceived now is being murdered. Cada tres bebé concebido ahora está siendo asesinado. Among teenage women there are 736 abortions for every 1,000 births. Entre las mujeres adolescentes hay 736 abortos por cada 1000 nacimientos. Among married women abortions now exceed births! Abortos entre las mujeres casadas ahora superan los nacimientos! More babies are killed than are born. Más bebés que nacen muertos. Some would tell us that there is an abortion about every 15 seconds in Algunos nos dicen que hay un aborto cada 15 segundos en America América .
In some metropolitan hospitals, in the major cities of our nation, abortions far outnumber live births. En algunos hospitales metropolitanos, en las principales ciudades de nuestra nación, ahora son más numerosos abortos nacidos vivos. Planned Parenthood has gone so far as to say, "This is nothing more than a means of preventing disease; pregnancy being noted as a disease." Planificación de la Familia ha llegado tan lejos como para decir: "Esto no es nada más que un medio de prevención de las enfermedades, el embarazo se observó como una enfermedad." If you think that sounds farfetched, I will remind you of a paper by Dr. Willard Kates , from the Planned Parenthood Physicians Association. Si usted piensa que eso parece farfetched, me recuerdo de un documento por el Dr Willard Kates, de la Asociación de Médicos de Planificación de la Familia. The title of the paper is, "Abortion as treatment for unwanted pregnancy: The second sexually transmitted disease." El título del documento es: "Aborto como tratamiento para el embarazo no deseado: La segunda enfermedad de transmisión sexual." "
Pregnancy then is seen by Planned Parenthood as a sexually transmitted disease that needs to be cured by abortion. Embarazo entonces es visto por Planificación de la Familia como una enfermedad de transmisión sexual que necesita ser curado por aborto. Planned Parenthood has somewhere approaching 1,000 abortion clinics doing somewhere approaching 75,000 murders a year, and are receiving millions of dollars of support from the U. S. Government and the Planificación de la Familia disponga de un lugar aproxima 1000 aborto clínicas haciendo algún acercando 75000 homicidios al año, y están recibiendo millones de dólares de apoyo de los EE.UU. y el Gobierno United Way United Way , and other agencies like that. , Y al igual que otros organismos. Our nation, and other nations in the world are frankly wiping out an entire generation of human beings in mass infanticide. Nuestra nación, y de otras naciones en el mundo son francamente acabando con toda una generación de seres humanos en masa infanticidio.
It is estimated that perhaps as many as 75,000,000 babies will be murdered this year around the world—75,000,000! Se estima que el número de bajas 75000000 bebés serán asesinados este año en todo el mundo - 75000000! That's probably conservative. Eso es probablemente conservadora. It's more than all the deaths in all the wars, in all the history of the world. Es más que todas las muertes en todas las guerras, en toda la historia del mundo. This kind of murder is shocking and I don't want to be too shocking, but I want to tell you how it is done and I hope that I don't offend anyone. Este tipo de asesinato es chocante y no quiero ser demasiado vergonzoso, pero quiero decirles cómo se hace y espero que yo no ofender a nadie. The processes of abortion are somewhat frightening and bizarre. Los procesos de aborto son algo extraño y aterrador.
During the First Trimester, the methods are Dilation and Suction, called DNS, or Dilation and Curettage, called DNC; basically this means that a vacuum tears the child in pieces and sucks the pieces out through a tube. Durante el Primer Trimestre, son los métodos de aspiración Dilatación y, de nombre DNS, o Dilatación y Legrado, llamado DNC; Básicamente esto significa que el vacío lágrimas al niño en pedazos y chupa las piezas a través de un tubo. Or, a sharp instrument dismembers the Fetus into sections, and then often forceps are used to crush the head and reduce its size. O bien, un instrumento dismembers el Feto en secciones y, a continuación, a menudo se utilizan pinzas para aplastar la cabeza y reducir su tamaño. This, of course, can result in a torn uterus, a perforated uterus, sterility, [and] things like that. Esto, por supuesto, puede resultar en un desgarrado útero, útero perforado, la esterilidad, [y] las cosas por el estilo.
During the Second Trimester the safe comfortable home of the child, known as the Amniotic Sack, is wounded by a needle which withdraws the Amniotic Fluid and replaces it with a heavy saline solution (which basically burns the child alive), and in 24 to 72 hours the body will expel the dead fetus. Durante el Segundo Trimestre del seguro cómodo hogar del niño, conocida como la Amniótico Sack, es herido por una aguja que se retire el Líquido Amniótico y la sustituye por una gran solución salina (que básicamente quemaduras el niño con vida), y en 24 a 72 Horas, el órgano expulsar el feto muerto.
During the Third Trimester, a Hysterotomy is used—sometimes "prostaglandin," a drug producing delivery by stimulating the uterus falsely into labor. Durante el Tercer Trimestre, un Hysterotomy se utiliza a veces "prostaglandina", un medicamento que estimula la producción de la entrega por el útero falsamente en el trabajo. These sometimes produce children born alive, who are then left to die or even be killed. Estos producen a veces los niños nacidos vivos, que se dejan morir o incluso ser asesinados. A new way being advocated by the Una nueva forma que aboga por la
National Abortion Federation in their recent meetings was advocated at a workshop: puncturing the "soft spot" on the baby's head and then vacuuming out what is in the head. Federación Nacional de Aborto en sus recientes reuniones fue defendido en un taller: puncionar el "punto blando" en la cabeza del bebé y, a continuación, aspirar a cabo lo que está en la cabeza. Another abortionist at that meeting suggested that the length of the baby's foot could be measured and used to determine the price of the abortion. Otro abortionist en esa reunión sugirió que la longitud del pie del bebé puede ser medido y utilizado para determinar el precio del aborto.
It almost sounds primitive, certainly not characteristic of a culture as sophisticated as our is. Es casi sonidos primitivos, desde luego, no característico de una cultura tan avanzada como nuestra es. Even Cesarean Sections are performed as abortions in the Third Trimester. Incluso Cesarean Secciones como abortos se realizan en el Tercer Trimestre. I remember reading about a case in Recuerdo leer sobre un caso en el New York City La Ciudad de Nueva York where twin babies were conceived in the womb. Donde dos bebés fueron concebidos en el seno materno. Both of them had "Down Syndrome" and they were killed by puncturing their hearts directly. A ambos se les había "Síndrome de Down" y que fueron asesinados por puncionar directamente sus corazones. Hundreds of these attempted abortions in the Third Trimester, are born alive and then used in some kind of experimentation. Cientos de estos intentos de abortos en el Tercer Trimestre, han nacido con vida y luego utiliza en algún tipo de experimentación.
The IRS, jumping into the fray, as they are always wanting to do in order to rule on how this all affects our taxes, has ruled, in "Revised Rule 73 dash something," "That parents are entitled to a tax exemption, if after an attempted abortion their child lives for any length of time." El IRS, saltando en la reyerta, ya que son siempre querer hacer a fin de pronunciarse sobre cómo este afecta a todos nuestros impuestos, ha dictaminado, en "revisado Artículo 73 guión algo", "Que los padres tienen derecho a una exención de impuestos, si Después de un intento de aborto de su hijo vive por cualquier período de tiempo. " Now, you tell me how a child, attempted to be aborted, can be considered a dependent child if it lives, but not a child if it dies. Ahora, usted me dice, cómo un niño, trató de ser abortado, puede considerarse un hijo a cargo, si la vida, pero no un niño si muere. What kind of dilemma is that? ¿Qué tipo de dilema es que? I suppose it is the same dilemma that the Van Nuys Police had not long ago, when a woman in Van Nuys had a baby in a bathroom—and she killed it with a razor blade. Supongo que es el mismo dilema que la Policía de Van Nuys no hace mucho tiempo, cuando una mujer en Van Nuys había un bebé en un cuarto de baño - y ella lo mató con una cuchilla de afeitar. Had she killed the baby before it was born, she would have had no problems. Ella había muerto antes de que el bebé nació, no habría tenido problemas. But because she killed it with a razor blade after it was born, she is serving an 11 year prison sentence. Pero porque ella lo mató con una cuchilla de afeitar después de que nació, ella está al servicio de 11 años de prisión. This is the stupidity of Humanism. Esta es la estupidez de humanismo.
Fifteen year olds can get abortions without parental knowledge or consent; in fact, generally the law wants to say that parents are the enemy of the freedom of the child; in fact, even the consent of the spouse is unconstitutional. Quince años de edad pueden obtener abortos sin el conocimiento o consentimiento de sus padres y, de hecho, en general, la ley quiere decir que los padres son el enemigo de la libertad del niño y, de hecho, ni siquiera el consentimiento del cónyuge es inconstitucional. Dead fetuses are used in an industry of business and experimentation. Fetos muertos son utilizados en el sector de los negocios y de la experimentación. The "Journal of Clinical Pathology" indicates that fetal organs have been grafted into mice and rats to see how long they live, and other frightening experiments that I won't even speak about in a public meeting. El "Diario de Patología Clínica", indica que los órganos fetales han sido injertados en ratones y ratas para ver cuánto tiempo viven, y otros experimentos aterrador que aún no voy a hablar en una reunión pública. Squibb Company is involved in paying tens of thousands of dollars to doctors to experiment with fetuses for use in research on high blood pressure drugs, and this is all coming very rapidly. Squibb Company participa en el pago de decenas de miles de dólares a los médicos a experimentar con fetos para su utilización en la investigación sobre la presión arterial elevada drogas, y todo esto es muy próximos rápidamente. I saw something about it the other night on television. Yo vi algo la otra noche en la televisión.
The U.S. Government funded experiments on live aborted babies. Gobierno de los EE.UU. financiado experimentos con bebés vivos abortados. "The New England Journal of Medicine" reports that tissue cultures are obtained by dropping still living babies in the meat grinder after abortions, and they determine something from the culture that is produced in that. "The New England Journal de Medicine" informa de que las culturas son tejidos obtenidos por los bebés que aún viven cayendo en el triturador de carne después de abortos, y determinar algo de la cultura que se produce en esa. Some are thrown away. Algunos son tirar a la basura. Dr. Jay Domingues (sp.) of Dr Jay Domingues (sp.), de New York City La Ciudad de Nueva York wrote, "On any Monday you can see 70 garbage bags with fetal material in them along the sidewalks of abortion clinics in Escribió, "En cualquier lunes puede ver 70 bolsas de basura con materiales fetales en ellos a lo largo de las aceras en las clínicas de aborto New York City La Ciudad de Nueva York ." Again, the "New England Journal" article by Raymond Duff and Professor A. G. M. Campbell (sp.) of Yale acknowledged that over a 21 year period, 14% of babies who died at . "Una vez más, el" New England Journal "por el artículo y el Profesor Raymond Duff Campbell AGM (sp.), de Yale reconocido que más de un 21 años, 14% de los bebés que murieron en Yale Hospital did so through the physician's choice. Lo hicieron a través de la elección del médico. So you are dealing with a very, very, widespread problem. Así que se trata de una muy, muy, problema generalizado.
It is now possible to do to a retarded infant what would be impossible to do to a dog or a cat. Ahora es posible hacer a un niño con retraso lo que sería imposible de hacer a un perro o un gato. In fact, a recent case in De hecho, un caso reciente en California , " Cerlander (sp.) vs. BioScience Labs" makes it possible for children to sue their parents for wrongful life, for letting them live and refusing abortion (this reported in the newsletter, "The American College of Ob-gyn"). , "Cerlander (sp.) vs BioScience Labs" hace posible que los niños a demandar a sus padres por la vida ilícito, para dejar que ellos viven y negándose aborto (esto se informó en el boletín, "The American College de Ob - gyn"). In other words, if your parents didn't abort you and you lived, and you've got severe problems [then] you can sue them for letting you live. En otras palabras, si sus padres no abortar y usted vive, y que tenga graves problemas [entonces] se puede demandar a ellos para dejar su hogar.
Bags of babies are found by trash compactors (as we all know); yet on the other side of this, a wounded American eagle was found recently in Bolsas de los bebés se encuentran por compactadores de basura (como todos sabemos), pero en el otro lado de esto, un águila norteamericana herido fue encontrado recientemente en Maryland and rushed to emergency treatment. Y se apresuraron a tratamiento de emergencia. However, it died and a $5,000 reward was offered for the arrest of whoever injured it. Sin embargo, murió y un $ 5000 recompensa fue ofrecida a la detención de toda persona lesionada. It is illegal to ship a pregnant lobster: it's a $1,000 fine. Es ilegal enviar un embarazadas langosta: se trata de un $ 1000 multa. In the State of En el Estado de Massachusetts there is an anti-cruelty law that makes it illegal to award a goldfish as a prize. Hay una ley de lucha contra la crueldad que se establece la ilegalidad de adjudicación de una ornamentales como premio. Why? ¿Por qué? This is what it says, "To protect the tendency to dull humanitarian feelings and to corrupt morals of those who abuse them." Esto es lo que dice, "A fin de proteger la aburrida tendencia a los sentimientos humanitarios y de corromper la moral de quienes abusan de ellos." The same people that want to save the goldfish are leading the parade, usually, to kill the babies. La misma gente que quiere guardar el ornamentales están dirigiendo el desfile, por lo general, para matar a los bebés.
This of course has developed into a multibillion dollar industry, in the terms of business. Esto por supuesto se ha convertido en una industria de miles de millones de dólares, de la relación de negocios. Many people make their money on this. Muchas personas hacen su dinero en ello. I talked to an abortionist who was attending our church, some years back, and presented to him the gospel. Hablé a un abortionist, quien asistió a nuestra iglesia, algunos años atrás, y que se le presentó el evangelio. We had several meetings together and he understood fully the gospel. Hemos tenido varias reuniones juntos y que entiende plenamente el evangelio. I don't know his spiritual condition at this time, but I remember on the days that I talked with him that he told me that he himself alone did $9,000,000 worth of abortions in a year in his own clinic (that's one doctor). No sé de su condición espiritual en este momento, pero recuerdo que en los días que hablé con él en que él me dijo que él mismo hizo solo $ 9000000 por valor de abortos en un año en su propia clínica (es un médico).
The industry goes beyond just the abortion itself to the products of abortion: the material (the fetus material) which is used for all kinds of things and sold. La industria va más allá de sólo el aborto a sí mismo en los productos del aborto: el material (el feto materiales) que se utiliza para todo tipo de cosas y se vende. It is a massive industry. Se trata de una industria masiva. This even gets more bizarre and there is no need to get into it. Esto es incluso más extraño y no hay necesidad de entrar en él. The whole abortion industry is frightening [and] mind boggling. El conjunto de la industria aborto es alarmante [y] la mente increíble. How a nation of civilized people (if we are civilized; advanced technologically yes, civilized—no), how we can tolerate this is unthinkable, except for the fallenness and the wretched sinfulness of the human heart. ¿Cómo una nación civilizada de las personas (si somos civilizados; avanzados tecnológicamente sí, civilizada, no), cómo podemos tolerar esto es impensable, con la excepción de la fallenness y los miserables pecado del corazón humano.
In other countries in the world people are still reeling from the impact of this. En otros países del mundo la gente todavía se tambalea por el impacto de esta. I will give you one illustration: Voy a darles un ejemplo: Japan Japón has been very aggressive in the abortion field for a number of years, and in Ha sido muy agresivo en el aborto de campo durante varios años, y en Japan Japón there is severe trauma on the part of Japanese women because there have been millions and millions of abortions that have occurred there. Hay traumas graves por parte de las mujeres japonesas porque ha habido millones y millones de abortos que se han producido allí. Over the last say 40 years, in En los últimos decir 40 años, en Japan Japón there has been an excess of 50,000,000 abortions that are known. Ha habido un exceso de 50000000 abortos que se conocen. The women have been traumatized by these abortions, in terms of their own emotional life, and so the Buddhists have erected temples for the expressed purpose of dealing with the issue of abortion. Las mujeres han sido traumatizados por estos abortos, en términos de su propia vida emocional, y por lo que los budistas han erigido templos para el expresado fin de hacer frente a la cuestión del aborto. These are temples which memorialized what are called "water babies" (this is a term for an aborted child). A "water baby," those who perish by abortion. Estos son los templos que conmemora lo que se llama "agua bebés" (este es un término para un niño abortado). A "agua bebé", a los que perecen por aborto.
In order to secure peace for their departed souls, these women come to these places. Con el fin de asegurar la paz para sus almas partió, estas mujeres llegan a estos lugares. And they are now aware of the fact in their own conscience (at least they assume this to be true without biblical revelation) that these little aborted "water babies" have a soul, and they have got to do something for the departed soul; so the Buddhists, in their religion, have erected temples where the departed souls of "water babies" can be attended to by penitent mothers. Y ellos son conscientes de la realidad en su propia conciencia (al menos que asuman esto es cierto, sin revelación bíblica) que estos pequeños abortado "agua bebés" tienen un alma, y ellos tienen que hacer algo por el alma partió, de manera Los budistas, en su religión, se han erigido templos donde las almas de los difuntos "agua bebés" pueden ser atendidos por las madres penitente. For somewhere between $340 and $640 a grieving mother can purchase a small stone Buddha. Por entre $ 340 y $ 640 un duelo madre puede adquirir una pequeña piedra de Buda. And somehow purchasing this small stone Buddha not only feeds the business enterprise but relieves some of the anxiety and, apparently, does something for the departed soul of the baby. Y de alguna manera la compra de esta pequeña piedra de Buda, no sólo alimenta la empresa, pero algunos de los alivia la ansiedad y, al parecer, hace algo para el alma partió de la bebé.
In one temple alone, tens of thousands of these have been sold; the grounds have become a commercial attraction where visitors pay to come and take pictures of women who are there agonizing over their departed "water babies." En un solo templo, decenas de miles de ellos han sido vendidos, los motivos se han convertido en una atracción comercial, donde los visitantes pagan por venir y tomar fotos de las mujeres que están allí partió agonizante sobre sus "bebés de agua." Priests will offer prayers at that place for "water babies" at $120 per baby and $40 for each additional baby that you have aborted. Los sacerdotes se ofrecen oraciones en lugar de que "el agua bebés", en 120 dólares por niño y $ 40 por cada bebé que ha abortado. That is just one illustration from one country of the trauma that has occurred in the lives of these women. Esto es sólo una ilustración de un país de los traumas que se ha producido en las vidas de estas mujeres.
400% to 800% is the range of statistic figures that regard suicide; somewhere between 400% and 800% of suicide rates increase in women who have had abortions. 400% a 800% es el rango de estadística de las cifras respecto de que el suicidio; entre 400% y 800% de aumento de las tasas de suicidio en las mujeres que han tenido abortos. Hypochondria, depression, withdrawal, guilt, shame, drugs, alcohol dependency, serious emotional trauma—all of these come from abortions. Hipocondría, la depresión, la retirada, la culpa, la vergüenza, las drogas, el alcohol dependencia, graves traumas emocionales, todas ellas proceden de abortos. Six to seven times more women die each year from legal than illegal abortions. Seis a siete veces más mujeres mueren cada año a causa de abortos ilegales que legales. So the whole thing is a very, very frightening, frightening scenario. Así que todo esto es un muy, muy aterrador, espantoso escenario.
Just a few more things, and I am not going to give you all the documentation, although I have it in hand—but let me just read you some of the things that are coming out of this abortion issue with regard to how it impacts women: Sólo un par de cosas más, y no voy a darle toda la documentación, aunque lo tengo en la mano, pero quiero que usted acaba de leer algunas de las cosas que están saliendo de aborto esta cuestión con respecto a la manera en que incide la mujer :
1. The risk of pregnancy outside the womb which threatens the mother's life, is doubled for women who have had one abortion, and quadrupled where there has been two or more. El riesgo de embarazo fuera del útero que pone en peligro la vida de la madre, es el doble para las mujeres que han tenido un aborto, y se cuadruplicó donde ha habido dos o más.
2. Miscarriages are almost twice as common for women who have aborted. Abortos involuntarios son casi dos veces más común para las mujeres que han abortado.
3. A study of 26,000 births indicated a more than threefold increase in the number of stillborn babies and deaths of newborns among mothers who have had an abortion. Un estudio de 26000 nacimientos más que indicó un triple aumento en el número de recién nacidos muertos y muertes de los recién nacidos entre las madres que han tenido un aborto.
4. Since about two or three women per hundred need a blood transfusion, there is an increased risk of exposure to hepatitis and AIDS. Dado que alrededor de dos o tres mujeres por cien necesita una transfusión de sangre, existe un mayor riesgo de exposición a la hepatitis y el SIDA.
5. Bleeding is more common in subsequent wanted pregnancies. Sangrado es más común en los embarazos posteriores quería.
6. Many researchers have observed subsequent premature births and low birth weights. Muchos investigadores han observado posteriores nacimientos prematuros y de bajo peso al nacer.
7. Among women who have had abortions there is an increased risk of damage to the cervix. Entre las mujeres que han tenido abortos existe un mayor riesgo de daños en el cuello uterino.
8. A sevenfold increase in "placenta previa " (that's where the placenta covers the birth canal and often requires a Cesarean Section). Un brutal aumento de "la placenta previa" (que es donde la placenta cubre el canal del parto y, a menudo, requiere una Cesarean Section).
9. About twice the risk of breast cancer when abortions were performed in the first trimester, before completing a full term pregnancy. Alrededor de dos veces el riesgo de cáncer de mama cuando se realizaron abortos en el primer trimestre, antes de completar un período completo del embarazo. That's because God, in part, has designed the body to begin to prepare itself for the birth of that child; when that is aborted it creates certain risk factors in the body as the body retreats to try to compensate. Esto es porque Dios, en parte, ha diseñado el cuerpo para comenzar a prepararse para el nacimiento de ese niño, que cuando se interrumpe crea ciertos factores de riesgo en el cuerpo como el cuerpo retiros para tratar de compensar.
10. There is up to 30% greater risk of pelvic infection. Hay hasta un 30% mayor riesgo de infección pélvica.
The statistics, however, are probably even grimmer since a woman who is injured will rarely go back to the doctor or facility where it occurred. Las estadísticas, sin embargo, son probablemente aún grimmer ya que una mujer que está lesionado raramente volver al médico o la instalación donde ocurrió. Furthermore, complications often develop later and are not reported in connection with the abortion that caused them, nor is death always linked to abortion in reports and in death certificates. Además, las complicaciones suelen desarrollar más tarde y no se informa en relación con el aborto que les causó, ni es la muerte siempre vinculado al aborto en los informes y en los certificados de defunción.
When you look at the emotional effect, as I noted about the women in Cuando uno se fija en el efecto emocional, como señalé acerca de la mujer en Japan Japón , you find all kinds of interesting things: , Usted encuentra todo tipo de cosas interesantes:
1. Women having prior emotional or mental problems often become worse, and having an abortion produced such problems in women who previously had none. Las mujeres antes de haber problemas emocionales o mentales a menudo empeorado, y tener un aborto producido este tipo de problemas en las mujeres que anteriormente no tenían ninguna.
2. Women who have had an abortion are more likely to experience guilt, depression, and be suicidal. Las mujeres que han tenido un aborto tienen más probabilidades de experimentar culpabilidad, depresión, y se suicida. However, the claim that a woman will commit suicide if she is denied an abortion (and that's what the liberationists tell us) is highly unlikely, because suicide is almost nonexistent among pregnant women. Sin embargo, la afirmación de que una mujer de cometer suicidio si se le niega un aborto (y eso es lo que la liberationists nos dicen) es muy poco probable, ya que el suicidio es casi inexistente entre las mujeres embarazadas. Over a 20 year period, 13,500 Swedish women were refused abortions—only three committed suicide. Más de un 20 años, 13500 mujeres suecas se negaron abortos, sólo tres se suicidaron. Very, very rare. Muy, muy raras.
3. After an abortion a woman is far more likely to break up with her partner, whether she is married or not. Después de un aborto a una mujer es mucho más probable que romper con su pareja, si está casada o no. Abortion just destroys everybody in the process. Aborto sólo destruye todos en el proceso.
The question then comes, "How did this ever get started? Whoever started this?" La cuestión que se viene, "¿Cómo fue que esto nunca empezar? El que comenzó esto?" Well, sad to say it goes way back. Bueno, por desgracia va camino de regreso. I mean if we want to know where it all started we have to see that it started certainly in the mind of Satan according to John 8:44, "He is a murderer." Quiero decir, si queremos saber donde todos hemos empezado a ver que comenzó duda en la mente de Satanás según Juan 8:44, "El es un asesino". Certainly it started from the same kind of fallen attitude that made Cain kill Able. Por cierto, partimos de la misma clase de actitud que hizo caído matar a Caín Able. Cain was a murderer; that's the expression of fallenness. Caín era un asesino, que es la expresión de fallenness. You can go way back and you will find that there have been efforts on the part of Satan to murder babies in the time of Moses and in the time of Jesus. Puede ir un poco atrás y se dará cuenta de que ha habido esfuerzos por parte de Satanás para asesinar a los bebés en el momento de Moisés y en el tiempo de Jesús. And he was successful, as you know, in the time of Jesus, in massacring babies under the age of two, in order to try an eliminate the Messiah. Y él fue un éxito, como ustedes saben, en los tiempos de Jesús, en la masacre, los bebés menores de dos años, con el fin de intentar una eliminar el Mesías.
Looking around, for example, say the ancient time of Judaism, you can find abortions practiced among pagans, but never among Jews, for obvious reasons. Mirando por todas partes, por ejemplo, dicen que el tiempo antiguo del judaísmo, puede encontrar abortos practicados entre los paganos, pero nunca entre los Judios, por razones obvias. They knew that life was sacred; life was granted by God, and they used to "camp" on the second great commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself;" and since a baby conceived was a person that became their neighbor and therefore to harm their neighbor would be to violate the second commandment. Sabían que la vida es sagrada, la vida es otorgada por Dios, y que sirve para "campamento" en el segundo gran mandamiento, "Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo", y desde un bebé concebido era una persona que se convirtió en su vecino y, por tanto, a los daños Su vecino sería violar el segundo mandamiento.
Coming into the New Testament time there were also pagans who engaged in abortions, but again Jews did not do it in the New Testament time, nor did the Church. Entrada en el Nuevo Testamento tiempo también hay paganos que participan en abortos, pero de nuevo Judios no lo ha hecho en el Nuevo Testamento el tiempo, ni la Iglesia. Plato and Aristotle both recommended family growth limitation through abortion. Platón y Aristóteles se recomendó la familia a través de la limitación del crecimiento aborto. Abortion was used even in New Testament times among pagans to conceal illicit sex. Aborto fue utilizada incluso en los tiempos del Nuevo Testamento entre los paganos de ocultar el sexo ilícito. If you could remove the evidence, you could remove the stigma of illicit sex. Si se pudieran eliminar las pruebas, se podría eliminar el estigma del sexo ilícito. Rich women also didn't want to leave their wealth to lower class children fathered illegitimately, so while they might have wanted to have an affair with some low classed man, they didn't want to support his child, and so abortion was a way to deal with that. Rich también las mujeres no querían salir de su riqueza a la clase baja niños engendrados ilegítimamente, de modo que puedan tener tiempo que quería tener una aventura con algunas bajas clasificados hombre, que no querían apoyar a su hijo, y así aborto es una forma Para hacer frente a eso. And then, abortion was a way (they said) to preserve their "sex appeal," not to "trouble the womb with bouncing babies." Y luego, aborto es una forma (que dice) para preservar su "llamamiento sexo", no a "problemas con el útero rebote bebés".
Abortion was also a form of contraception. Aborto es también una forma de anticoncepción. In times of ancient cultures, even around the New Testament era, the methods used varied from substances introduced into the womb through the birth canal; sometimes oral drugs or "poisons" as they used to be called; sometimes mixtures that were mixed for the purpose of proving fatal to the unborn infant; sometimes they would bind the body in these very, very, tight ropes or cloths to literally squeeze the womb and crush the life of the child; sometimes they would locate the baby in the womb and take a hard object and smash against that infant in the womb and kill it that way; sometimes using blades and sometimes hooks going up through the birth canal. En tiempos de las culturas antiguas, incluso en torno a la época del Nuevo Testamento, los métodos utilizados variaban de sustancias introducidas en el útero a través del canal del parto; a veces oral de las drogas o "venenos", ya que solía llamarse; a veces las mezclas que se mezclaron con el propósito De los mortales al nacer infantil, que a veces se vinculan a la entidad en estos muy, muy, apretado cables o paños para literalmente exprimir el útero y aplastar la vida del niño; veces que localizar al bebé en el útero y tomar una difícil Objeto y que aplastar contra infantil en el útero y matar de esa manera, a veces usando las hojas y, a veces, ganchos subiendo a través del canal del parto.
Pagans would do this; the Jews always rejected it because life was created by God, and anyone created by God became your neighbor, and to take a life was to violate the second commandment. Paganos que hacer esto; los Judios siempre la rechazó porque la vida fue creada por Dios, y toda persona creada por Dios se hizo a tu prójimo, y para tener una vida fue para violar el segundo mandamiento. The early church then took a strong stand against it. La iglesia primitiva tuvo entonces una posición firme en contra de ella. In the Didache , which is a codification of early church teaching, it says, "Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion." En la Didaché, que es una codificación de principios de la enseñanza de la iglesia, también se señala que "no asesinato de un niño por aborto". Abortion was rejected in another early document, called the Epistle of Barnabus , as contrary to "neighbor centered love;" so you can see the early church picked up on some of the Jewish ideas. Aborto fue rechazada en otro documento de principios, la llamada Epístola de Bernabé, como contrario al "vecino centrado en el amor," así que usted puede ver la iglesia primitiva recogidos de algunos de los judíos de ideas. The Didache , again that same codification of teaching, saw the way of death is full of cursing, murders, adulteries, and murders of children. La Didaché, una vez más que la codificación de la enseñanza misma, vio el camino de la muerte está lleno de insultos, asesinatos, adulteries, y los asesinatos de los niños. They saw the way of death as belonging to those who killed children. Ellos vieron la forma de la muerte como pertenecientes a los que matan a niños. They called them "Corrupters of God's creatures," and in the third century a Latin word even emerged, the word, " abortuwantes " (sp.)—abortionists. Los llamaron "Corrupters de las criaturas de Dios", y en el tercer siglo, una palabra latina surgido incluso, de la palabra, "abortuwantes" (sp.) - abortionists. "Abortion," they said, "brought the judgment of God." "Aborto", dijeron, "interpuso el juicio de Dios."
The Reformation didn't change this; the church has always seen abortion as murder, an act of violence, and a lack of love towards one God has created. La Reforma no modificó este; la iglesia siempre ha visto aborto como asesinato, un acto de violencia, y la falta de amor hacia un Dios ha creado. So it isn't new: the people of God; Por lo tanto, no es nueva: el pueblo de Dios; Israel Israel , stood against it; the church has stood against it; and we must stand against it. , Estaba en contra de ella, la iglesia se ha mantenido en contra de ella, y debemos estar en contra de ella.
Here we are living in a time when this abortion movement has become a massive industry, has become a reflection of our culture, and if you look back a little bit you can see what the pieces were that sort of came together to build the platform on which this whole thing stands. Aquí estamos viviendo en un momento en que este movimiento de aborto se ha convertido en una industria masiva, se ha convertido en un reflejo de nuestra cultura, y si miramos hacia atrás un poco lo que se puede ver las piezas que se tipo de vino juntos en la construcción de la plataforma en Que toda esta cosa está. Let me just see if I can't share some of them with you. Permítanme que si puedo o no compartir algunos de ellos con usted. This whole commitment to abortion started; Todo este compromiso al aborto comenzado;
Step one, the Sexual Revolution—the Sexual Revolution which basically said, "We want to be free to express ourselves sexually." Paso uno, la Revolución Sexual de la Revolución Sexual, que básicamente dice, "Nosotros queremos tener la libertad de expresarnos sexualmente". You go back to the early sixties; everybody has got to be engaged in free love. Usted se remontan a los primeros años sesenta, todo el mundo tiene que participar en el amor libre. Remember the expression "free love;" you remember all the hippies and that whole thing. Recuerde que la expresión "libre de amor," le recordamos a todos los hippies y que todo el asunto. The Sexual Revolution spawned abortion as an industry, because it basically said, "We have to be free to express ourselves sexually, and we don't really need to be dealing with the consequences." La Revolución Sexual generado aborto como una industria, ya que básicamente dice, "Tenemos que tener la libertad de expresarnos sexualmente, y realmente no tienen que hacer frente a las consecuencias." In fact, they would go so far as to say, "If we are going to be free, we women certainly can't be victimized by men. Men can jump in and out of bed with anybody they want all day long, and walk away and there aren't any consequences to them. But what happens to us is—we get pregnant, and so their freedom has no impingement; their freedom has no consequence; their freedom has no detrimental results, but our freedom does. So in order for us to be really free, you have got to eliminate the consequence, the major consequence of free sex, free love, and that is you have got to be able to eliminate pregnancy. Otherwise, we become victimized by men, and we don't want to be victimized by men. De hecho, iría tan lejos como para decir: "Si vamos a ser libres, que la mujer no puede ser víctima de los hombres. Hombres puede saltar dentro y fuera de la cama con alguien que quiere todo el día, y de pie De distancia y que no hay ninguna consecuencia para ellos. Pero lo que ocurre es que nos hemos de quedar embarazada, y por lo que su libertad no tiene molestias, su libertad no tiene ninguna consecuencia, su libertad no tiene resultados negativos, pero no nuestra libertad. Por lo tanto, en Para que podamos ser realmente libre, usted tiene que eliminar la consecuencia, la principal consecuencia de la libertad sexual, el amor libre, y es que usted tiene que ser capaz de eliminar el embarazo. De lo contrario, nos convertimos en víctimas de los hombres, y Don «T quieren ser víctimas de los hombres.
So the Sexual Revolution with its free love really set the stage for the massacring of millions of babies, who were nothing but an intrusion in the fornications and the adulteries of a wretched, degenerate society. Así que la Revolución Sexual con su amor libre realmente creó las condiciones para la masacre, de millones de bebés, que son nada más que una intrusión en las fornicaciones y de la adulteries de un infeliz, degenerar la sociedad.
Then there was a second thing that jumped onto the "bandwagon," apart from this whole free love thing, and that was the deformities issue. Luego hubo una segunda cosa que saltó en el "carro", aparte de todo este amor libre cosa, y esa es la cuestión deformidades. You all remember back in the sixties, the big issue about Thalidomide. Todos recordarán de nuevo en los años sesenta, la gran cuestión sobre la Talidomida. Many women took Thalidomide because it was a birth enhancing drug and it would allow them to get pregnant, whereas they otherwise may not be able to. Muchas mujeres se Talidomida porque se trataba de un aumento de los nacimientos de drogas y les permitiría quedar embarazada, mientras que de otro modo tal vez no puedan. And you may also remember that Thalidomide had some severe side effects, in terms of limbless children that were born. Y usted puede también recordar que la Talidomida tenido algunos efectos secundarios graves, en términos de limbless los niños que han nacido. There were some medical doctors in England who believed that these deformities and other deformities were serious enough to lead them to argue for eugenic abortions; and that, of course, came out of England, as I said, eliminating birth defect children because of the cost on society, because of the trouble they give to parents (they are difficult to deal with); they have all kinds of problems with these children so we ought to come along and say, "Look there is no sense in bringing deformed children into the world, it's a tough enough place anyway." Hubo algunos profesionales de la medicina en Inglaterra, que cree que estas deformidades y otras deformidades eran lo suficientemente graves como para dar lugar a abogar por abortos eugenésicos, y que, por supuesto, salió de España, como ya he dicho, la eliminación de defecto de nacimiento de los niños, porque el costo En la sociedad, debido a los problemas que dan a los padres (que son difíciles de tratar), tienen todo tipo de problemas con estos niños, de modo que tenemos que llegar y decir, "Mira no tiene sentido con lo que los niños deformes en la Mundo, es un lugar bastante difícil de todos modos. " So, they jumped on the bandwagon for their agenda's sake and mounted, as it were, more arguments for abortion. Así que saltó al tren para el bien de su programa y montado, por así decirlo, más argumentos para el aborto.
Then came along the whole Feminist Movement. Entonces se produjo a lo largo de todo el Movimiento Feminista. The Feminist Movement took the expression of sexual freedom one step beyond. El Movimiento Feminista tomó la expresión de la libertad sexual un paso más allá. They basically said, "We not only want to be sexually free without consequence, but we want to be able to put on our blue suit and take our briefcase and go to work every day too. We want to compete in a man's world as equals and if we have to have babies [then] we can't do that." Se trata, fundamentalmente, dijo, "Nosotros no sólo queremos ser libres sexualmente sin consecuencia, pero queremos ser capaces de poner en nuestro traje azul y tomar nuestro maletín e ir a trabajar todos los días también. Queremos competir en el mundo de un hombre en igualdad de condiciones Y si hemos de tener bebés [entonces] no podemos hacer eso. " "Women are not equal," they said, and I am quoting, "to men unless they are rid of childbearing responsibilities." "Las mujeres no son iguales", que dice, y cito, "a los hombres, a menos que estén en edad de librar responsabilidades". Betty Friedan (sp.), who is a leader of the Feminist Movement said, "Women must have abortion as a backup to contraceptive failure." Betty Friedan (sp.), que es un dirigente del Movimiento Feminista dijo: "Las mujeres deben tener una copia de seguridad aborto como a la falta de anticonceptivos." Contraception first, and if it doesn't work then abortion because we can't be bothering with children. Anticoncepción en primer lugar, y si esto no funciona entonces aborto porque no podemos estar molestando a los niños. We have got to go to work and make our way in a man's world. Tenemos que ir a trabajar y hacer nuestro camino en el mundo de un hombre.
So you had the Sexual Revolution compounded by this sort of genetic game playing from those people who wanted to eliminate the deformed from society, and adding to that compound problem is the third feature which is the feminist argument: "If we are going to work in a man's world and to be equal to men in every way, we can't be fussing around at home with kids, so we have got to eliminate them from our lives." Así que tuvo la Revolución Sexual agravado por este tipo de juego genéticos de las personas que querían eliminar la deformada de la sociedad, y añadiendo que el complejo problema que es la tercera característica que es el argumento feminista: "Si vamos a trabajar en Un hombre de mundo y de ser iguales a los hombres en todos los sentidos, no podemos ser fussing alrededor en la casa con los niños, por lo que tenemos que eliminar de nuestras vidas. "
Then you had another component, another piece came into the platform from the population control advocates who were telling us that we all were going to be standing on each others heads if we kept having babies. Entonces usted tiene otro componente, otra pieza entró en la plataforma del control de la población aboga por que se nos dice que todos iban a estar de pie en los demás jefes si mantiene de tener descendencia. We were all going to be crushing each other out of existence because the world was going to be overpopulated; and I read all of that. Todos nos van a aplastar el uno al otro de la existencia, porque el mundo se iba a superpobladas, y he leído todo eso. Don't you remember reading that in the 60's? ¿No te acuerdas de que la lectura en los años 60? Everyone was screaming about overpopulation. Todo el mundo estaba gritando acerca de la superpoblación. I remember finding an old book that was written in 1918, in which a man said, "If something doesn't change—we have too many horses in the streets of Me acuerdo de la búsqueda de un viejo libro que fue escrito en 1918, en el que un hombre dice, "Si algo no cambia, tenemos demasiados caballos en las calles de Chicago , and at the projected rate it's going right now, in another 25 years the city of , Y en la tasa proyectada que va ahora mismo, en otros 25 años la ciudad de Chicago will be 18 feet deep in manure." It is the same kind of reasoning: we are all going to drown in a sea of babies. Será de 18 pies de profundidad en el estiércol. "Es el mismo tipo de razonamiento: todos vamos a ahogar en un mar de los bebés.
All of this fed the building of this platform; it was all material fed into this building project to build the platform upon which the Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion verdict came down on Todo ello alimenta la construcción de esta plataforma, y se ha alimentado todo el material en la construcción de este proyecto de construcción de la plataforma sobre la cual el Roe vs Wade legalizó aborto veredicto vinieron abajo en January 26, 1973 26 de enero de 1973 . At that point the Supreme Court of the En ese momento el Tribunal Supremo de la United States Estados Unidos excluded unborn children from the protection of the 14th amendment, which says, "No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law." Excluidos los niños no nacidos de la protección de la 14 ª enmienda, que dice: "Nadie podrá ser privado de la vida sin el debido proceso de ley". They said, "Unborn children aren't persons." Ellos dijeron, "Unborn los niños no son personas". Yes, they are. Sí, lo son. Yes, they are, and we will see that in a minute. Sí, lo son, y vamos a ver que en un minuto.
One of the professors at the Master's College, Dr. John Pilky (sp.), very astute (teaches in our English Lit. Dept), wrote me a little memo. Uno de los profesores de la Master's College, John Pilky (sp.), muy astuto (enseña en nuestra Inglés Lit. Dept), me escribió una pequeña nota. Listen to what it says, Escuchar lo que dice,
The phrase "Pro Choice" (which is what the Pro abortionists use) strikes me as one of the most depraved, apocalyptically wicked, rhetorical facts in the history of western civilization in the Christian era. La frase "Pro Choice" (que es lo que el Pro abortionists uso) me parece uno de los más depravados, apocalyptically malvados, retórico hechos en la historia de la civilización occidental en la era cristiana. The phrase means "Pro Sin" or "Free to Chose Sin." La frase significa "Pro Sin" o "Libre a Elija Sin." The phrase would actually be less dreadful if it were "Pro Abortion" because that would confine it to the sphere of a particular moral problem, but by turning it to what seems a euphemism, the "Pro Choice" people have rung the final rhetorical "death knell" to the entire Democratic experiment. La frase sería menos terrible si se tratara de "Pro Aborto", ya que se limitará a la esfera de un problema moral, sino por lo que la convierte a lo que parece un eufemismo, el "Pro Choice" de personas han peldaño final de la retórica " Toque de defunción "a todo el experimento Democrática.
The phrase "Pro Choice" means "without conscience, or without inhibition, or without restraint," and it parades itself under the Jeffersonian banner of liberty of conscience and separation of Church and State. La frase "Pro Choice", "sin conciencia, o sin inhibición, o sin moderación", y se desfiles bajo la jeffersoniano bandera de la libertad de conciencia y la separación de la Iglesia y el Estado. As a rhetorical gesture, perfectly designed to function as a political banner, Como gesto retórico, perfectamente diseñado para funcionar como un estandarte político,
this phrase constitutes the last word: the official formulation of official apostate defiance against the God of Christianity. Esta frase constituye la última palabra: la formulación oficial de oficiales apóstata desacato contra el Dios del cristianismo. I am confident that God will answer it apocalyptically. Estoy seguro de que Dios le contestará apocalyptically.
Yes, I believe that he is right. Sí, creo que tiene razón. I believe abortion is the last official stand of the defiant apostate against God. Creo aborto es el último oficial de la desafiante apóstata en contra de Dios. It says, "God, you will not determine who lives or dies—I will!" Se dice, "Dios, no de determinar quien vive o muere, yo!" The ultimate apostasy. En última instancia, la apostasía.
That's where we are in our culture, and we are there by law—the law of our own government. Ahí es donde nos encontramos en nuestra cultura, y estamos allí por la ley - la ley de nuestro propio gobierno. The court ignored the issue of when life begins, which is a medical/scientific issue, even though criminals have been successfully prosecuted for killing unborn children in an attack on a pregnant mother. El tribunal hace caso omiso de la cuestión de cuándo comienza la vida, que es un médico / científicos cuestión, a pesar de los delincuentes han sido enjuiciado por matar niños no nacidos en un ataque a una madre embarazada. That child is considered a non-person if its own mother decides to kill it; if a criminal kills it they are prosecuted; if the mother kills it is a non-person. Ese niño es considerado una persona, si no su propia madre decide acabar con él, si un criminal que mata a su acción de la justicia; mata a la madre si se trata de una persona no.
As far a I can tell, and my research may not be exhaustive, but as far as I can tell, there is no nation on the face of the earth with a more permissive abortion policy than the Como ahora ha sido que puedo decirles, y mi investigación puede no ser exhaustivo, pero en la medida de lo que puedo decir, no hay nación sobre la faz de la tierra con una política más permisiva que el aborto United States Estados Unidos , with the single exception of , Con la única excepción de China . It is reflective of our prurient, lascivious, immoral, perverted Sexual Revolution; of the deviation from God ordained role for men and women. Es un reflejo de nuestra prurient, lasciva, inmoral, pervertido Revolución Sexual, de la desviación de Dios papel de los hombres y las mujeres. It is reflective of our selfish, materialistic value system. Es un reflejo de nuestra egoísta, materialista sistema de valores. It is reflective, most of all, of our atheistic ethic hostile to God, and we now have a holocaust; and we have a holocaust which God will judge, and I will talk about that tonight, and I will talk about what it means that the blood of the murdered victim cries out from the ground against the one who did the murder. Es reflexivo, sobre todo, de nuestra ética atea hostil a Dios, y ahora tenemos un holocausto, y tenemos un holocausto que Dios juzgará, y voy a hablar de que esta noche, y voy a hablar de lo que significa que La sangre de la víctima clama desde el suelo contra el que hizo el asesinato.
Medical science has clearly established that conception brings about an unique individual life. La ciencia médica ha establecido claramente que conlleva una concepción singular de vida individual. Life begins at conception; that is absolutely a medical fact. La vida comienza en la concepción, lo que es absolutamente un hecho médico. [Here is] an illustration from a secular source, Dr. Jerome LaJunge (sp.), professor of Fundamental Genetics at the University of Rene' De Cart (sp.) in Paris; this is a quote, Life has a very long history but each individual has a very neat beginning—the moment of its conception. [Esta es] un ejemplo de una fuente laica, Dr Jerome LaJunge (sp.), profesor de Genética Fundamental en la Universidad de Rene 'De la Cesta (sp.), en París, lo que es un presupuesto, tiene una vida muy larga historia Pero cada individuo tiene un comienzo muy aseado - el momento de su concepción. The material link is the molecular thread of DNA. El material es el vínculo moleculares hilo de la DNA. In each reproductive cell this ribbon is cut into 23 pieces or chromosomes. En cada célula reproductiva esta cinta se corta en 23 pedazos o cromosomas. As soon as the 23 paternally derived chromosomes are united through fertilization to the 23 maternal ones the full genetic meeting necessary to express all the inborn qualities of the new individual is gathered, i.e., personal constitution. Tan pronto como los 23 paternally derivados cromosomas están unidos a través de la fertilización a los 23 materna que la plena sesión genéticos necesarios para expresar todas las cualidades innatas del nuevo individuo se reunieron, es decir, personal de constitución.
And if I may digress from the quote a moment to say: everything is there that is reflected in full adulthood; all the component building material is there. LaJunge goes on to write, Y si se me permite apartarme de la cita un momento para decir: todo está allí, que se refleja en su totalidad la edad adulta, y todos los componente de material de construcción que está ahí. LaJunge sigue para escribir,
At two months of age, the human being is less than one thumb length from the head to the rump. A los dos meses de edad, el ser humano es de menos de un pulgar longitud de la cabeza a la pequeña. He would fit at ease in a nutshell, but everything is there: hands, feet, head, organs, [and] brains; in the fourth week, his consciousness. Él se adapten a la comodidad en una cáscara de nuez, pero todo se encuentra en: manos, pies, cabeza, órganos, cerebro [y]; en la cuarta semana, su conciencia. All are in place. Todos están en su lugar. His heart has been beating for a month already and fingerprints can be detected. Su corazón se ha paliza durante un mes y que ya se puede detectar huellas dactilares. His heart is beating at two months at 150 to 170 beats a minute. Su corazón está golpeando a los dos meses de 150 a 170 latidos por minuto. To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion. Para aceptar el hecho de que después de la fertilización se ha producido un nuevo ser humano ha llegado a ser ya no es una cuestión de gusto o de opinión.
Well, there at least is an introduction to the issue. Bueno, al menos es una introducción a la cuestión. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has voted under pressure, pressure and influence from those who are engaged in a sexual revolution; from those who want to eugenically control who gets to be born or who dies; from those feminists who want to be sure there are no responsibilities that women have that men don't have; from those who would pour unto our agenda, as it were, a fear factor in terms of over-population. El Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos de América ha votado bajo la presión, la presión y la influencia de quienes están comprometidos en una revolución sexual; de los que quieren eugenically control de quién va a nacer o que muere; de las feministas que quieren ser Asegúrese que no responsabilidades que las mujeres tienen de que los hombres no tienen, de los que hasta para nuestro programa, por así decirlo, un factor miedo en términos de exceso de población. All these people have orchestrated, I think, under the control of Satan, the Supreme Court into doing what they did in 1973, and consequently, we are in a holocaust of convenience killing so people can be sexually free, so people don't have to deal with those who are disabled, so women can do whatever they think they want to do to be fulfilled, and so we can live the kind of materialistic, uncomplicated lifestyle that so many people want to live. Todas estas personas han orquestado, a mi juicio, bajo el control de Satanás, el Tribunal Supremo en hacer lo que ellos hicieron en 1973 y, en consecuencia, nos encontramos en un holocausto asesinato de conveniencia para que la gente pueda ser libre sexualmente, de manera que la gente no tiene Para hacer frente a los que son discapacitados, de modo que la mujer puede hacer lo que ellos piensan que quieren hacer que se cumplan, y así podemos vivir el tipo de materialista, sencillo estilo de vida, que a tanta gente quiere vivir. The net effect is we become mass murderers. El efecto neto es que convertirse en asesinos en masa.
With all of that as background we ask this most significant question, which will drive the focus of the rest of our discussion this morning and tonight: and here's the question, "What does the Bible say about all this?" Con todos los antecedentes de lo que pedimos a esta cuestión más importante, que llevará el centro de atención del resto de nuestro debate de esta mañana y esta noche: y he aquí la pregunta, "¿Qué dice la Biblia acerca de todo esto?" I have about five points; I will give you one this morning and the rest tonight. Tengo alrededor de cinco puntos, le ofrezco una de la mañana y el resto de esta noche.
Part 1 & 2 Part 1 & 2
Copyright 1993 Copyright 1993
by Por
John F. MacArthur, Jr. John F. MacArthur, Jr
All rights reserved. Todos los derechos reservados.
As we come this morning to the matter of abortion, before I take you into the scriptures and we look more closely at to what the Bible has to say, it is probably fitting for us to get some kind of a grasp on the issue itself. Al llegar esta mañana a la cuestión del aborto, antes de que en las escrituras y miramos más de cerca a lo que la Biblia tiene que decir, es probablemente adecuado para nosotros, para llegar a algún tipo de comprensión sobre la cuestión en sí. So, I want to address that, if I may, for a moment. Por lo tanto, quiero hablar de ello, si se me permite, por un momento. What I am going to say to you may sound like an article in the newspaper because it is full of statistics and quotes and that kind of thing, but it does set the scene for understanding the issue at hand. Lo que voy a decir puede sonar como un artículo en el periódico, ya que está lleno de estadísticas y de las cotizaciones y que tipo de cosas, pero establece las bases para la comprensión del problema en cuestión.
To sum up what we are experiencing with regard to abortion in Para resumir lo que estamos experimentando en cuanto al aborto en America América , we could simply say, " , No se podría decir, " America América , as a nation, is highly committed by law and by practice to a form of mass murder." And that is really the bottom line. , Como nación, está muy comprometido por la ley y por la práctica a una forma de asesinato en masa. "Y eso es realmente la línea inferior.
This nation, which certainly prides itself on its humanitarianism, is in a murderous cycle of violence that makes the Nazi Holocaust look mild by comparison. Esta nación, que, sin duda, se enorgullece de su humanitarismo, se encuentra en un ciclo de violencia asesina que hace que el Holocausto nazi mirada suave en comparación. Nearly 2,000,000 babies are aborted a year in Casi 2000000 bebés abortados en un año America América . Every third baby conceived now is being murdered. Cada tres bebé concebido ahora está siendo asesinado. Among teenage women there are 736 abortions for every 1,000 births. Entre las mujeres adolescentes hay 736 abortos por cada 1000 nacimientos. Among married women abortions now exceed births! Abortos entre las mujeres casadas ahora superan los nacimientos! More babies are killed than are born. Más bebés que nacen muertos. Some would tell us that there is an abortion about every 15 seconds in Algunos nos dicen que hay un aborto cada 15 segundos en America América .
In some metropolitan hospitals, in the major cities of our nation, abortions far outnumber live births. En algunos hospitales metropolitanos, en las principales ciudades de nuestra nación, ahora son más numerosos abortos nacidos vivos. Planned Parenthood has gone so far as to say, "This is nothing more than a means of preventing disease; pregnancy being noted as a disease." Planificación de la Familia ha llegado tan lejos como para decir: "Esto no es nada más que un medio de prevención de las enfermedades, el embarazo se observó como una enfermedad." If you think that sounds farfetched, I will remind you of a paper by Dr. Willard Kates , from the Planned Parenthood Physicians Association. Si usted piensa que eso parece farfetched, me recuerdo de un documento por el Dr Willard Kates, de la Asociación de Médicos de Planificación de la Familia. The title of the paper is, "Abortion as treatment for unwanted pregnancy: The second sexually transmitted disease." El título del documento es: "Aborto como tratamiento para el embarazo no deseado: La segunda enfermedad de transmisión sexual." "
Pregnancy then is seen by Planned Parenthood as a sexually transmitted disease that needs to be cured by abortion. Embarazo entonces es visto por Planificación de la Familia como una enfermedad de transmisión sexual que necesita ser curado por aborto. Planned Parenthood has somewhere approaching 1,000 abortion clinics doing somewhere approaching 75,000 murders a year, and are receiving millions of dollars of support from the U. S. Government and the Planificación de la Familia disponga de un lugar aproxima 1000 aborto clínicas haciendo algún acercando 75000 homicidios al año, y están recibiendo millones de dólares de apoyo de los EE.UU. y el Gobierno United Way United Way , and other agencies like that. , Y al igual que otros organismos. Our nation, and other nations in the world are frankly wiping out an entire generation of human beings in mass infanticide. Nuestra nación, y de otras naciones en el mundo son francamente acabando con toda una generación de seres humanos en masa infanticidio.
It is estimated that perhaps as many as 75,000,000 babies will be murdered this year around the world—75,000,000! Se estima que el número de bajas 75000000 bebés serán asesinados este año en todo el mundo - 75000000! That's probably conservative. Eso es probablemente conservadora. It's more than all the deaths in all the wars, in all the history of the world. Es más que todas las muertes en todas las guerras, en toda la historia del mundo. This kind of murder is shocking and I don't want to be too shocking, but I want to tell you how it is done and I hope that I don't offend anyone. Este tipo de asesinato es chocante y no quiero ser demasiado vergonzoso, pero quiero decirles cómo se hace y espero que yo no ofender a nadie. The processes of abortion are somewhat frightening and bizarre. Los procesos de aborto son algo extraño y aterrador.
During the First Trimester, the methods are Dilation and Suction, called DNS, or Dilation and Curettage, called DNC; basically this means that a vacuum tears the child in pieces and sucks the pieces out through a tube. Durante el Primer Trimestre, son los métodos de aspiración Dilatación y, de nombre DNS, o Dilatación y Legrado, llamado DNC; Básicamente esto significa que el vacío lágrimas al niño en pedazos y chupa las piezas a través de un tubo. Or, a sharp instrument dismembers the Fetus into sections, and then often forceps are used to crush the head and reduce its size. O bien, un instrumento dismembers el Feto en secciones y, a continuación, a menudo se utilizan pinzas para aplastar la cabeza y reducir su tamaño. This, of course, can result in a torn uterus, a perforated uterus, sterility, [and] things like that. Esto, por supuesto, puede resultar en un desgarrado útero, útero perforado, la esterilidad, [y] las cosas por el estilo.
During the Second Trimester the safe comfortable home of the child, known as the Amniotic Sack, is wounded by a needle which withdraws the Amniotic Fluid and replaces it with a heavy saline solution (which basically burns the child alive), and in 24 to 72 hours the body will expel the dead fetus. Durante el Segundo Trimestre del seguro cómodo hogar del niño, conocida como la Amniótico Sack, es herido por una aguja que se retire el Líquido Amniótico y la sustituye por una gran solución salina (que básicamente quemaduras el niño con vida), y en 24 a 72 Horas, el órgano expulsar el feto muerto.
During the Third Trimester, a Hysterotomy is used—sometimes "prostaglandin," a drug producing delivery by stimulating the uterus falsely into labor. Durante el Tercer Trimestre, un Hysterotomy se utiliza a veces "prostaglandina", un medicamento que estimula la producción de la entrega por el útero falsamente en el trabajo. These sometimes produce children born alive, who are then left to die or even be killed. Estos producen a veces los niños nacidos vivos, que se dejan morir o incluso ser asesinados. A new way being advocated by the Una nueva forma que aboga por la
National Abortion Federation in their recent meetings was advocated at a workshop: puncturing the "soft spot" on the baby's head and then vacuuming out what is in the head. Federación Nacional de Aborto en sus recientes reuniones fue defendido en un taller: puncionar el "punto blando" en la cabeza del bebé y, a continuación, aspirar a cabo lo que está en la cabeza. Another abortionist at that meeting suggested that the length of the baby's foot could be measured and used to determine the price of the abortion. Otro abortionist en esa reunión sugirió que la longitud del pie del bebé puede ser medido y utilizado para determinar el precio del aborto.
It almost sounds primitive, certainly not characteristic of a culture as sophisticated as our is. Es casi sonidos primitivos, desde luego, no característico de una cultura tan avanzada como nuestra es. Even Cesarean Sections are performed as abortions in the Third Trimester. Incluso Cesarean Secciones como abortos se realizan en el Tercer Trimestre. I remember reading about a case in Recuerdo leer sobre un caso en el New York City La Ciudad de Nueva York where twin babies were conceived in the womb. Donde dos bebés fueron concebidos en el seno materno. Both of them had "Down Syndrome" and they were killed by puncturing their hearts directly. A ambos se les había "Síndrome de Down" y que fueron asesinados por puncionar directamente sus corazones. Hundreds of these attempted abortions in the Third Trimester, are born alive and then used in some kind of experimentation. Cientos de estos intentos de abortos en el Tercer Trimestre, han nacido con vida y luego utiliza en algún tipo de experimentación.
The IRS, jumping into the fray, as they are always wanting to do in order to rule on how this all affects our taxes, has ruled, in "Revised Rule 73 dash something," "That parents are entitled to a tax exemption, if after an attempted abortion their child lives for any length of time." El IRS, saltando en la reyerta, ya que son siempre querer hacer a fin de pronunciarse sobre cómo este afecta a todos nuestros impuestos, ha dictaminado, en "revisado Artículo 73 guión algo", "Que los padres tienen derecho a una exención de impuestos, si Después de un intento de aborto de su hijo vive por cualquier período de tiempo. " Now, you tell me how a child, attempted to be aborted, can be considered a dependent child if it lives, but not a child if it dies. Ahora, usted me dice, cómo un niño, trató de ser abortado, puede considerarse un hijo a cargo, si la vida, pero no un niño si muere. What kind of dilemma is that? ¿Qué tipo de dilema es que? I suppose it is the same dilemma that the Van Nuys Police had not long ago, when a woman in Van Nuys had a baby in a bathroom—and she killed it with a razor blade. Supongo que es el mismo dilema que la Policía de Van Nuys no hace mucho tiempo, cuando una mujer en Van Nuys había un bebé en un cuarto de baño - y ella lo mató con una cuchilla de afeitar. Had she killed the baby before it was born, she would have had no problems. Ella había muerto antes de que el bebé nació, no habría tenido problemas. But because she killed it with a razor blade after it was born, she is serving an 11 year prison sentence. Pero porque ella lo mató con una cuchilla de afeitar después de que nació, ella está al servicio de 11 años de prisión. This is the stupidity of Humanism. Esta es la estupidez de humanismo.
Fifteen year olds can get abortions without parental knowledge or consent; in fact, generally the law wants to say that parents are the enemy of the freedom of the child; in fact, even the consent of the spouse is unconstitutional. Quince años de edad pueden obtener abortos sin el conocimiento o consentimiento de sus padres y, de hecho, en general, la ley quiere decir que los padres son el enemigo de la libertad del niño y, de hecho, ni siquiera el consentimiento del cónyuge es inconstitucional. Dead fetuses are used in an industry of business and experimentation. Fetos muertos son utilizados en el sector de los negocios y de la experimentación. The "Journal of Clinical Pathology" indicates that fetal organs have been grafted into mice and rats to see how long they live, and other frightening experiments that I won't even speak about in a public meeting. El "Diario de Patología Clínica", indica que los órganos fetales han sido injertados en ratones y ratas para ver cuánto tiempo viven, y otros experimentos aterrador que aún no voy a hablar en una reunión pública. Squibb Company is involved in paying tens of thousands of dollars to doctors to experiment with fetuses for use in research on high blood pressure drugs, and this is all coming very rapidly. Squibb Company participa en el pago de decenas de miles de dólares a los médicos a experimentar con fetos para su utilización en la investigación sobre la presión arterial elevada drogas, y todo esto es muy próximos rápidamente. I saw something about it the other night on television. Yo vi algo la otra noche en la televisión.
The U.S. Government funded experiments on live aborted babies. Gobierno de los EE.UU. financiado experimentos con bebés vivos abortados. "The New England Journal of Medicine" reports that tissue cultures are obtained by dropping still living babies in the meat grinder after abortions, and they determine something from the culture that is produced in that. "The New England Journal de Medicine" informa de que las culturas son tejidos obtenidos por los bebés que aún viven cayendo en el triturador de carne después de abortos, y determinar algo de la cultura que se produce en esa. Some are thrown away. Algunos son tirar a la basura. Dr. Jay Domingues (sp.) of Dr Jay Domingues (sp.), de New York City La Ciudad de Nueva York wrote, "On any Monday you can see 70 garbage bags with fetal material in them along the sidewalks of abortion clinics in Escribió, "En cualquier lunes puede ver 70 bolsas de basura con materiales fetales en ellos a lo largo de las aceras en las clínicas de aborto New York City La Ciudad de Nueva York ." Again, the "New England Journal" article by Raymond Duff and Professor A. G. M. Campbell (sp.) of Yale acknowledged that over a 21 year period, 14% of babies who died at . "Una vez más, el" New England Journal "por el artículo y el Profesor Raymond Duff Campbell AGM (sp.), de Yale reconocido que más de un 21 años, 14% de los bebés que murieron en Yale Hospital did so through the physician's choice. Lo hicieron a través de la elección del médico. So you are dealing with a very, very, widespread problem. Así que se trata de una muy, muy, problema generalizado.
It is now possible to do to a retarded infant what would be impossible to do to a dog or a cat. Ahora es posible hacer a un niño con retraso lo que sería imposible de hacer a un perro o un gato. In fact, a recent case in De hecho, un caso reciente en California , " Cerlander (sp.) vs. BioScience Labs" makes it possible for children to sue their parents for wrongful life, for letting them live and refusing abortion (this reported in the newsletter, "The American College of Ob-gyn"). , "Cerlander (sp.) vs BioScience Labs" hace posible que los niños a demandar a sus padres por la vida ilícito, para dejar que ellos viven y negándose aborto (esto se informó en el boletín, "The American College de Ob - gyn"). In other words, if your parents didn't abort you and you lived, and you've got severe problems [then] you can sue them for letting you live. En otras palabras, si sus padres no abortar y usted vive, y que tenga graves problemas [entonces] se puede demandar a ellos para dejar su hogar.
Bags of babies are found by trash compactors (as we all know); yet on the other side of this, a wounded American eagle was found recently in Bolsas de los bebés se encuentran por compactadores de basura (como todos sabemos), pero en el otro lado de esto, un águila norteamericana herido fue encontrado recientemente en Maryland and rushed to emergency treatment. Y se apresuraron a tratamiento de emergencia. However, it died and a $5,000 reward was offered for the arrest of whoever injured it. Sin embargo, murió y un $ 5000 recompensa fue ofrecida a la detención de toda persona lesionada. It is illegal to ship a pregnant lobster: it's a $1,000 fine. Es ilegal enviar un embarazadas langosta: se trata de un $ 1000 multa. In the State of En el Estado de Massachusetts there is an anti-cruelty law that makes it illegal to award a goldfish as a prize. Hay una ley de lucha contra la crueldad que se establece la ilegalidad de adjudicación de una ornamentales como premio. Why? ¿Por qué? This is what it says, "To protect the tendency to dull humanitarian feelings and to corrupt morals of those who abuse them." Esto es lo que dice, "A fin de proteger la aburrida tendencia a los sentimientos humanitarios y de corromper la moral de quienes abusan de ellos." The same people that want to save the goldfish are leading the parade, usually, to kill the babies. La misma gente que quiere guardar el ornamentales están dirigiendo el desfile, por lo general, para matar a los bebés.
This of course has developed into a multibillion dollar industry, in the terms of business. Esto por supuesto se ha convertido en una industria de miles de millones de dólares, de la relación de negocios. Many people make their money on this. Muchas personas hacen su dinero en ello. I talked to an abortionist who was attending our church, some years back, and presented to him the gospel. Hablé a un abortionist, quien asistió a nuestra iglesia, algunos años atrás, y que se le presentó el evangelio. We had several meetings together and he understood fully the gospel. Hemos tenido varias reuniones juntos y que entiende plenamente el evangelio. I don't know his spiritual condition at this time, but I remember on the days that I talked with him that he told me that he himself alone did $9,000,000 worth of abortions in a year in his own clinic (that's one doctor). No sé de su condición espiritual en este momento, pero recuerdo que en los días que hablé con él en que él me dijo que él mismo hizo solo $ 9000000 por valor de abortos en un año en su propia clínica (es un médico).
The industry goes beyond just the abortion itself to the products of abortion: the material (the fetus material) which is used for all kinds of things and sold. La industria va más allá de sólo el aborto a sí mismo en los productos del aborto: el material (el feto materiales) que se utiliza para todo tipo de cosas y se vende. It is a massive industry. Se trata de una industria masiva. This even gets more bizarre and there is no need to get into it. Esto es incluso más extraño y no hay necesidad de entrar en él. The whole abortion industry is frightening [and] mind boggling. El conjunto de la industria aborto es alarmante [y] la mente increíble. How a nation of civilized people (if we are civilized; advanced technologically yes, civilized—no), how we can tolerate this is unthinkable, except for the fallenness and the wretched sinfulness of the human heart. ¿Cómo una nación civilizada de las personas (si somos civilizados; avanzados tecnológicamente sí, civilizada, no), cómo podemos tolerar esto es impensable, con la excepción de la fallenness y los miserables pecado del corazón humano.
In other countries in the world people are still reeling from the impact of this. En otros países del mundo la gente todavía se tambalea por el impacto de esta. I will give you one illustration: Voy a darles un ejemplo: Japan Japón has been very aggressive in the abortion field for a number of years, and in Ha sido muy agresivo en el aborto de campo durante varios años, y en Japan Japón there is severe trauma on the part of Japanese women because there have been millions and millions of abortions that have occurred there. Hay traumas graves por parte de las mujeres japonesas porque ha habido millones y millones de abortos que se han producido allí. Over the last say 40 years, in En los últimos decir 40 años, en Japan Japón there has been an excess of 50,000,000 abortions that are known. Ha habido un exceso de 50000000 abortos que se conocen. The women have been traumatized by these abortions, in terms of their own emotional life, and so the Buddhists have erected temples for the expressed purpose of dealing with the issue of abortion. Las mujeres han sido traumatizados por estos abortos, en términos de su propia vida emocional, y por lo que los budistas han erigido templos para el expresado fin de hacer frente a la cuestión del aborto. These are temples which memorialized what are called "water babies" (this is a term for an aborted child). A "water baby," those who perish by abortion. Estos son los templos que conmemora lo que se llama "agua bebés" (este es un término para un niño abortado). A "agua bebé", a los que perecen por aborto.
In order to secure peace for their departed souls, these women come to these places. Con el fin de asegurar la paz para sus almas partió, estas mujeres llegan a estos lugares. And they are now aware of the fact in their own conscience (at least they assume this to be true without biblical revelation) that these little aborted "water babies" have a soul, and they have got to do something for the departed soul; so the Buddhists, in their religion, have erected temples where the departed souls of "water babies" can be attended to by penitent mothers. Y ellos son conscientes de la realidad en su propia conciencia (al menos que asuman esto es cierto, sin revelación bíblica) que estos pequeños abortado "agua bebés" tienen un alma, y ellos tienen que hacer algo por el alma partió, de manera Los budistas, en su religión, se han erigido templos donde las almas de los difuntos "agua bebés" pueden ser atendidos por las madres penitente. For somewhere between $340 and $640 a grieving mother can purchase a small stone Buddha. Por entre $ 340 y $ 640 un duelo madre puede adquirir una pequeña piedra de Buda. And somehow purchasing this small stone Buddha not only feeds the business enterprise but relieves some of the anxiety and, apparently, does something for the departed soul of the baby. Y de alguna manera la compra de esta pequeña piedra de Buda, no sólo alimenta la empresa, pero algunos de los alivia la ansiedad y, al parecer, hace algo para el alma partió de la bebé.
In one temple alone, tens of thousands of these have been sold; the grounds have become a commercial attraction where visitors pay to come and take pictures of women who are there agonizing over their departed "water babies." En un solo templo, decenas de miles de ellos han sido vendidos, los motivos se han convertido en una atracción comercial, donde los visitantes pagan por venir y tomar fotos de las mujeres que están allí partió agonizante sobre sus "bebés de agua." Priests will offer prayers at that place for "water babies" at $120 per baby and $40 for each additional baby that you have aborted. Los sacerdotes se ofrecen oraciones en lugar de que "el agua bebés", en 120 dólares por niño y $ 40 por cada bebé que ha abortado. That is just one illustration from one country of the trauma that has occurred in the lives of these women. Esto es sólo una ilustración de un país de los traumas que se ha producido en las vidas de estas mujeres.
400% to 800% is the range of statistic figures that regard suicide; somewhere between 400% and 800% of suicide rates increase in women who have had abortions. 400% a 800% es el rango de estadística de las cifras respecto de que el suicidio; entre 400% y 800% de aumento de las tasas de suicidio en las mujeres que han tenido abortos. Hypochondria, depression, withdrawal, guilt, shame, drugs, alcohol dependency, serious emotional trauma—all of these come from abortions. Hipocondría, la depresión, la retirada, la culpa, la vergüenza, las drogas, el alcohol dependencia, graves traumas emocionales, todas ellas proceden de abortos. Six to seven times more women die each year from legal than illegal abortions. Seis a siete veces más mujeres mueren cada año a causa de abortos ilegales que legales. So the whole thing is a very, very frightening, frightening scenario. Así que todo esto es un muy, muy aterrador, espantoso escenario.
Just a few more things, and I am not going to give you all the documentation, although I have it in hand—but let me just read you some of the things that are coming out of this abortion issue with regard to how it impacts women: Sólo un par de cosas más, y no voy a darle toda la documentación, aunque lo tengo en la mano, pero quiero que usted acaba de leer algunas de las cosas que están saliendo de aborto esta cuestión con respecto a la manera en que incide la mujer :
1. The risk of pregnancy outside the womb which threatens the mother's life, is doubled for women who have had one abortion, and quadrupled where there has been two or more. El riesgo de embarazo fuera del útero que pone en peligro la vida de la madre, es el doble para las mujeres que han tenido un aborto, y se cuadruplicó donde ha habido dos o más.
2. Miscarriages are almost twice as common for women who have aborted. Abortos involuntarios son casi dos veces más común para las mujeres que han abortado.
3. A study of 26,000 births indicated a more than threefold increase in the number of stillborn babies and deaths of newborns among mothers who have had an abortion. Un estudio de 26000 nacimientos más que indicó un triple aumento en el número de recién nacidos muertos y muertes de los recién nacidos entre las madres que han tenido un aborto.
4. Since about two or three women per hundred need a blood transfusion, there is an increased risk of exposure to hepatitis and AIDS. Dado que alrededor de dos o tres mujeres por cien necesita una transfusión de sangre, existe un mayor riesgo de exposición a la hepatitis y el SIDA.
5. Bleeding is more common in subsequent wanted pregnancies. Sangrado es más común en los embarazos posteriores quería.
6. Many researchers have observed subsequent premature births and low birth weights. Muchos investigadores han observado posteriores nacimientos prematuros y de bajo peso al nacer.
7. Among women who have had abortions there is an increased risk of damage to the cervix. Entre las mujeres que han tenido abortos existe un mayor riesgo de daños en el cuello uterino.
8. A sevenfold increase in "placenta previa " (that's where the placenta covers the birth canal and often requires a Cesarean Section). Un brutal aumento de "la placenta previa" (que es donde la placenta cubre el canal del parto y, a menudo, requiere una Cesarean Section).
9. About twice the risk of breast cancer when abortions were performed in the first trimester, before completing a full term pregnancy. Alrededor de dos veces el riesgo de cáncer de mama cuando se realizaron abortos en el primer trimestre, antes de completar un período completo del embarazo. That's because God, in part, has designed the body to begin to prepare itself for the birth of that child; when that is aborted it creates certain risk factors in the body as the body retreats to try to compensate. Esto es porque Dios, en parte, ha diseñado el cuerpo para comenzar a prepararse para el nacimiento de ese niño, que cuando se interrumpe crea ciertos factores de riesgo en el cuerpo como el cuerpo retiros para tratar de compensar.
10. There is up to 30% greater risk of pelvic infection. Hay hasta un 30% mayor riesgo de infección pélvica.
The statistics, however, are probably even grimmer since a woman who is injured will rarely go back to the doctor or facility where it occurred. Las estadísticas, sin embargo, son probablemente aún grimmer ya que una mujer que está lesionado raramente volver al médico o la instalación donde ocurrió. Furthermore, complications often develop later and are not reported in connection with the abortion that caused them, nor is death always linked to abortion in reports and in death certificates. Además, las complicaciones suelen desarrollar más tarde y no se informa en relación con el aborto que les causó, ni es la muerte siempre vinculado al aborto en los informes y en los certificados de defunción.
When you look at the emotional effect, as I noted about the women in Cuando uno se fija en el efecto emocional, como señalé acerca de la mujer en Japan Japón , you find all kinds of interesting things: , Usted encuentra todo tipo de cosas interesantes:
1. Women having prior emotional or mental problems often become worse, and having an abortion produced such problems in women who previously had none. Las mujeres antes de haber problemas emocionales o mentales a menudo empeorado, y tener un aborto producido este tipo de problemas en las mujeres que anteriormente no tenían ninguna.
2. Women who have had an abortion are more likely to experience guilt, depression, and be suicidal. Las mujeres que han tenido un aborto tienen más probabilidades de experimentar culpabilidad, depresión, y se suicida. However, the claim that a woman will commit suicide if she is denied an abortion (and that's what the liberationists tell us) is highly unlikely, because suicide is almost nonexistent among pregnant women. Sin embargo, la afirmación de que una mujer de cometer suicidio si se le niega un aborto (y eso es lo que la liberationists nos dicen) es muy poco probable, ya que el suicidio es casi inexistente entre las mujeres embarazadas. Over a 20 year period, 13,500 Swedish women were refused abortions—only three committed suicide. Más de un 20 años, 13500 mujeres suecas se negaron abortos, sólo tres se suicidaron. Very, very rare. Muy, muy raras.
3. After an abortion a woman is far more likely to break up with her partner, whether she is married or not. Después de un aborto a una mujer es mucho más probable que romper con su pareja, si está casada o no. Abortion just destroys everybody in the process. Aborto sólo destruye todos en el proceso.
The question then comes, "How did this ever get started? Whoever started this?" La cuestión que se viene, "¿Cómo fue que esto nunca empezar? El que comenzó esto?" Well, sad to say it goes way back. Bueno, por desgracia va camino de regreso. I mean if we want to know where it all started we have to see that it started certainly in the mind of Satan according to John 8:44, "He is a murderer." Quiero decir, si queremos saber donde todos hemos empezado a ver que comenzó duda en la mente de Satanás según Juan 8:44, "El es un asesino". Certainly it started from the same kind of fallen attitude that made Cain kill Able. Por cierto, partimos de la misma clase de actitud que hizo caído matar a Caín Able. Cain was a murderer; that's the expression of fallenness. Caín era un asesino, que es la expresión de fallenness. You can go way back and you will find that there have been efforts on the part of Satan to murder babies in the time of Moses and in the time of Jesus. Puede ir un poco atrás y se dará cuenta de que ha habido esfuerzos por parte de Satanás para asesinar a los bebés en el momento de Moisés y en el tiempo de Jesús. And he was successful, as you know, in the time of Jesus, in massacring babies under the age of two, in order to try an eliminate the Messiah. Y él fue un éxito, como ustedes saben, en los tiempos de Jesús, en la masacre, los bebés menores de dos años, con el fin de intentar una eliminar el Mesías.
Looking around, for example, say the ancient time of Judaism, you can find abortions practiced among pagans, but never among Jews, for obvious reasons. Mirando por todas partes, por ejemplo, dicen que el tiempo antiguo del judaísmo, puede encontrar abortos practicados entre los paganos, pero nunca entre los Judios, por razones obvias. They knew that life was sacred; life was granted by God, and they used to "camp" on the second great commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself;" and since a baby conceived was a person that became their neighbor and therefore to harm their neighbor would be to violate the second commandment. Sabían que la vida es sagrada, la vida es otorgada por Dios, y que sirve para "campamento" en el segundo gran mandamiento, "Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo", y desde un bebé concebido era una persona que se convirtió en su vecino y, por tanto, a los daños Su vecino sería violar el segundo mandamiento.
Coming into the New Testament time there were also pagans who engaged in abortions, but again Jews did not do it in the New Testament time, nor did the Church. Entrada en el Nuevo Testamento tiempo también hay paganos que participan en abortos, pero de nuevo Judios no lo ha hecho en el Nuevo Testamento el tiempo, ni la Iglesia. Plato and Aristotle both recommended family growth limitation through abortion. Platón y Aristóteles se recomendó la familia a través de la limitación del crecimiento aborto. Abortion was used even in New Testament times among pagans to conceal illicit sex. Aborto fue utilizada incluso en los tiempos del Nuevo Testamento entre los paganos de ocultar el sexo ilícito. If you could remove the evidence, you could remove the stigma of illicit sex. Si se pudieran eliminar las pruebas, se podría eliminar el estigma del sexo ilícito. Rich women also didn't want to leave their wealth to lower class children fathered illegitimately, so while they might have wanted to have an affair with some low classed man, they didn't want to support his child, and so abortion was a way to deal with that. Rich también las mujeres no querían salir de su riqueza a la clase baja niños engendrados ilegítimamente, de modo que puedan tener tiempo que quería tener una aventura con algunas bajas clasificados hombre, que no querían apoyar a su hijo, y así aborto es una forma Para hacer frente a eso. And then, abortion was a way (they said) to preserve their "sex appeal," not to "trouble the womb with bouncing babies." Y luego, aborto es una forma (que dice) para preservar su "llamamiento sexo", no a "problemas con el útero rebote bebés".
Abortion was also a form of contraception. Aborto es también una forma de anticoncepción. In times of ancient cultures, even around the New Testament era, the methods used varied from substances introduced into the womb through the birth canal; sometimes oral drugs or "poisons" as they used to be called; sometimes mixtures that were mixed for the purpose of proving fatal to the unborn infant; sometimes they would bind the body in these very, very, tight ropes or cloths to literally squeeze the womb and crush the life of the child; sometimes they would locate the baby in the womb and take a hard object and smash against that infant in the womb and kill it that way; sometimes using blades and sometimes hooks going up through the birth canal. En tiempos de las culturas antiguas, incluso en torno a la época del Nuevo Testamento, los métodos utilizados variaban de sustancias introducidas en el útero a través del canal del parto; a veces oral de las drogas o "venenos", ya que solía llamarse; a veces las mezclas que se mezclaron con el propósito De los mortales al nacer infantil, que a veces se vinculan a la entidad en estos muy, muy, apretado cables o paños para literalmente exprimir el útero y aplastar la vida del niño; veces que localizar al bebé en el útero y tomar una difícil Objeto y que aplastar contra infantil en el útero y matar de esa manera, a veces usando las hojas y, a veces, ganchos subiendo a través del canal del parto.
Pagans would do this; the Jews always rejected it because life was created by God, and anyone created by God became your neighbor, and to take a life was to violate the second commandment. Paganos que hacer esto; los Judios siempre la rechazó porque la vida fue creada por Dios, y toda persona creada por Dios se hizo a tu prójimo, y para tener una vida fue para violar el segundo mandamiento. The early church then took a strong stand against it. La iglesia primitiva tuvo entonces una posición firme en contra de ella. In the Didache , which is a codification of early church teaching, it says, "Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion." En la Didaché, que es una codificación de principios de la enseñanza de la iglesia, también se señala que "no asesinato de un niño por aborto". Abortion was rejected in another early document, called the Epistle of Barnabus , as contrary to "neighbor centered love;" so you can see the early church picked up on some of the Jewish ideas. Aborto fue rechazada en otro documento de principios, la llamada Epístola de Bernabé, como contrario al "vecino centrado en el amor," así que usted puede ver la iglesia primitiva recogidos de algunos de los judíos de ideas. The Didache , again that same codification of teaching, saw the way of death is full of cursing, murders, adulteries, and murders of children. La Didaché, una vez más que la codificación de la enseñanza misma, vio el camino de la muerte está lleno de insultos, asesinatos, adulteries, y los asesinatos de los niños. They saw the way of death as belonging to those who killed children. Ellos vieron la forma de la muerte como pertenecientes a los que matan a niños. They called them "Corrupters of God's creatures," and in the third century a Latin word even emerged, the word, " abortuwantes " (sp.)—abortionists. Los llamaron "Corrupters de las criaturas de Dios", y en el tercer siglo, una palabra latina surgido incluso, de la palabra, "abortuwantes" (sp.) - abortionists. "Abortion," they said, "brought the judgment of God." "Aborto", dijeron, "interpuso el juicio de Dios."
The Reformation didn't change this; the church has always seen abortion as murder, an act of violence, and a lack of love towards one God has created. La Reforma no modificó este; la iglesia siempre ha visto aborto como asesinato, un acto de violencia, y la falta de amor hacia un Dios ha creado. So it isn't new: the people of God; Por lo tanto, no es nueva: el pueblo de Dios; Israel Israel , stood against it; the church has stood against it; and we must stand against it. , Estaba en contra de ella, la iglesia se ha mantenido en contra de ella, y debemos estar en contra de ella.
Here we are living in a time when this abortion movement has become a massive industry, has become a reflection of our culture, and if you look back a little bit you can see what the pieces were that sort of came together to build the platform on which this whole thing stands. Aquí estamos viviendo en un momento en que este movimiento de aborto se ha convertido en una industria masiva, se ha convertido en un reflejo de nuestra cultura, y si miramos hacia atrás un poco lo que se puede ver las piezas que se tipo de vino juntos en la construcción de la plataforma en Que toda esta cosa está. Let me just see if I can't share some of them with you. Permítanme que si puedo o no compartir algunos de ellos con usted. This whole commitment to abortion started; Todo este compromiso al aborto comenzado;
Step one, the Sexual Revolution—the Sexual Revolution which basically said, "We want to be free to express ourselves sexually." Paso uno, la Revolución Sexual de la Revolución Sexual, que básicamente dice, "Nosotros queremos tener la libertad de expresarnos sexualmente". You go back to the early sixties; everybody has got to be engaged in free love. Usted se remontan a los primeros años sesenta, todo el mundo tiene que participar en el amor libre. Remember the expression "free love;" you remember all the hippies and that whole thing. Recuerde que la expresión "libre de amor," le recordamos a todos los hippies y que todo el asunto. The Sexual Revolution spawned abortion as an industry, because it basically said, "We have to be free to express ourselves sexually, and we don't really need to be dealing with the consequences." La Revolución Sexual generado aborto como una industria, ya que básicamente dice, "Tenemos que tener la libertad de expresarnos sexualmente, y realmente no tienen que hacer frente a las consecuencias." In fact, they would go so far as to say, "If we are going to be free, we women certainly can't be victimized by men. Men can jump in and out of bed with anybody they want all day long, and walk away and there aren't any consequences to them. But what happens to us is—we get pregnant, and so their freedom has no impingement; their freedom has no consequence; their freedom has no detrimental results, but our freedom does. So in order for us to be really free, you have got to eliminate the consequence, the major consequence of free sex, free love, and that is you have got to be able to eliminate pregnancy. Otherwise, we become victimized by men, and we don't want to be victimized by men. De hecho, iría tan lejos como para decir: "Si vamos a ser libres, que la mujer no puede ser víctima de los hombres. Hombres puede saltar dentro y fuera de la cama con alguien que quiere todo el día, y de pie De distancia y que no hay ninguna consecuencia para ellos. Pero lo que ocurre es que nos hemos de quedar embarazada, y por lo que su libertad no tiene molestias, su libertad no tiene ninguna consecuencia, su libertad no tiene resultados negativos, pero no nuestra libertad. Por lo tanto, en Para que podamos ser realmente libre, usted tiene que eliminar la consecuencia, la principal consecuencia de la libertad sexual, el amor libre, y es que usted tiene que ser capaz de eliminar el embarazo. De lo contrario, nos convertimos en víctimas de los hombres, y Don «T quieren ser víctimas de los hombres.
So the Sexual Revolution with its free love really set the stage for the massacring of millions of babies, who were nothing but an intrusion in the fornications and the adulteries of a wretched, degenerate society. Así que la Revolución Sexual con su amor libre realmente creó las condiciones para la masacre, de millones de bebés, que son nada más que una intrusión en las fornicaciones y de la adulteries de un infeliz, degenerar la sociedad.
Then there was a second thing that jumped onto the "bandwagon," apart from this whole free love thing, and that was the deformities issue. Luego hubo una segunda cosa que saltó en el "carro", aparte de todo este amor libre cosa, y esa es la cuestión deformidades. You all remember back in the sixties, the big issue about Thalidomide. Todos recordarán de nuevo en los años sesenta, la gran cuestión sobre la Talidomida. Many women took Thalidomide because it was a birth enhancing drug and it would allow them to get pregnant, whereas they otherwise may not be able to. Muchas mujeres se Talidomida porque se trataba de un aumento de los nacimientos de drogas y les permitiría quedar embarazada, mientras que de otro modo tal vez no puedan. And you may also remember that Thalidomide had some severe side effects, in terms of limbless children that were born. Y usted puede también recordar que la Talidomida tenido algunos efectos secundarios graves, en términos de limbless los niños que han nacido. There were some medical doctors in England who believed that these deformities and other deformities were serious enough to lead them to argue for eugenic abortions; and that, of course, came out of England, as I said, eliminating birth defect children because of the cost on society, because of the trouble they give to parents (they are difficult to deal with); they have all kinds of problems with these children so we ought to come along and say, "Look there is no sense in bringing deformed children into the world, it's a tough enough place anyway." Hubo algunos profesionales de la medicina en Inglaterra, que cree que estas deformidades y otras deformidades eran lo suficientemente graves como para dar lugar a abogar por abortos eugenésicos, y que, por supuesto, salió de España, como ya he dicho, la eliminación de defecto de nacimiento de los niños, porque el costo En la sociedad, debido a los problemas que dan a los padres (que son difíciles de tratar), tienen todo tipo de problemas con estos niños, de modo que tenemos que llegar y decir, "Mira no tiene sentido con lo que los niños deformes en la Mundo, es un lugar bastante difícil de todos modos. " So, they jumped on the bandwagon for their agenda's sake and mounted, as it were, more arguments for abortion. Así que saltó al tren para el bien de su programa y montado, por así decirlo, más argumentos para el aborto.
Then came along the whole Feminist Movement. Entonces se produjo a lo largo de todo el Movimiento Feminista. The Feminist Movement took the expression of sexual freedom one step beyond. El Movimiento Feminista tomó la expresión de la libertad sexual un paso más allá. They basically said, "We not only want to be sexually free without consequence, but we want to be able to put on our blue suit and take our briefcase and go to work every day too. We want to compete in a man's world as equals and if we have to have babies [then] we can't do that." Se trata, fundamentalmente, dijo, "Nosotros no sólo queremos ser libres sexualmente sin consecuencia, pero queremos ser capaces de poner en nuestro traje azul y tomar nuestro maletín e ir a trabajar todos los días también. Queremos competir en el mundo de un hombre en igualdad de condiciones Y si hemos de tener bebés [entonces] no podemos hacer eso. " "Women are not equal," they said, and I am quoting, "to men unless they are rid of childbearing responsibilities." "Las mujeres no son iguales", que dice, y cito, "a los hombres, a menos que estén en edad de librar responsabilidades". Betty Friedan (sp.), who is a leader of the Feminist Movement said, "Women must have abortion as a backup to contraceptive failure." Betty Friedan (sp.), que es un dirigente del Movimiento Feminista dijo: "Las mujeres deben tener una copia de seguridad aborto como a la falta de anticonceptivos." Contraception first, and if it doesn't work then abortion because we can't be bothering with children. Anticoncepción en primer lugar, y si esto no funciona entonces aborto porque no podemos estar molestando a los niños. We have got to go to work and make our way in a man's world. Tenemos que ir a trabajar y hacer nuestro camino en el mundo de un hombre.
So you had the Sexual Revolution compounded by this sort of genetic game playing from those people who wanted to eliminate the deformed from society, and adding to that compound problem is the third feature which is the feminist argument: "If we are going to work in a man's world and to be equal to men in every way, we can't be fussing around at home with kids, so we have got to eliminate them from our lives." Así que tuvo la Revolución Sexual agravado por este tipo de juego genéticos de las personas que querían eliminar la deformada de la sociedad, y añadiendo que el complejo problema que es la tercera característica que es el argumento feminista: "Si vamos a trabajar en Un hombre de mundo y de ser iguales a los hombres en todos los sentidos, no podemos ser fussing alrededor en la casa con los niños, por lo que tenemos que eliminar de nuestras vidas. "
Then you had another component, another piece came into the platform from the population control advocates who were telling us that we all were going to be standing on each others heads if we kept having babies. Entonces usted tiene otro componente, otra pieza entró en la plataforma del control de la población aboga por que se nos dice que todos iban a estar de pie en los demás jefes si mantiene de tener descendencia. We were all going to be crushing each other out of existence because the world was going to be overpopulated; and I read all of that. Todos nos van a aplastar el uno al otro de la existencia, porque el mundo se iba a superpobladas, y he leído todo eso. Don't you remember reading that in the 60's? ¿No te acuerdas de que la lectura en los años 60? Everyone was screaming about overpopulation. Todo el mundo estaba gritando acerca de la superpoblación. I remember finding an old book that was written in 1918, in which a man said, "If something doesn't change—we have too many horses in the streets of Me acuerdo de la búsqueda de un viejo libro que fue escrito en 1918, en el que un hombre dice, "Si algo no cambia, tenemos demasiados caballos en las calles de Chicago , and at the projected rate it's going right now, in another 25 years the city of , Y en la tasa proyectada que va ahora mismo, en otros 25 años la ciudad de Chicago will be 18 feet deep in manure." It is the same kind of reasoning: we are all going to drown in a sea of babies. Será de 18 pies de profundidad en el estiércol. "Es el mismo tipo de razonamiento: todos vamos a ahogar en un mar de los bebés.
All of this fed the building of this platform; it was all material fed into this building project to build the platform upon which the Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion verdict came down on Todo ello alimenta la construcción de esta plataforma, y se ha alimentado todo el material en la construcción de este proyecto de construcción de la plataforma sobre la cual el Roe vs Wade legalizó aborto veredicto vinieron abajo en January 26, 1973 26 de enero de 1973 . At that point the Supreme Court of the En ese momento el Tribunal Supremo de la United States Estados Unidos excluded unborn children from the protection of the 14th amendment, which says, "No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law." Excluidos los niños no nacidos de la protección de la 14 ª enmienda, que dice: "Nadie podrá ser privado de la vida sin el debido proceso de ley". They said, "Unborn children aren't persons." Ellos dijeron, "Unborn los niños no son personas". Yes, they are. Sí, lo son. Yes, they are, and we will see that in a minute. Sí, lo son, y vamos a ver que en un minuto.
One of the professors at the Master's College, Dr. John Pilky (sp.), very astute (teaches in our English Lit. Dept), wrote me a little memo. Uno de los profesores de la Master's College, John Pilky (sp.), muy astuto (enseña en nuestra Inglés Lit. Dept), me escribió una pequeña nota. Listen to what it says, Escuchar lo que dice,
The phrase "Pro Choice" (which is what the Pro abortionists use) strikes me as one of the most depraved, apocalyptically wicked, rhetorical facts in the history of western civilization in the Christian era. La frase "Pro Choice" (que es lo que el Pro abortionists uso) me parece uno de los más depravados, apocalyptically malvados, retórico hechos en la historia de la civilización occidental en la era cristiana. The phrase means "Pro Sin" or "Free to Chose Sin." La frase significa "Pro Sin" o "Libre a Elija Sin." The phrase would actually be less dreadful if it were "Pro Abortion" because that would confine it to the sphere of a particular moral problem, but by turning it to what seems a euphemism, the "Pro Choice" people have rung the final rhetorical "death knell" to the entire Democratic experiment. La frase sería menos terrible si se tratara de "Pro Aborto", ya que se limitará a la esfera de un problema moral, sino por lo que la convierte a lo que parece un eufemismo, el "Pro Choice" de personas han peldaño final de la retórica " Toque de defunción "a todo el experimento Democrática.
The phrase "Pro Choice" means "without conscience, or without inhibition, or without restraint," and it parades itself under the Jeffersonian banner of liberty of conscience and separation of Church and State. La frase "Pro Choice", "sin conciencia, o sin inhibición, o sin moderación", y se desfiles bajo la jeffersoniano bandera de la libertad de conciencia y la separación de la Iglesia y el Estado. As a rhetorical gesture, perfectly designed to function as a political banner, Como gesto retórico, perfectamente diseñado para funcionar como un estandarte político,
this phrase constitutes the last word: the official formulation of official apostate defiance against the God of Christianity. Esta frase constituye la última palabra: la formulación oficial de oficiales apóstata desacato contra el Dios del cristianismo. I am confident that God will answer it apocalyptically. Estoy seguro de que Dios le contestará apocalyptically.
Yes, I believe that he is right. Sí, creo que tiene razón. I believe abortion is the last official stand of the defiant apostate against God. Creo aborto es el último oficial de la desafiante apóstata en contra de Dios. It says, "God, you will not determine who lives or dies—I will!" Se dice, "Dios, no de determinar quien vive o muere, yo!" The ultimate apostasy. En última instancia, la apostasía.
That's where we are in our culture, and we are there by law—the law of our own government. Ahí es donde nos encontramos en nuestra cultura, y estamos allí por la ley - la ley de nuestro propio gobierno. The court ignored the issue of when life begins, which is a medical/scientific issue, even though criminals have been successfully prosecuted for killing unborn children in an attack on a pregnant mother. El tribunal hace caso omiso de la cuestión de cuándo comienza la vida, que es un médico / científicos cuestión, a pesar de los delincuentes han sido enjuiciado por matar niños no nacidos en un ataque a una madre embarazada. That child is considered a non-person if its own mother decides to kill it; if a criminal kills it they are prosecuted; if the mother kills it is a non-person. Ese niño es considerado una persona, si no su propia madre decide acabar con él, si un criminal que mata a su acción de la justicia; mata a la madre si se trata de una persona no.
As far a I can tell, and my research may not be exhaustive, but as far as I can tell, there is no nation on the face of the earth with a more permissive abortion policy than the Como ahora ha sido que puedo decirles, y mi investigación puede no ser exhaustivo, pero en la medida de lo que puedo decir, no hay nación sobre la faz de la tierra con una política más permisiva que el aborto United States Estados Unidos , with the single exception of , Con la única excepción de China . It is reflective of our prurient, lascivious, immoral, perverted Sexual Revolution; of the deviation from God ordained role for men and women. Es un reflejo de nuestra prurient, lasciva, inmoral, pervertido Revolución Sexual, de la desviación de Dios papel de los hombres y las mujeres. It is reflective of our selfish, materialistic value system. Es un reflejo de nuestra egoísta, materialista sistema de valores. It is reflective, most of all, of our atheistic ethic hostile to God, and we now have a holocaust; and we have a holocaust which God will judge, and I will talk about that tonight, and I will talk about what it means that the blood of the murdered victim cries out from the ground against the one who did the murder. Es reflexivo, sobre todo, de nuestra ética atea hostil a Dios, y ahora tenemos un holocausto, y tenemos un holocausto que Dios juzgará, y voy a hablar de que esta noche, y voy a hablar de lo que significa que La sangre de la víctima clama desde el suelo contra el que hizo el asesinato.
Medical science has clearly established that conception brings about an unique individual life. La ciencia médica ha establecido claramente que conlleva una concepción singular de vida individual. Life begins at conception; that is absolutely a medical fact. La vida comienza en la concepción, lo que es absolutamente un hecho médico. [Here is] an illustration from a secular source, Dr. Jerome LaJunge (sp.), professor of Fundamental Genetics at the University of Rene' De Cart (sp.) in Paris; this is a quote, Life has a very long history but each individual has a very neat beginning—the moment of its conception. [Esta es] un ejemplo de una fuente laica, Dr Jerome LaJunge (sp.), profesor de Genética Fundamental en la Universidad de Rene 'De la Cesta (sp.), en París, lo que es un presupuesto, tiene una vida muy larga historia Pero cada individuo tiene un comienzo muy aseado - el momento de su concepción. The material link is the molecular thread of DNA. El material es el vínculo moleculares hilo de la DNA. In each reproductive cell this ribbon is cut into 23 pieces or chromosomes. En cada célula reproductiva esta cinta se corta en 23 pedazos o cromosomas. As soon as the 23 paternally derived chromosomes are united through fertilization to the 23 maternal ones the full genetic meeting necessary to express all the inborn qualities of the new individual is gathered, i.e., personal constitution. Tan pronto como los 23 paternally derivados cromosomas están unidos a través de la fertilización a los 23 materna que la plena sesión genéticos necesarios para expresar todas las cualidades innatas del nuevo individuo se reunieron, es decir, personal de constitución.
And if I may digress from the quote a moment to say: everything is there that is reflected in full adulthood; all the component building material is there. LaJunge goes on to write, Y si se me permite apartarme de la cita un momento para decir: todo está allí, que se refleja en su totalidad la edad adulta, y todos los componente de material de construcción que está ahí. LaJunge sigue para escribir,
At two months of age, the human being is less than one thumb length from the head to the rump. A los dos meses de edad, el ser humano es de menos de un pulgar longitud de la cabeza a la pequeña. He would fit at ease in a nutshell, but everything is there: hands, feet, head, organs, [and] brains; in the fourth week, his consciousness. Él se adapten a la comodidad en una cáscara de nuez, pero todo se encuentra en: manos, pies, cabeza, órganos, cerebro [y]; en la cuarta semana, su conciencia. All are in place. Todos están en su lugar. His heart has been beating for a month already and fingerprints can be detected. Su corazón se ha paliza durante un mes y que ya se puede detectar huellas dactilares. His heart is beating at two months at 150 to 170 beats a minute. Su corazón está golpeando a los dos meses de 150 a 170 latidos por minuto. To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion. Para aceptar el hecho de que después de la fertilización se ha producido un nuevo ser humano ha llegado a ser ya no es una cuestión de gusto o de opinión.
Well, there at least is an introduction to the issue. Bueno, al menos es una introducción a la cuestión. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has voted under pressure, pressure and influence from those who are engaged in a sexual revolution; from those who want to eugenically control who gets to be born or who dies; from those feminists who want to be sure there are no responsibilities that women have that men don't have; from those who would pour unto our agenda, as it were, a fear factor in terms of over-population. El Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos de América ha votado bajo la presión, la presión y la influencia de quienes están comprometidos en una revolución sexual; de los que quieren eugenically control de quién va a nacer o que muere; de las feministas que quieren ser Asegúrese que no responsabilidades que las mujeres tienen de que los hombres no tienen, de los que hasta para nuestro programa, por así decirlo, un factor miedo en términos de exceso de población. All these people have orchestrated, I think, under the control of Satan, the Supreme Court into doing what they did in 1973, and consequently, we are in a holocaust of convenience killing so people can be sexually free, so people don't have to deal with those who are disabled, so women can do whatever they think they want to do to be fulfilled, and so we can live the kind of materialistic, uncomplicated lifestyle that so many people want to live. Todas estas personas han orquestado, a mi juicio, bajo el control de Satanás, el Tribunal Supremo en hacer lo que ellos hicieron en 1973 y, en consecuencia, nos encontramos en un holocausto asesinato de conveniencia para que la gente pueda ser libre sexualmente, de manera que la gente no tiene Para hacer frente a los que son discapacitados, de modo que la mujer puede hacer lo que ellos piensan que quieren hacer que se cumplan, y así podemos vivir el tipo de materialista, sencillo estilo de vida, que a tanta gente quiere vivir. The net effect is we become mass murderers. El efecto neto es que convertirse en asesinos en masa.
With all of that as background we ask this most significant question, which will drive the focus of the rest of our discussion this morning and tonight: and here's the question, "What does the Bible say about all this?" Con todos los antecedentes de lo que pedimos a esta cuestión más importante, que llevará el centro de atención del resto de nuestro debate de esta mañana y esta noche: y he aquí la pregunta, "¿Qué dice la Biblia acerca de todo esto?" I have about five points; I will give you one this morning and the rest tonight. Tengo alrededor de cinco puntos, le ofrezco una de la mañana y el resto de esta noche.
1. Concepción es una ley de Dios. Ya hemos tomado nota de que desde un punto de vista médico científico, el rendimiento de una nueva concepción persona, y así la vida comienza en la concepción. Personalidad comienza en la concepción. Ahora nos dicen que miramos a la Biblia, que "Concepción es una ley de Dios." Salmo 127:3 dice, "He aquí, los niños son un regalo del Señor." Dios crea la vida de cada persona hace que el hecho de la Escritura clara. Quiero mirar desde un punto de vista negativo, va todo el camino de vuelta decir, que el Génesis. Visto de forma negativa: Génesis 20:13 dice, "Porque el Señor había cerrado por completo todos los vientres de la Cámara de Abimilech." No podían tener hijos porque Dios no lo permite. Dios cerrado el útero. Génesis 16:2, "Y Sarah dijo a Abraham," El Señor ha restringido la portación de mí "." 1 Samuel 1:5-6, "El Señor había cerrado por su vientre [Hanna]". Dice que en dos ocasiones. Por tanto, aquí desde una perspectiva negativa que vea que Dios cierra el vientre. Dios dice que no será niño nacido en ese vientre. Él tiene control sobre eso. Desde el lado positivo, Génesis 17:16, Dios le dijo a Abraham, "me la bendiga [Sarah], y os daré un hijo de ella, y ella será la madre de las naciones." Voy a abrir su seno. En Génesis 21:2 dice, "Sarah concibió y dio a Abraham un hijo en su vejez, a la hora de que el Señor ha hablado". Dios ha dicho, me cerró; voy a abrirlo. En Génesis 25:21 Isaac entreated al Señor por su esposa porque ella era estéril, y el Señor se entreated por él y Rebecca, su mujer, concibió. Dios le permitió tener un hijo. 1 Samuel 1:19-20, pasa a hablar de Hanna, y también se señala que "El Señor recuerda ella." Aunque Él había cerrado su seno, que ella y después de recordar que ha concebido un hijo que portaba y llamó su nombre "Samuel", diciendo, "Porque he pedido para él de parte del Señor." El Señor abrió su vientre y le dio un hijo. Boaz, en Rut 4:13, ocupa Ruth (ella era su esposa), "Y cuando él fue hasta en ella, el Señor le dio la concepción." ¡Qué gran declaración: "El Señor le dio la concepción." No concepción ocurre siempre, en cualquier lugar de la faz de la tierra, a través de la totalidad de la historia humana, que no es un resultado del propósito de Dios creador. En Jueces 13:3, la esposa de Manoach está en cuestión, y ella ha pedido y el Señor responde. Dice, "El ángel del Señor apareció a la mujer y le dijo: He aquí, ahora que usted es árida y bearest no, pero usted estará encargado de concebir y llevar a un hijo." Ese hijo fue Sansón, por el camino. En otras palabras, Dios no ha permitido que tenga un niño, pero lo hará. Ahora, estos pasajes se limitan a ilustrar para nosotros que Dios es el verdadero poder detrás de barrenness, y Dios es el poder detrás de la concepción. Dondequiera que la concepción de Dios se ha hecho realidad. Así que usted es la manipulación de lo que Dios ha hecho. Ese es el punto. Ahora vamos a examinar esto desde otro punto de vista tal vez, no tanto la descripción del Génesis y otros pasajes, como la teología expresada. Ir a Job, capítulo 10, y aquí nos encontramos con algunas declaraciones con respecto a la comprensión del Empleo de Dios, algo de su teología y cómo se juega a esta misma cuestión. En Job, capítulo 10, Job disquisiciones es por el hecho de que todo ha ido mal en su vida y que está consultando a Dios, como él a menudo, acerca de por qué. En Job 10:8, "moda y tus manos me hizo del todo." Reconozco que usted me hizo. Y luego le preguntó, "¿y por qué destruir mí?" Él no entiende lo que está pasando en su vida y dice, "Esto lo sé, le moda mí, que me hizo completamente". Que la palabra "totalmente" literalmente en hebreo significa "todos juntos alrededor", ampliamente, en todos los sentidos, Usted me hizo. El versículo 9, "Remember ahora, que tú has hecho me parece arcilla", en otras palabras, es exactamente igual recogiendo arcilla: "Usted formó mi". El versículo 10, otra imagen, "Didst Usted no fuera para mí, como la leche, y curdle mí como queso?" Quiero decir, Usted obtuvieron mí, y Usted moldeado mí, y formó mí. "(Versículo 11) vestida con la piel y mi carne, y usted me ha tejido junto con los huesos y los nervios. Usted me concedió la vida." Usted me hizo es lo que dice, por todos los medios que podía pensar a decirlo. Vea el capítulo 12 de Job, y el versículo 9, "¿Quién de todos estos no sabe que la mano del Señor ha hecho esto, en cuya mano está la vida de cada ser viviente, y el aliento de toda la humanidad?" En otras palabras, Dios es la fuente de toda la vida. Vea Job 31, y yo sólo le muestran otros dos pasajes que son muy útiles. Job 31:15, "¿El que no me hicieron en el seno hacen de él, y de la misma manera con nosotros en el útero?" Él está hablando de una persona (que habla de sí mismo y de alguien más). Dios no nos hacen a todos? Él no nos moda en el útero? Ese proceso creativo comenzó en el vientre de la concepción. El capítulo 33 de Job, versículo 4, "El Espíritu de Dios ha hecho de mí, y el aliento del Todopoderoso me da vida". Es muy evidente aquí probablemente en el libro más antiguo en la Biblia, Job, teniendo claro nos patriarcal a la vez, (probablemente escrito incluso antes de que el Pentateuco) que entiende que fueron concedidos por Dios. El Salmista tiene el mismo concepto; mirada en el Salmo 22. Confiamos en cuando a mi madre de mama. Upon Thee I fue lanzado desde el nacimiento; Has sido mi Dios desde el vientre de mi madre. " Desde el momento en que se encontraba en el vientre y me hizo Usted Usted fue mi Dios. La 100 ª Salmo (no se puede leer todas las escrituras relacionadas) dice en el versículo 3, "Sepan que el Señor es Dios, es el que nos ha hecho, y no nosotros a nosotros mismos." Usted dice: "Bueno, hemos hecho un bebé". No, en realidad no hacen un bebé, que estuvo humanos de la instrumentación a través de la cual Dios hecho un bebé. Déjenme decirles algo: se puede transmitir a las características físicas, pero no es posible realizar una alma. ¿Comprende? No se puede, a través de las relaciones sexuales crear un inmortal, eterna alma. En el momento de la concepción, cuando los factores físicos se reúnen, Dios ha de impartir un alma. En el Salmo 104, y el versículo 30, "Thou dost envíe tu Espíritu, de su creación," nos recuerda que el Espíritu de Dios es la creación de la fuerza. El profeta Isaías (y se dará una mirada a él sólo brevemente), el profeta Isaías nos ayuda a ver la misma cosa. En el capítulo 44 y 45, y sólo brevemente, en el capítulo 44:1, "Ahora escucha, oh Jacob, e Israel mi siervo, a quien han elegido: Así dice el Señor que le hizo (y aquí está otra vez) y le formó a partir de El útero. " Abajo, en el versículo 24, "Así dice el Señor, tu Redentor, y de la que formó desde el seno materno." Más de en el capítulo 45 de Isaías, versículo 9, estaba hablando de Dios es el alfarero y nosotros somos la arcilla, y no podemos argumentar con la forma en que se realizan, y todo eso. Y luego Él dice, versículo 11, "Así dice el Señor, el Santo de Israel, y su Maker: Preguntarme acerca de las cosas por venir en relación con mis hijos, y que se comprometan a mí la labor de Mis manos. Es I Que hizo la tierra, y creó al hombre sobre ella. I extendió los cielos con Mis manos, y he ordenado a todos sus anfitriones. He despertado él en la justicia.... " Yo, yo, yo, esa es toda la cuestión: "Dios hizo todo." Hizo todo. Él es la fuente de su creación. En Jeremías 1:5, Dios dice a Jeremías, "Antes que te formase en el vientre te conocí, y antes que usted nació consagrada." "Sabía usted," (en hebreo, yaddah), como una criatura racional. Gálatas 1:15, Pablo dice, "Pero cuando el que ha puesto en mí aparte, incluso desde el vientre de mi madre, y me llamó a través de Su gracia (y así sucesivamente)." Paul sabía, Jeremías sabía, cualquier cristiano sabe que Dios tiene su mano sobre nosotros desde el momento de la concepción, y que nuestro destino eterno se estableció a partir de ese momento y el propósito y el plan de nuestro servicio a Dios se estableció a partir de ese momento. El Nuevo Testamento se hace hincapié en esto de una manera majestuosa: mirada en Mateo, capítulo 1, el nacimiento de Cristo. Se trata de una importante ilustración, que a menudo no se tiene en cuenta. Mateo 1:18, "Ahora el nacimiento de Jesucristo fue como sigue. Cuando su madre María había sido prometida a José (que fue contratada, no se han casado aún, que aún no había llegado juntos en las relaciones sexuales), se encontró que se De los niños por el Espíritu Santo. " Ahora, esto es muy embarazoso para Joseph, porque aquí se cree en su corazón que este joven era un cometido espiritualmente niña, justo y santo niña, que ella era virgen y pura, y de repente que está embarazada. Él era un hombre bueno y justo, y no quería a su desgracia y la vergüenza de su público (Podría haber apedreado su público), por lo que sólo desea divorciarse de ella en secreto. Fue embarazoso y no podía entender cómo esto puede suceder, pero cuando él examinó este, "Un ángel del Señor se le apareció en un sueño, diciendo" José, hijo de David, no tengas miedo de tomar María como su esposa ; Para la que ha sido concebido en ella es del Espíritu Santo ' ". El punto que quiero que esta nota es: que Dios está implicado en el acto mismo de la concepción, no sólo en el caso de Jesucristo, sino de toda la vida nació en el vientre. No es menos cierto en el caso de que usted o yo o cualquier otra persona nacida en este mundo, de que Dios estaba involucrado en nuestra concepción. La diferencia es que no tiene un nacimiento virgen - Jesús no tenía padre terrenal, pero que, sin embargo, son el producto de la mano creadora de Dios a través de Su Espíritu Santo, que respira la vida en todo. Por otra parte, la vida en el seno de María no era de blob impersonales, no es el material del feto. Es el Hijo de Dios! Que la vida comenzó en la concepción. Cristo vino al mundo en la concepción. Vea Lucas 1, y voy a ver si no puedo darle otro Nuevo Testamento ilustración. Lucas 1:41 dice, "que se produjo cuando Isabel oyó el saludo de María (Elizabeth, usted recuerde estaba embarazada de Juan el Bautista), cuando Elizabeth escuchó el saludo de María, el niño saltó en su vientre y Elizabeth fue llena del Espíritu Santo ". Por supuesto, Juan el Bautista fue lleno del Espíritu Santo, incluso desde el vientre de su madre también, ya que nos dice en Lucas 1:15. Por tanto, el Santo Espíritu ya participaba en la vida de Juan el Bautista, como el Espíritu Santo está involucrado en cualquier vida, porque Él es el que se respira vida. Pero, de una forma única el Espíritu Santo era de alguna manera participan en la vida de Juan el Bautista aún en el útero, como en la vida de Jesucristo en el vientre. Y todo lo que significa, también se señala que "el niño saltó en su seno." Se ha de significar que los niños que de alguna manera responde a lo que ocurría en el exterior. El Espíritu Santo se movió poco que la vida en algún movimiento, y eso es algo maravilloso de contemplar, a pesar de que es misteriosa de comprender. Aviso de la palabra "bebé", y ese es el punto clave aquí. La palabra "bebé" es (griego, brephos): "el niño saltó". ¿Te Aviso, por favor, esta palabra se usa en 2:12, 2:16; 18:15-16; 1 Pedro 2:2, y otros lugares, para vivir bebé que ha nacido. Aquí se utiliza un bebé que no ha nacido. Escuche cuidadosamente a lo que digo: es la palabra utilizada para bebés por nacer o nacido, que no tienen otra palabra. Ellos no decir que es un feto, sino que es un bebé. Unborn se trataba de un bebé nacido, no hay palabra que se necesitaba. Una vez que el niño se crea es "el bebé", si por nacer o nacido. El verdadero momento del nacimiento no determina la viabilidad o la vida, la vida está en la concepción y por lo tanto la chica esta la chica en el vientre: la chica fuera del útero - que no es diferente terminología. Esta no es una mera colección de células, se trata de un bebé, este es un bebé! Concepción, es el acto de Dios, el cual es una persona creada por Dios de la voluntad soberana. Un alma se respira en el tejido vivo por el Espíritu Santo. El destino del alma que se sabe ya a Dios, y por Él determinada antes de la fundación del mundo. Aborto se convierte entonces en una violenta lucha contra Dios actúe. No es sólo un asesinato de la persona, es una afrenta al Creador. Ahora alguien dice, "Ahora, espere un minuto. ¿Qué pasa con la gente deforme que nacen. ¿Es Dios el creador de esos?" Éxodo, capítulo 4, y el versículo 11, Dios dice, "¿Quién ha hecho la boca del hombre, o que le hace mudo o sordo, o ciego o ver? ¿No es si yo, el Señor?" Yo los hago de esa manera. Es por Su fines de hacer los hombres a veces mudos, sordos y, y de ver, y ciego. ¿Recuerda en Juan, capítulo 9, el hombre que nació ciego, a los discípulos y dijo, "¿Quién pecó, este hombre o sus padres?" Y Jesús dijo: "Nadie. Este hombre nació ciego para la gloria de Dios." Dios hizo de esa manera. Por lo tanto, el primer punto, y el punto en que debe empezar cualquier discusión bíblica es que la concepción es un acto de Dios. Un acto en el que 23 cromosomas de un padre y 23 cromosomas [de la madre] se reúnen en una franja de ADN que hace que una vida. Y en el momento de la unión física que Dios entonces, por la agencia de Su Espíritu Santo, respira un alma: un inmortal, eterna alma, que trasciende el cuerpo (para que vivirá para siempre, aunque el cuerpo va a morir). Y, a continuación, en la concepción que tiene la vida. Para que la vida es matar a "jugar a Dios", y una afrenta tan grave como lo es en contra de la vida misma, es una más grave contra Dios, que es el Creador. Por eso es, en última instancia, la última disminución de nuestra cultura. Es la última prueba de la miseria de nuestra cultura. Es la última prueba de lo profundo de nuestras carreras ateísmo, que matar a la vida que Dios crea. Nos han usurpado el trono soberano y que ahora Dios, y vamos a determinar quién vive y quién muere. Esto se extienda, a mis amigos, a la eutanasia que viene, usted sabe mejor, como un huracán para quitar toda nuestra población de edad porque somos de Dios y ahora vamos a decidir. Este tipo de ateísmo traerá la ira de Dios y veremos que esta noche. Bueno, Padre, agradecemos a Usted que Usted esta mañana nos han llamado a una clara comprensión de estas cuestiones en Su Palabra. Estamos consternados, por decirlo suavemente, y nos entristece, y nos fica en el horror que ocurre en nuestra propia tierra. Damos las gracias a usted que, en su gracia, creemos que Usted reunir estos pequeños a su persona, que Usted recoger en tu reino. También damos las gracias a Usted que Usted sabe desde el principio de que nunca se nace, ya que se le dará muerte, y que no exime al asesino, y que tiene previsto para su futuro para ser una de las buenas y no daño. Damos las gracias a Usted que Usted puede anular todas estas cosas; y, sin embargo, Señor, para que no expiar el pecado para que la gente se juzgará: los que hacen esas cosas, a los que les han hecho a ellos, los que las toleran. También damos las gracias a usted Señor que perdonar: perdonar la mujer que tuvo un aborto, Usted perdonar al hombre que hizo el aborto; Usted perdone el marido que lo permitieron, el amante que querían. Usted perdone todos nuestros pecados si vienen en el nombre de Cristo y de pedir perdón. Damos las gracias a Usted que se puede lavar y hacer lo más limpia que la nieve que está manchada por el pecado tal como esta, y puede devolver la paz para la ansiedad, la tristeza y la alegría para, a causa de su perdón. Lo hacemos hoy orar Usted Señor que nos dé claras convicciones sobre esta cuestión. Ayúdanos a conocer como iglesia, como cristianos, no podemos tolerar ningún tipo de aborto, de cualquier tipo de usurpación de la Divina Trono sentarse a la que Usted, de cualquier tipo de violencia, asesinatos en masa, sin tener el terreno claman en contra de nosotros. Ayúdanos a hablar con claridad sobre este asunto y tomar nuestra posición en la que tenemos que tomar. Pero Lord Usted también queremos que nos dé la compasión y la amabilidad hacia los que han caído en este pecado, y puede llevar a que ellos evangelio salvador de Cristo y su misericordia que perdona. Con este fin oramos, y hasta que Lord, de alguna manera le va a cambiar todo esto en esta tierra, [y] la palabra nos retrotrae a un nivel justo. Estar con nuestros dirigentes, dirigentes que nos pasará a nosotros en una dirección que le agrada, y no en una dirección que infuriates Usted. Pedimos Su orientación, en el Nombre de Cristo. Amén.
The Biblical View on Abortion
Part 1 & 2
Copyright 1993
John F. MacArthur, Jr.
All rights reserved.
As we come this morning to the matter of abortion, before I take you into the scriptures and we look more closely at to what the Bible has to say, it is probably fitting for us to get some kind of a grasp on the issue itself. So, I want to address that, if I may, for a moment. What I am going to say to you may sound like an article in the newspaper because it is full of statistics and quotes and that kind of thing, but it does set the scene for understanding the issue at hand.
To sum up what we are experiencing with regard to abortion in America, we could simply say, "America, as a nation, is highly committed by law and by practice to a form of mass murder." And that is really the bottom line.
This nation, which certainly prides itself on its humanitarianism, is in a murderous cycle of violence that makes the Nazi Holocaust look mild by comparison. Nearly 2,000,000 babies are aborted a year in America. Every third baby conceived now is being murdered. Among teenage women there are 736 abortions for every 1,000 births. Among married women abortions now exceed births! More babies are killed than are born. Some would tell us that there is an abortion about every 15 seconds in America.
In some metropolitan hospitals, in the major cities of our nation, abortions far outnumber live births. Planned Parenthood has gone so far as to say, "This is nothing more than a means of preventing disease; pregnancy being noted as a disease." If you think that sounds farfetched, I will remind you of a paper by Dr. Willard Kates, from the Planned Parenthood Physicians Association. The title of the paper is, "Abortion as treatment for unwanted pregnancy: The second sexually transmitted disease." "
Pregnancy then is seen by Planned Parenthood as a sexually transmitted disease that needs to be cured by abortion. Planned Parenthood has somewhere approaching 1,000 abortion clinics doing somewhere approaching 75,000 murders a year, and are receiving millions of dollars of support from the U. S. Government and the United Way, and other agencies like that. Our nation, and other nations in the world are frankly wiping out an entire generation of human beings in mass infanticide.
It is estimated that perhaps as many as 75,000,000 babies will be murdered this year around the world—75,000,000! That's probably conservative. It's more than all the deaths in all the wars, in all the history of the world. This kind of murder is shocking and I don't want to be too shocking, but I want to tell you how it is done and I hope that I don't offend anyone. The processes of abortion are somewhat frightening and bizarre.
During the First Trimester, the methods are Dilation and Suction, called DNS, or Dilation and Curettage, called DNC; basically this means that a vacuum tears the child in pieces and sucks the pieces out through a tube. Or, a sharp instrument dismembers the Fetus into sections, and then often forceps are used to crush the head and reduce its size. This, of course, can result in a torn uterus, a perforated uterus, sterility, [and] things like that.
During the Second Trimester the safe comfortable home of the child, known as the Amniotic Sack, is wounded by a needle which withdraws the Amniotic Fluid and replaces it with a heavy saline solution (which basically burns the child alive), and in 24 to 72 hours the body will expel the dead fetus.
During the Third Trimester, a Hysterotomy is used—sometimes "prostaglandin," a drug producing delivery by stimulating the uterus falsely into labor. These sometimes produce children born alive, who are then left to die or even be killed. A new way being advocated by the
National Abortion Federation in their recent meetings was advocated at a workshop: puncturing the "soft spot" on the baby's head and then vacuuming out what is in the head. Another abortionist at that meeting suggested that the length of the baby's foot could be measured and used to determine the price of the abortion.
It almost sounds primitive, certainly not characteristic of a culture as sophisticated as our is. Even Cesarean Sections are performed as abortions in the Third Trimester. I remember reading about a case in New York City where twin babies were conceived in the womb. Both of them had "Down Syndrome" and they were killed by puncturing their hearts directly. Hundreds of these attempted abortions in the Third Trimester, are born alive and then used in some kind of experimentation.
The IRS, jumping into the fray, as they are always wanting to do in order to rule on how this all affects our taxes, has ruled, in "Revised Rule 73 dash something," "That parents are entitled to a tax exemption, if after an attempted abortion their child lives for any length of time." Now, you tell me how a child, attempted to be aborted, can be considered a dependent child if it lives, but not a child if it dies. What kind of dilemma is that? I suppose it is the same dilemma that the Van Nuys Police had not long ago, when a woman in Van Nuys had a baby in a bathroom—and she killed it with a razor blade. Had she killed the baby before it was born, she would have had no problems. But because she killed it with a razor blade after it was born, she is serving an 11 year prison sentence. This is the stupidity of Humanism.
Fifteen year olds can get abortions without parental knowledge or consent; in fact, generally the law wants to say that parents are the enemy of the freedom of the child; in fact, even the consent of the spouse is unconstitutional. Dead fetuses are used in an industry of business and experimentation. The "Journal of Clinical Pathology" indicates that fetal organs have been grafted into mice and rats to see how long they live, and other frightening experiments that I won't even speak about in a public meeting. Squibb Company is involved in paying tens of thousands of dollars to doctors to experiment with fetuses for use in research on high blood pressure drugs, and this is all coming very rapidly. I saw something about it the other night on television.
The U.S. Government funded experiments on live aborted babies. "The New England Journal of Medicine" reports that tissue cultures are obtained by dropping still living babies in the meat grinder after abortions, and they determine something from the culture that is produced in that. Some are thrown away. Dr. Jay Domingues (sp.) of New York City wrote, "On any Monday you can see 70 garbage bags with fetal material in them along the sidewalks of abortion clinics in New York City." Again, the "New England Journal" article by Raymond Duff and Professor A. G. M. Campbell (sp.) of Yale acknowledged that over a 21 year period, 14% of babies who died at Yale Hospital did so through the physician's choice. So you are dealing with a very, very, widespread problem.
It is now possible to do to a retarded infant what would be impossible to do to a dog or a cat. In fact, a recent case in California, "Cerlander (sp.) vs. BioScience Labs" makes it possible for children to sue their parents for wrongful life, for letting them live and refusing abortion (this reported in the newsletter, "The American College of Ob-gyn"). In other words, if your parents didn't abort you and you lived, and you've got severe problems [then] you can sue them for letting you live.
Bags of babies are found by trash compactors (as we all know); yet on the other side of this, a wounded American eagle was found recently in Maryland and rushed to emergency treatment. However, it died and a $5,000 reward was offered for the arrest of whoever injured it. It is illegal to ship a pregnant lobster: it's a $1,000 fine. In the State of Massachusetts there is an anti-cruelty law that makes it illegal to award a goldfish as a prize. Why? This is what it says, "To protect the tendency to dull humanitarian feelings and to corrupt morals of those who abuse them." The same people that want to save the goldfish are leading the parade, usually, to kill the babies.
This of course has developed into a multibillion dollar industry, in the terms of business. Many people make their money on this. I talked to an abortionist who was attending our church, some years back, and presented to him the gospel. We had several meetings together and he understood fully the gospel. I don't know his spiritual condition at this time, but I remember on the days that I talked with him that he told me that he himself alone did $9,000,000 worth of abortions in a year in his own clinic (that's one doctor).
The industry goes beyond just the abortion itself to the products of abortion: the material (the fetus material) which is used for all kinds of things and sold. It is a massive industry. This even gets more bizarre and there is no need to get into it. The whole abortion industry is frightening [and] mind boggling. How a nation of civilized people (if we are civilized; advanced technologically yes, civilized—no), how we can tolerate this is unthinkable, except for the fallenness and the wretched sinfulness of the human heart.
In other countries in the world people are still reeling from the impact of this. I will give you one illustration: Japan has been very aggressive in the abortion field for a number of years, and in Japan there is severe trauma on the part of Japanese women because there have been millions and millions of abortions that have occurred there. Over the last say 40 years, in Japan there has been an excess of 50,000,000 abortions that are known. The women have been traumatized by these abortions, in terms of their own emotional life, and so the Buddhists have erected temples for the expressed purpose of dealing with the issue of abortion. These are temples which memorialized what are called "water babies" (this is a term for an aborted child). A "water baby," those who perish by abortion.
In order to secure peace for their departed souls, these women come to these places. And they are now aware of the fact in their own conscience (at least they assume this to be true without biblical revelation) that these little aborted "water babies" have a soul, and they have got to do something for the departed soul; so the Buddhists, in their religion, have erected temples where the departed souls of "water babies" can be attended to by penitent mothers. For somewhere between $340 and $640 a grieving mother can purchase a small stone Buddha. And somehow purchasing this small stone Buddha not only feeds the business enterprise but relieves some of the anxiety and, apparently, does something for the departed soul of the baby.
In one temple alone, tens of thousands of these have been sold; the grounds have become a commercial attraction where visitors pay to come and take pictures of women who are there agonizing over their departed "water babies." Priests will offer prayers at that place for "water babies" at $120 per baby and $40 for each additional baby that you have aborted. That is just one illustration from one country of the trauma that has occurred in the lives of these women.
400% to 800% is the range of statistic figures that regard suicide; somewhere between 400% and 800% of suicide rates increase in women who have had abortions. Hypochondria, depression, withdrawal, guilt, shame, drugs, alcohol dependency, serious emotional trauma—all of these come from abortions. Six to seven times more women die each year from legal than illegal abortions. So the whole thing is a very, very frightening, frightening scenario.
Just a few more things, and I am not going to give you all the documentation, although I have it in hand—but let me just read you some of the things that are coming out of this abortion issue with regard to how it impacts women:
1. The risk of pregnancy outside the womb which threatens the mother's life, is doubled for women who have had one abortion, and quadrupled where there has been two or more.
2. Miscarriages are almost twice as common for women who have aborted.
3. A study of 26,000 births indicated a more than threefold increase in the number of stillborn babies and deaths of newborns among mothers who have had an abortion.
4. Since about two or three women per hundred need a blood transfusion, there is an increased risk of exposure to hepatitis and AIDS.
5. Bleeding is more common in subsequent wanted pregnancies.
6. Many researchers have observed subsequent premature births and low birth weights.
7. Among women who have had abortions there is an increased risk of damage to the cervix.
8. A sevenfold increase in "placenta previa" (that's where the placenta covers the birth canal and often requires a Cesarean Section).
9. About twice the risk of breast cancer when abortions were performed in the first trimester, before completing a full term pregnancy. That's because God, in part, has designed the body to begin to prepare itself for the birth of that child; when that is aborted it creates certain risk factors in the body as the body retreats to try to compensate.
10. There is up to 30% greater risk of pelvic infection.
The statistics, however, are probably even grimmer since a woman who is injured will rarely go back to the doctor or facility where it occurred. Furthermore, complications often develop later and are not reported in connection with the abortion that caused them, nor is death always linked to abortion in reports and in death certificates.
When you look at the emotional effect, as I noted about the women in Japan, you find all kinds of interesting things:
1. Women having prior emotional or mental problems often become worse, and having an abortion produced such problems in women who previously had none.
2. Women who have had an abortion are more likely to experience guilt, depression, and be suicidal. However, the claim that a woman will commit suicide if she is denied an abortion (and that's what the liberationists tell us) is highly unlikely, because suicide is almost nonexistent among pregnant women. Over a 20 year period, 13,500 Swedish women were refused abortions—only three committed suicide. Very, very rare.
3. After an abortion a woman is far more likely to break up with her partner, whether she is married or not. Abortion just destroys everybody in the process.
The question then comes, "How did this ever get started? Whoever started this?" Well, sad to say it goes way back. I mean if we want to know where it all started we have to see that it started certainly in the mind of Satan according to John 8:44, "He is a murderer." Certainly it started from the same kind of fallen attitude that made Cain kill Able. Cain was a murderer; that's the expression of fallenness. You can go way back and you will find that there have been efforts on the part of Satan to murder babies in the time of Moses and in the time of Jesus. And he was successful, as you know, in the time of Jesus, in massacring babies under the age of two, in order to try an eliminate the Messiah.
Looking around, for example, say the ancient time of Judaism, you can find abortions practiced among pagans, but never among Jews, for obvious reasons. They knew that life was sacred; life was granted by God, and they used to "camp" on the second great commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself;" and since a baby conceived was a person that became their neighbor and therefore to harm their neighbor would be to violate the second commandment.
Coming into the New Testament time there were also pagans who engaged in abortions, but again Jews did not do it in the New Testament time, nor did the Church. Plato and Aristotle both recommended family growth limitation through abortion. Abortion was used even in New Testament times among pagans to conceal illicit sex. If you could remove the evidence, you could remove the stigma of illicit sex. Rich women also didn't want to leave their wealth to lower class children fathered illegitimately, so while they might have wanted to have an affair with some low classed man, they didn't want to support his child, and so abortion was a way to deal with that. And then, abortion was a way (they said) to preserve their "sex appeal," not to "trouble the womb with bouncing babies."
Abortion was also a form of contraception. In times of ancient cultures, even around the New Testament era, the methods used varied from substances introduced into the womb through the birth canal; sometimes oral drugs or "poisons" as they used to be called; sometimes mixtures that were mixed for the purpose of proving fatal to the unborn infant; sometimes they would bind the body in these very, very, tight ropes or cloths to literally squeeze the womb and crush the life of the child; sometimes they would locate the baby in the womb and take a hard object and smash against that infant in the womb and kill it that way; sometimes using blades and sometimes hooks going up through the birth canal.
Pagans would do this; the Jews always rejected it because life was created by God, and anyone created by God became your neighbor, and to take a life was to violate the second commandment. The early church then took a strong stand against it. In the Didache, which is a codification of early church teaching, it says, "Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion." Abortion was rejected in another early document, called the Epistle of Barnabus, as contrary to "neighbor centered love;" so you can see the early church picked up on some of the Jewish ideas. The Didache, again that same codification of teaching, saw the way of death is full of cursing, murders, adulteries, and murders of children. They saw the way of death as belonging to those who killed children. They called them "Corrupters of God's creatures," and in the third century a Latin word even emerged, the word, "abortuwantes" (sp.)—abortionists. "Abortion," they said, "brought the judgment of God."
The Reformation didn't change this; the church has always seen abortion as murder, an act of violence, and a lack of love towards one God has created. So it isn't new: the people of God; Israel, stood against it; the church has stood against it; and we must stand against it.
Here we are living in a time when this abortion movement has become a massive industry, has become a reflection of our culture, and if you look back a little bit you can see what the pieces were that sort of came together to build the platform on which this whole thing stands. Let me just see if I can't share some of them with you. This whole commitment to abortion started;
Step one, the Sexual Revolution—the Sexual Revolution which basically said, "We want to be free to express ourselves sexually." You go back to the early sixties; everybody has got to be engaged in free love. Remember the expression "free love;" you remember all the hippies and that whole thing. The Sexual Revolution spawned abortion as an industry, because it basically said, "We have to be free to express ourselves sexually, and we don't really need to be dealing with the consequences." In fact, they would go so far as to say, "If we are going to be free, we women certainly can't be victimized by men. Men can jump in and out of bed with anybody they want all day long, and walk away and there aren't any consequences to them. But what happens to us is—we get pregnant, and so their freedom has no impingement; their freedom has no consequence; their freedom has no detrimental results, but our freedom does. So in order for us to be really free, you have got to eliminate the consequence, the major consequence of free sex, free love, and that is you have got to be able to eliminate pregnancy. Otherwise, we become victimized by men, and we don't want to be victimized by men.
So the Sexual Revolution with its free love really set the stage for the massacring of millions of babies, who were nothing but an intrusion in the fornications and the adulteries of a wretched, degenerate society.
Then there was a second thing that jumped onto the "bandwagon," apart from this whole free love thing, and that was the deformities issue. You all remember back in the sixties, the big issue about Thalidomide. Many women took Thalidomide because it was a birth enhancing drug and it would allow them to get pregnant, whereas they otherwise may not be able to. And you may also remember that Thalidomide had some severe side effects, in terms of limbless children that were born. There were some medical doctors in England who believed that these deformities and other deformities were serious enough to lead them to argue for eugenic abortions; and that, of course, came out of England, as I said, eliminating birth defect children because of the cost on society, because of the trouble they give to parents (they are difficult to deal with); they have all kinds of problems with these children so we ought to come along and say, "Look there is no sense in bringing deformed children into the world, it's a tough enough place anyway." So, they jumped on the bandwagon for their agenda's sake and mounted, as it were, more arguments for abortion.
Then came along the whole Feminist Movement. The Feminist Movement took the expression of sexual freedom one step beyond. They basically said, "We not only want to be sexually free without consequence, but we want to be able to put on our blue suit and take our briefcase and go to work every day too. We want to compete in a man's world as equals and if we have to have babies [then] we can't do that." "Women are not equal," they said, and I am quoting, "to men unless they are rid of childbearing responsibilities." Betty Friedan (sp.), who is a leader of the Feminist Movement said, "Women must have abortion as a backup to contraceptive failure." Contraception first, and if it doesn't work then abortion because we can't be bothering with children. We have got to go to work and make our way in a man's world.
So you had the Sexual Revolution compounded by this sort of genetic game playing from those people who wanted to eliminate the deformed from society, and adding to that compound problem is the third feature which is the feminist argument: "If we are going to work in a man's world and to be equal to men in every way, we can't be fussing around at home with kids, so we have got to eliminate them from our lives."
Then you had another component, another piece came into the platform from the population control advocates who were telling us that we all were going to be standing on each others heads if we kept having babies. We were all going to be crushing each other out of existence because the world was going to be overpopulated; and I read all of that. Don't you remember reading that in the 60's? Everyone was screaming about overpopulation. I remember finding an old book that was written in 1918, in which a man said, "If something doesn't change—we have too many horses in the streets of Chicago, and at the projected rate it's going right now, in another 25 years the city of Chicago will be 18 feet deep in manure." It is the same kind of reasoning: we are all going to drown in a sea of babies.
All of this fed the building of this platform; it was all material fed into this building project to build the platform upon which the Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion verdict came down on January 26, 1973. At that point the Supreme Court of the United States excluded unborn children from the protection of the 14th amendment, which says, "No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law." They said, "Unborn children aren't persons." Yes, they are. Yes, they are, and we will see that in a minute.
One of the professors at the Master's College, Dr. John Pilky (sp.), very astute (teaches in our English Lit. Dept), wrote me a little memo. Listen to what it says,
The phrase "Pro Choice" (which is what the Pro abortionists use) strikes me as one of the most depraved, apocalyptically wicked, rhetorical facts in the history of western civilization in the Christian era. The phrase means "Pro Sin" or "Free to Chose Sin." The phrase would actually be less dreadful if it were "Pro Abortion" because that would confine it to the sphere of a particular moral problem, but by turning it to what seems a euphemism, the "Pro Choice" people have rung the final rhetorical "death knell" to the entire Democratic experiment.
The phrase "Pro Choice" means "without conscience, or without inhibition, or without restraint," and it parades itself under the Jeffersonian banner of liberty of conscience and separation of Church and State. As a rhetorical gesture, perfectly designed to function as a political banner,
this phrase constitutes the last word: the official formulation of official apostate defiance against the God of Christianity. I am confident that God will answer it apocalyptically.
Yes, I believe that he is right. I believe abortion is the last official stand of the defiant apostate against God. It says, "God, you will not determine who lives or dies—I will!" The ultimate apostasy.
That's where we are in our culture, and we are there by law—the law of our own government. The court ignored the issue of when life begins, which is a medical/scientific issue, even though criminals have been successfully prosecuted for killing unborn children in an attack on a pregnant mother. That child is considered a non-person if its own mother decides to kill it; if a criminal kills it they are prosecuted; if the mother kills it is a non-person.
As far a I can tell, and my research may not be exhaustive, but as far as I can tell, there is no nation on the face of the earth with a more permissive abortion policy than the United States, with the single exception of China. It is reflective of our prurient, lascivious, immoral, perverted Sexual Revolution; of the deviation from God ordained role for men and women. It is reflective of our selfish, materialistic value system. It is reflective, most of all, of our atheistic ethic hostile to God, and we now have a holocaust; and we have a holocaust which God will judge, and I will talk about that tonight, and I will talk about what it means that the blood of the murdered victim cries out from the ground against the one who did the murder.
Medical science has clearly established that conception brings about an unique individual life. Life begins at conception; that is absolutely a medical fact. [Here is] an illustration from a secular source, Dr. Jerome LaJunge (sp.), professor of Fundamental Genetics at the University of Rene' De Cart (sp.) in Paris; this is a quote, Life has a very long history but each individual has a very neat beginning—the moment of its conception. The material link is the molecular thread of DNA. In each reproductive cell this ribbon is cut into 23 pieces or chromosomes. As soon as the 23 paternally derived chromosomes are united through fertilization to the 23 maternal ones the full genetic meeting necessary to express all the inborn qualities of the new individual is gathered, i.e., personal constitution.
And if I may digress from the quote a moment to say: everything is there that is reflected in full adulthood; all the component building material is there. LaJunge goes on to write,
At two months of age, the human being is less than one thumb length from the head to the rump. He would fit at ease in a nutshell, but everything is there: hands, feet, head, organs, [and] brains; in the fourth week, his consciousness. All are in place. His heart has been beating for a month already and fingerprints can be detected. His heart is beating at two months at 150 to 170 beats a minute. To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion.
Well, there at least is an introduction to the issue. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has voted under pressure, pressure and influence from those who are engaged in a sexual revolution; from those who want to eugenically control who gets to be born or who dies; from those feminists who want to be sure there are no responsibilities that women have that men don't have; from those who would pour unto our agenda, as it were, a fear factor in terms of over-population. All these people have orchestrated, I think, under the control of Satan, the Supreme Court into doing what they did in 1973, and consequently, we are in a holocaust of convenience killing so people can be sexually free, so people don't have to deal with those who are disabled, so women can do whatever they think they want to do to be fulfilled, and so we can live the kind of materialistic, uncomplicated lifestyle that so many people want to live. The net effect is we become mass murderers.
With all of that as background we ask this most significant question, which will drive the focus of the rest of our discussion this morning and tonight: and here's the question, "What does the Bible say about all this?" I have about five points; I will give you one this morning and the rest tonight.
1. Conception is an Act of God.
We have already noted for you that from a medically scientific viewpoint, conception yields a new person, and so life begins at conception. Personhood begins at conception. We now say as we look to the Bible, that "Conception is an Act of God." Psalm 127:3 says, "Behold, children are a gift from the Lord." God creates personally every life—Scripture makes that fact clear.
Let me look at it from a negative standpoint, going all the way back say, to Genesis. Looking at it negatively: Genesis 20:13 says this, "For the Lord had completely closed all the wombs of the House of Abimilech." They couldn't have any babies because God didn't allow it. God closed the womb. Genesis 16:2, "And Sarah said to Abraham, 'The Lord has restrained me from bearing.'" 1 Samuel 1:5-6, "The Lord had shut up her [Hanna] womb." It says that twice. So here from a negative perspective you see that God closes the womb. God says no child will be born in that womb. He has control over that.
From the positive side, Genesis 17:16, God said to Abraham, "I will bless her [Sarah] and give you a son from her, and she shall be the mother of nations." I am going to open her womb. In Genesis 21:2 it says, "Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which the Lord had spoken." God said, I closed it; I'll open it. In Genesis 25:21 Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she was barren, and the Lord was entreated by him and Rebecca, his wife, conceived. God enabled her to have a child. 1 Samuel 1:19-20, goes on to talk about Hanna, and it says, "The Lord remembered her." Though He had shut her womb, He remembered her and after she had conceived she bore a son and called his name "Samuel," saying, "Because I have asked for him from the Lord." The Lord opened her womb and gave her a son.
Boaz, in Ruth 4:13, took Ruth (she was his wife), "And when he went in unto her, the Lord gave her conception." What a great statement: "The Lord gave her conception." No conception occurs ever, anywhere on the face of the earth, through all of human history, that is not a result of God's creative purpose. In Judges 13:3, Manoah's wife is at issue, and she has asked and the Lord responds. It says, "The angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, 'Behold, now that you are barren and bearest not, but you shall conceive and bear a son." That son was Samson, by the way. In other words, God has not allowed you to have a child, but He will.
Now, these passages simply illustrate to us that God is the power behind barrenness, and God is the power behind conception. Wherever there is conception—God has made it happen. So you are tampering with that which God has done. That's the point.
Now let's look at this from perhaps another viewpoint, not so much the narrative of Genesis and other passages, as the theology expressed. Go to Job, chapter 10, and here we find some statements with regard to Job's understanding of God, something of his theology and how it plays to this very issue. In Job, chapter 10, Job is musing over the fact that everything has gone wrong in his life and he is querying God, as he often does, about why. In Job 10:8, "Thy hands fashioned and made me altogether." I acknowledge that you made me. And then he asked, "and why would you destroy me?" He doesn't understand what is going on in his life and he says, "This I know, you fashioned me, you made me completely."
That word "altogether" literally in the Hebrew means "together all around," comprehensively, in every sense, You made me. Verse 9, "Remember now, that Thou hast made me as clay," in other words, it's just like picking up clay: "You formed me." Verse 10, another picture, "Didst You not pour me out like milk, and curdle me like cheese?" I mean, You extracted me, and You molded me, and formed me. "You (verse 11) clothed me with skin and flesh, and you knit me together with bones and sinews. You granted me life." You made me is what he says, every way he could think to say it. Look at chapter 12 of Job, and verse 9, "Who among all these doesn't know that the hand of the Lord has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?"
In other words, God is the source of all life. Look at Job 31, and I'll just show you two other passages that are very helpful. Job 31:15, "Did not He who made me in the womb make him, and the same one fashion us in the womb?" He's talking about one person (speaking of himself and someone else). Didn't God make us all? Didn't He fashion us in the womb? That creative process began in the womb at conception. Chapter 33 of Job, verse 4, "The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life." It is very apparent here in probably the oldest book in the Bible—Job, taking us clear back to the patriarchal time, (probably penned before the Pentateuch even) that they understood that they were made by God.
The Psalmist has the same concept; look at Psalm 22. David in a similar situation to Job, trying to figure out his problems, goes back to the fact that he knows God made him; Psalm 22:9, "Yet Thou are He who didst bring me forth from the womb; Thou didst make me trust when upon my mother's breast. Upon Thee I was cast from birth; Thou hast been my God from my mother's womb." From the time I was in the womb You made me and You were my God.
The 100th Psalm (we can't read all the scriptures related) says in verse 3, "Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves." You say, "Well, we made a baby." No, you didn't really make a baby; you were the human instrumentation through which God made a baby. Let me tell you something: you can transmit the physical features, but you cannot make a soul. Do you understand that? You cannot, through sexual relationships create an immortal, eternal soul. At the time of conception, when the physical factors come together, God has to impart a soul. In Psalm 104, and verse 30, "Thou dost send forth Thy Spirit, they are created," reminding us that the Spirit of God is the creating force.
The prophet Isaiah (and we will look at him just briefly), the prophet Isaiah helps us to see the same thing. In chapter 44 and 45, and just briefly, chapter 44:1, "Now listen, O Jacob, My servant and Israel, whom I have chosen: Thus says the Lord who made you (and here it is again) and formed you from the womb." Down in verse 24, "Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb." Over in chapter 45 of Isaiah, verse 9, he's talking about God being the potter and we are the clay, and we can't argue with how we are made, and all of that. And then He says, verse 11, "Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: Ask me about the things to come concerning my sons, and you shall commit to Me the work of My hands. It is I who made the earth, and created man upon it. I stretched out the heavens with My hands, and I ordained all their hosts. I have aroused him in righteousness . . . ." I, I, I, that's the whole point: "God made it all." He made it all. He is the source of creation.
In Jeremiah 1:5, God said to Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you." "I knew you," (Hebrew, yaddah), as a rational creature. Galatians 1:15, Paul says, "But when He who has set me apart, even from my mother's womb, and called me through His grace (and so forth)."
Paul knew, Jeremiah knew, any Christian knows that God has His hand on us from the time of conception, and that our eternal destiny was set from that moment and the purpose and plan for our service to God was set from that moment.
The New Testament emphasizes this in a majestic way: look at Matthew, chapter 1, the birth of Christ. This is quite an important illustration that often is not considered. Matthew 1:18, "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph (they were engaged, not yet married; they had not yet come together in sexual relationship), she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit." Now, this is very embarrassing to Joseph, because here he believed in his heart that this young girl was a spiritually committed girl, a righteous and holy girl, that she was a virgin and pure, and all of a sudden she is pregnant.
He was a good man and a righteous man, and didn't want to disgrace her and shame her publicly (He could have stoned her publicly), so he desired to just divorce her secretly. He was embarrassed and couldn't understand how this could happen, but when he considered this, "An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for that which has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.'"
The point that I want you to note is this: that God is involved in the very act of conception, not only in the case of Jesus Christ, but of any life born in the womb. It is no less true of me or you or anyone else born into this world, that God was involved in our conception. The difference is we didn't have a virgin birth—Jesus had no earthly father, but we are nonetheless the product of God's creative hand through His Holy Spirit, who breathes life into everything.
Furthermore, the life in the womb of Mary was no impersonal blob, it was no fetal material. It was the Son of God! That life began at conception. Christ came into the world at conception. Look at Luke 1, and I'll see if I can't give you another New Testament illustration. Luke 1:41 says, "It came about that when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting (Elizabeth, you remember was pregnant with John the Baptist), when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Of course, John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb also, as it tells us in Luke 1:15. So the Holy
Spirit was already involved in the life of John the Baptist as the Holy Spirit is involved in any life, because He is the one who breathes life. But in a unique way the Holy Spirit was somehow involved in the life of John the Baptist even in the womb, as in the life of Jesus Christ in the womb. And whatever that means, it says, "the baby leaped in her womb." It must mean that somehow that child responded to what was occurring on the outside. The Holy Spirit moved that little life into some movement, and that's a wonderful thing to contemplate, even though it is mysterious to comprehend.
Notice the word "baby" and that's the key point here. The word "baby" is (Greek, brephos): "the baby leaped." Would you please notice, this word is used in 2:12; 2:16; 18:15-16; 1 Peter 2:2, and other places, for a living baby that has been born. Here it is used for a baby that hasn't been born. Listen carefully to what I say: it is the word used for unborn or born babies; they didn't have a different word. They didn't call it a fetus; it was a baby. Unborn it was a baby; born, no separate word was needed. Once the infant is created it is "the baby," if it unborn or born. The actual moment of birth doesn't determine the viability or the life; the life is at conception and thus the babe is the babe in the womb: the babe out of the womb—no different terminology. This is not a mere collection of cells, this is a baby—this is a baby!
Conception, then is the act of God whereby a person is created by God's sovereign will. A soul is breathed into the living tissue by the Holy Spirit. That soul's destiny is already known to God and determined by Him from before the foundation of the world. Abortion then becomes a violent anti-God act. It is not only a murder of the individual, it is an affront to the Creator.
Now somebody says, "Now wait a minute. What about the deformed people that are born. Is God the creator of those?" Exodus, chapter 4, and verse 11, God says, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?" I make them that way. It is for His purposes sometimes to make men dumb, and deaf, and seeing, and blind.
Do you remember in John, chapter 9, the man born blind, and the disciples said, "Who sinned, this man or his parents?" And Jesus said, "Nobody. This man was born blind for the glory of God." God made it that way.
So the first point, and the point at which you must start any biblical discussion is that conception is an act of God. An act in which 23 chromosomes from a father and 23 chromosomes [from a mother] come together in a strip of DNA that makes a life. And at the moment of that physical coming together God then, by the agency of His Holy Spirit, breathes a soul: an immortal, eternal soul, that transcends the body (for it will live forever though the body will die). And at conception then you have life.
To kill that life is to "play God," and as serious an affront as it is against the life itself, it is a more serious one against the God who is the Creator. That is why it is the ultimate, the ultimate decline in our culture. It is the ultimate evidence of the wretchedness of our culture. It is the ultimate proof of how deep our atheism runs, that we kill life that God creates. We have usurped the sovereign throne and we are now God, and we will determine who lives and who dies. This is spilling over, my friends, into euthanasia which is coming, you better know, like a hurricane to wash away our whole old population because we are God now and we'll decide. This kind of atheism will bring the wrath of God and we will see that tonight.
Well, Father, we thank You this morning that You have called us to a clear understanding of these matters in Your Word. We are appalled, to put it mildly, and we are saddened, and we are chagrined at the horror that occurs in our own land. We thank You that in Your grace, we believe that You gather these little ones to Yourself, that You collect them into Your kingdom. We also thank You that You know from the very beginning that they will never be born because they will be killed, and that does not exonerate the murderer, and that you have planned for their future to be one of good and not harm. We thank You that You can overrule all these things; and yet Lord that does not expiate the sin for which people will be judged: those who do those things, those who have them done to them, those who tolerate them.
We thank You also Lord that You forgive: You forgive the woman who had an abortion, You forgive the man who did the abortion; You forgive the husband who allowed it, the lover who wanted it. You forgive all our sins if we come in the Name of Christ and ask forgiveness. We thank You that You can wash and make as clean as snow that one who is stained by such a sin as this, and you can give back peace for anxiety, and joy for sorrow, because of Your forgiveness. We do pray today Lord that You will give us clear convictions on this issue. Help us to know as a church, as Christians, we cannot tolerate any kind of abortion, any kind of usurping of the Divine Throne upon which You sit, any kind of violence, mass murder, without having the ground cry out against us.
Help us to speak clearly on this matter and to take our stand where we must take it. But Lord also we want You to give us compassion and kindness towards those who have fallen into this sin, and may we bring to them the saving gospel of Christ and His forgiving mercy. To that end we pray, and even that Lord, somehow You will reverse all of this in this land, [and] call us back to a righteous standard. Be with our leaders; give us leaders who will move us in a direction that pleases You, not in a direction that infuriates You. We ask for Your guidance, in Christ's Name. Amen
Part 1 & 2
Copyright 1993
John F. MacArthur, Jr.
All rights reserved.
As we come this morning to the matter of abortion, before I take you into the scriptures and we look more closely at to what the Bible has to say, it is probably fitting for us to get some kind of a grasp on the issue itself. So, I want to address that, if I may, for a moment. What I am going to say to you may sound like an article in the newspaper because it is full of statistics and quotes and that kind of thing, but it does set the scene for understanding the issue at hand.
To sum up what we are experiencing with regard to abortion in America, we could simply say, "America, as a nation, is highly committed by law and by practice to a form of mass murder." And that is really the bottom line.
This nation, which certainly prides itself on its humanitarianism, is in a murderous cycle of violence that makes the Nazi Holocaust look mild by comparison. Nearly 2,000,000 babies are aborted a year in America. Every third baby conceived now is being murdered. Among teenage women there are 736 abortions for every 1,000 births. Among married women abortions now exceed births! More babies are killed than are born. Some would tell us that there is an abortion about every 15 seconds in America.
In some metropolitan hospitals, in the major cities of our nation, abortions far outnumber live births. Planned Parenthood has gone so far as to say, "This is nothing more than a means of preventing disease; pregnancy being noted as a disease." If you think that sounds farfetched, I will remind you of a paper by Dr. Willard Kates, from the Planned Parenthood Physicians Association. The title of the paper is, "Abortion as treatment for unwanted pregnancy: The second sexually transmitted disease." "
Pregnancy then is seen by Planned Parenthood as a sexually transmitted disease that needs to be cured by abortion. Planned Parenthood has somewhere approaching 1,000 abortion clinics doing somewhere approaching 75,000 murders a year, and are receiving millions of dollars of support from the U. S. Government and the United Way, and other agencies like that. Our nation, and other nations in the world are frankly wiping out an entire generation of human beings in mass infanticide.
It is estimated that perhaps as many as 75,000,000 babies will be murdered this year around the world—75,000,000! That's probably conservative. It's more than all the deaths in all the wars, in all the history of the world. This kind of murder is shocking and I don't want to be too shocking, but I want to tell you how it is done and I hope that I don't offend anyone. The processes of abortion are somewhat frightening and bizarre.
During the First Trimester, the methods are Dilation and Suction, called DNS, or Dilation and Curettage, called DNC; basically this means that a vacuum tears the child in pieces and sucks the pieces out through a tube. Or, a sharp instrument dismembers the Fetus into sections, and then often forceps are used to crush the head and reduce its size. This, of course, can result in a torn uterus, a perforated uterus, sterility, [and] things like that.
During the Second Trimester the safe comfortable home of the child, known as the Amniotic Sack, is wounded by a needle which withdraws the Amniotic Fluid and replaces it with a heavy saline solution (which basically burns the child alive), and in 24 to 72 hours the body will expel the dead fetus.
During the Third Trimester, a Hysterotomy is used—sometimes "prostaglandin," a drug producing delivery by stimulating the uterus falsely into labor. These sometimes produce children born alive, who are then left to die or even be killed. A new way being advocated by the
National Abortion Federation in their recent meetings was advocated at a workshop: puncturing the "soft spot" on the baby's head and then vacuuming out what is in the head. Another abortionist at that meeting suggested that the length of the baby's foot could be measured and used to determine the price of the abortion.
It almost sounds primitive, certainly not characteristic of a culture as sophisticated as our is. Even Cesarean Sections are performed as abortions in the Third Trimester. I remember reading about a case in New York City where twin babies were conceived in the womb. Both of them had "Down Syndrome" and they were killed by puncturing their hearts directly. Hundreds of these attempted abortions in the Third Trimester, are born alive and then used in some kind of experimentation.
The IRS, jumping into the fray, as they are always wanting to do in order to rule on how this all affects our taxes, has ruled, in "Revised Rule 73 dash something," "That parents are entitled to a tax exemption, if after an attempted abortion their child lives for any length of time." Now, you tell me how a child, attempted to be aborted, can be considered a dependent child if it lives, but not a child if it dies. What kind of dilemma is that? I suppose it is the same dilemma that the Van Nuys Police had not long ago, when a woman in Van Nuys had a baby in a bathroom—and she killed it with a razor blade. Had she killed the baby before it was born, she would have had no problems. But because she killed it with a razor blade after it was born, she is serving an 11 year prison sentence. This is the stupidity of Humanism.
Fifteen year olds can get abortions without parental knowledge or consent; in fact, generally the law wants to say that parents are the enemy of the freedom of the child; in fact, even the consent of the spouse is unconstitutional. Dead fetuses are used in an industry of business and experimentation. The "Journal of Clinical Pathology" indicates that fetal organs have been grafted into mice and rats to see how long they live, and other frightening experiments that I won't even speak about in a public meeting. Squibb Company is involved in paying tens of thousands of dollars to doctors to experiment with fetuses for use in research on high blood pressure drugs, and this is all coming very rapidly. I saw something about it the other night on television.
The U.S. Government funded experiments on live aborted babies. "The New England Journal of Medicine" reports that tissue cultures are obtained by dropping still living babies in the meat grinder after abortions, and they determine something from the culture that is produced in that. Some are thrown away. Dr. Jay Domingues (sp.) of New York City wrote, "On any Monday you can see 70 garbage bags with fetal material in them along the sidewalks of abortion clinics in New York City." Again, the "New England Journal" article by Raymond Duff and Professor A. G. M. Campbell (sp.) of Yale acknowledged that over a 21 year period, 14% of babies who died at Yale Hospital did so through the physician's choice. So you are dealing with a very, very, widespread problem.
It is now possible to do to a retarded infant what would be impossible to do to a dog or a cat. In fact, a recent case in California, "Cerlander (sp.) vs. BioScience Labs" makes it possible for children to sue their parents for wrongful life, for letting them live and refusing abortion (this reported in the newsletter, "The American College of Ob-gyn"). In other words, if your parents didn't abort you and you lived, and you've got severe problems [then] you can sue them for letting you live.
Bags of babies are found by trash compactors (as we all know); yet on the other side of this, a wounded American eagle was found recently in Maryland and rushed to emergency treatment. However, it died and a $5,000 reward was offered for the arrest of whoever injured it. It is illegal to ship a pregnant lobster: it's a $1,000 fine. In the State of Massachusetts there is an anti-cruelty law that makes it illegal to award a goldfish as a prize. Why? This is what it says, "To protect the tendency to dull humanitarian feelings and to corrupt morals of those who abuse them." The same people that want to save the goldfish are leading the parade, usually, to kill the babies.
This of course has developed into a multibillion dollar industry, in the terms of business. Many people make their money on this. I talked to an abortionist who was attending our church, some years back, and presented to him the gospel. We had several meetings together and he understood fully the gospel. I don't know his spiritual condition at this time, but I remember on the days that I talked with him that he told me that he himself alone did $9,000,000 worth of abortions in a year in his own clinic (that's one doctor).
The industry goes beyond just the abortion itself to the products of abortion: the material (the fetus material) which is used for all kinds of things and sold. It is a massive industry. This even gets more bizarre and there is no need to get into it. The whole abortion industry is frightening [and] mind boggling. How a nation of civilized people (if we are civilized; advanced technologically yes, civilized—no), how we can tolerate this is unthinkable, except for the fallenness and the wretched sinfulness of the human heart.
In other countries in the world people are still reeling from the impact of this. I will give you one illustration: Japan has been very aggressive in the abortion field for a number of years, and in Japan there is severe trauma on the part of Japanese women because there have been millions and millions of abortions that have occurred there. Over the last say 40 years, in Japan there has been an excess of 50,000,000 abortions that are known. The women have been traumatized by these abortions, in terms of their own emotional life, and so the Buddhists have erected temples for the expressed purpose of dealing with the issue of abortion. These are temples which memorialized what are called "water babies" (this is a term for an aborted child). A "water baby," those who perish by abortion.
In order to secure peace for their departed souls, these women come to these places. And they are now aware of the fact in their own conscience (at least they assume this to be true without biblical revelation) that these little aborted "water babies" have a soul, and they have got to do something for the departed soul; so the Buddhists, in their religion, have erected temples where the departed souls of "water babies" can be attended to by penitent mothers. For somewhere between $340 and $640 a grieving mother can purchase a small stone Buddha. And somehow purchasing this small stone Buddha not only feeds the business enterprise but relieves some of the anxiety and, apparently, does something for the departed soul of the baby.
In one temple alone, tens of thousands of these have been sold; the grounds have become a commercial attraction where visitors pay to come and take pictures of women who are there agonizing over their departed "water babies." Priests will offer prayers at that place for "water babies" at $120 per baby and $40 for each additional baby that you have aborted. That is just one illustration from one country of the trauma that has occurred in the lives of these women.
400% to 800% is the range of statistic figures that regard suicide; somewhere between 400% and 800% of suicide rates increase in women who have had abortions. Hypochondria, depression, withdrawal, guilt, shame, drugs, alcohol dependency, serious emotional trauma—all of these come from abortions. Six to seven times more women die each year from legal than illegal abortions. So the whole thing is a very, very frightening, frightening scenario.
Just a few more things, and I am not going to give you all the documentation, although I have it in hand—but let me just read you some of the things that are coming out of this abortion issue with regard to how it impacts women:
1. The risk of pregnancy outside the womb which threatens the mother's life, is doubled for women who have had one abortion, and quadrupled where there has been two or more.
2. Miscarriages are almost twice as common for women who have aborted.
3. A study of 26,000 births indicated a more than threefold increase in the number of stillborn babies and deaths of newborns among mothers who have had an abortion.
4. Since about two or three women per hundred need a blood transfusion, there is an increased risk of exposure to hepatitis and AIDS.
5. Bleeding is more common in subsequent wanted pregnancies.
6. Many researchers have observed subsequent premature births and low birth weights.
7. Among women who have had abortions there is an increased risk of damage to the cervix.
8. A sevenfold increase in "placenta previa" (that's where the placenta covers the birth canal and often requires a Cesarean Section).
9. About twice the risk of breast cancer when abortions were performed in the first trimester, before completing a full term pregnancy. That's because God, in part, has designed the body to begin to prepare itself for the birth of that child; when that is aborted it creates certain risk factors in the body as the body retreats to try to compensate.
10. There is up to 30% greater risk of pelvic infection.
The statistics, however, are probably even grimmer since a woman who is injured will rarely go back to the doctor or facility where it occurred. Furthermore, complications often develop later and are not reported in connection with the abortion that caused them, nor is death always linked to abortion in reports and in death certificates.
When you look at the emotional effect, as I noted about the women in Japan, you find all kinds of interesting things:
1. Women having prior emotional or mental problems often become worse, and having an abortion produced such problems in women who previously had none.
2. Women who have had an abortion are more likely to experience guilt, depression, and be suicidal. However, the claim that a woman will commit suicide if she is denied an abortion (and that's what the liberationists tell us) is highly unlikely, because suicide is almost nonexistent among pregnant women. Over a 20 year period, 13,500 Swedish women were refused abortions—only three committed suicide. Very, very rare.
3. After an abortion a woman is far more likely to break up with her partner, whether she is married or not. Abortion just destroys everybody in the process.
The question then comes, "How did this ever get started? Whoever started this?" Well, sad to say it goes way back. I mean if we want to know where it all started we have to see that it started certainly in the mind of Satan according to John 8:44, "He is a murderer." Certainly it started from the same kind of fallen attitude that made Cain kill Able. Cain was a murderer; that's the expression of fallenness. You can go way back and you will find that there have been efforts on the part of Satan to murder babies in the time of Moses and in the time of Jesus. And he was successful, as you know, in the time of Jesus, in massacring babies under the age of two, in order to try an eliminate the Messiah.
Looking around, for example, say the ancient time of Judaism, you can find abortions practiced among pagans, but never among Jews, for obvious reasons. They knew that life was sacred; life was granted by God, and they used to "camp" on the second great commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself;" and since a baby conceived was a person that became their neighbor and therefore to harm their neighbor would be to violate the second commandment.
Coming into the New Testament time there were also pagans who engaged in abortions, but again Jews did not do it in the New Testament time, nor did the Church. Plato and Aristotle both recommended family growth limitation through abortion. Abortion was used even in New Testament times among pagans to conceal illicit sex. If you could remove the evidence, you could remove the stigma of illicit sex. Rich women also didn't want to leave their wealth to lower class children fathered illegitimately, so while they might have wanted to have an affair with some low classed man, they didn't want to support his child, and so abortion was a way to deal with that. And then, abortion was a way (they said) to preserve their "sex appeal," not to "trouble the womb with bouncing babies."
Abortion was also a form of contraception. In times of ancient cultures, even around the New Testament era, the methods used varied from substances introduced into the womb through the birth canal; sometimes oral drugs or "poisons" as they used to be called; sometimes mixtures that were mixed for the purpose of proving fatal to the unborn infant; sometimes they would bind the body in these very, very, tight ropes or cloths to literally squeeze the womb and crush the life of the child; sometimes they would locate the baby in the womb and take a hard object and smash against that infant in the womb and kill it that way; sometimes using blades and sometimes hooks going up through the birth canal.
Pagans would do this; the Jews always rejected it because life was created by God, and anyone created by God became your neighbor, and to take a life was to violate the second commandment. The early church then took a strong stand against it. In the Didache, which is a codification of early church teaching, it says, "Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion." Abortion was rejected in another early document, called the Epistle of Barnabus, as contrary to "neighbor centered love;" so you can see the early church picked up on some of the Jewish ideas. The Didache, again that same codification of teaching, saw the way of death is full of cursing, murders, adulteries, and murders of children. They saw the way of death as belonging to those who killed children. They called them "Corrupters of God's creatures," and in the third century a Latin word even emerged, the word, "abortuwantes" (sp.)—abortionists. "Abortion," they said, "brought the judgment of God."
The Reformation didn't change this; the church has always seen abortion as murder, an act of violence, and a lack of love towards one God has created. So it isn't new: the people of God; Israel, stood against it; the church has stood against it; and we must stand against it.
Here we are living in a time when this abortion movement has become a massive industry, has become a reflection of our culture, and if you look back a little bit you can see what the pieces were that sort of came together to build the platform on which this whole thing stands. Let me just see if I can't share some of them with you. This whole commitment to abortion started;
Step one, the Sexual Revolution—the Sexual Revolution which basically said, "We want to be free to express ourselves sexually." You go back to the early sixties; everybody has got to be engaged in free love. Remember the expression "free love;" you remember all the hippies and that whole thing. The Sexual Revolution spawned abortion as an industry, because it basically said, "We have to be free to express ourselves sexually, and we don't really need to be dealing with the consequences." In fact, they would go so far as to say, "If we are going to be free, we women certainly can't be victimized by men. Men can jump in and out of bed with anybody they want all day long, and walk away and there aren't any consequences to them. But what happens to us is—we get pregnant, and so their freedom has no impingement; their freedom has no consequence; their freedom has no detrimental results, but our freedom does. So in order for us to be really free, you have got to eliminate the consequence, the major consequence of free sex, free love, and that is you have got to be able to eliminate pregnancy. Otherwise, we become victimized by men, and we don't want to be victimized by men.
So the Sexual Revolution with its free love really set the stage for the massacring of millions of babies, who were nothing but an intrusion in the fornications and the adulteries of a wretched, degenerate society.
Then there was a second thing that jumped onto the "bandwagon," apart from this whole free love thing, and that was the deformities issue. You all remember back in the sixties, the big issue about Thalidomide. Many women took Thalidomide because it was a birth enhancing drug and it would allow them to get pregnant, whereas they otherwise may not be able to. And you may also remember that Thalidomide had some severe side effects, in terms of limbless children that were born. There were some medical doctors in England who believed that these deformities and other deformities were serious enough to lead them to argue for eugenic abortions; and that, of course, came out of England, as I said, eliminating birth defect children because of the cost on society, because of the trouble they give to parents (they are difficult to deal with); they have all kinds of problems with these children so we ought to come along and say, "Look there is no sense in bringing deformed children into the world, it's a tough enough place anyway." So, they jumped on the bandwagon for their agenda's sake and mounted, as it were, more arguments for abortion.
Then came along the whole Feminist Movement. The Feminist Movement took the expression of sexual freedom one step beyond. They basically said, "We not only want to be sexually free without consequence, but we want to be able to put on our blue suit and take our briefcase and go to work every day too. We want to compete in a man's world as equals and if we have to have babies [then] we can't do that." "Women are not equal," they said, and I am quoting, "to men unless they are rid of childbearing responsibilities." Betty Friedan (sp.), who is a leader of the Feminist Movement said, "Women must have abortion as a backup to contraceptive failure." Contraception first, and if it doesn't work then abortion because we can't be bothering with children. We have got to go to work and make our way in a man's world.
So you had the Sexual Revolution compounded by this sort of genetic game playing from those people who wanted to eliminate the deformed from society, and adding to that compound problem is the third feature which is the feminist argument: "If we are going to work in a man's world and to be equal to men in every way, we can't be fussing around at home with kids, so we have got to eliminate them from our lives."
Then you had another component, another piece came into the platform from the population control advocates who were telling us that we all were going to be standing on each others heads if we kept having babies. We were all going to be crushing each other out of existence because the world was going to be overpopulated; and I read all of that. Don't you remember reading that in the 60's? Everyone was screaming about overpopulation. I remember finding an old book that was written in 1918, in which a man said, "If something doesn't change—we have too many horses in the streets of Chicago, and at the projected rate it's going right now, in another 25 years the city of Chicago will be 18 feet deep in manure." It is the same kind of reasoning: we are all going to drown in a sea of babies.
All of this fed the building of this platform; it was all material fed into this building project to build the platform upon which the Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion verdict came down on January 26, 1973. At that point the Supreme Court of the United States excluded unborn children from the protection of the 14th amendment, which says, "No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law." They said, "Unborn children aren't persons." Yes, they are. Yes, they are, and we will see that in a minute.
One of the professors at the Master's College, Dr. John Pilky (sp.), very astute (teaches in our English Lit. Dept), wrote me a little memo. Listen to what it says,
The phrase "Pro Choice" (which is what the Pro abortionists use) strikes me as one of the most depraved, apocalyptically wicked, rhetorical facts in the history of western civilization in the Christian era. The phrase means "Pro Sin" or "Free to Chose Sin." The phrase would actually be less dreadful if it were "Pro Abortion" because that would confine it to the sphere of a particular moral problem, but by turning it to what seems a euphemism, the "Pro Choice" people have rung the final rhetorical "death knell" to the entire Democratic experiment.
The phrase "Pro Choice" means "without conscience, or without inhibition, or without restraint," and it parades itself under the Jeffersonian banner of liberty of conscience and separation of Church and State. As a rhetorical gesture, perfectly designed to function as a political banner,
this phrase constitutes the last word: the official formulation of official apostate defiance against the God of Christianity. I am confident that God will answer it apocalyptically.
Yes, I believe that he is right. I believe abortion is the last official stand of the defiant apostate against God. It says, "God, you will not determine who lives or dies—I will!" The ultimate apostasy.
That's where we are in our culture, and we are there by law—the law of our own government. The court ignored the issue of when life begins, which is a medical/scientific issue, even though criminals have been successfully prosecuted for killing unborn children in an attack on a pregnant mother. That child is considered a non-person if its own mother decides to kill it; if a criminal kills it they are prosecuted; if the mother kills it is a non-person.
As far a I can tell, and my research may not be exhaustive, but as far as I can tell, there is no nation on the face of the earth with a more permissive abortion policy than the United States, with the single exception of China. It is reflective of our prurient, lascivious, immoral, perverted Sexual Revolution; of the deviation from God ordained role for men and women. It is reflective of our selfish, materialistic value system. It is reflective, most of all, of our atheistic ethic hostile to God, and we now have a holocaust; and we have a holocaust which God will judge, and I will talk about that tonight, and I will talk about what it means that the blood of the murdered victim cries out from the ground against the one who did the murder.
Medical science has clearly established that conception brings about an unique individual life. Life begins at conception; that is absolutely a medical fact. [Here is] an illustration from a secular source, Dr. Jerome LaJunge (sp.), professor of Fundamental Genetics at the University of Rene' De Cart (sp.) in Paris; this is a quote, Life has a very long history but each individual has a very neat beginning—the moment of its conception. The material link is the molecular thread of DNA. In each reproductive cell this ribbon is cut into 23 pieces or chromosomes. As soon as the 23 paternally derived chromosomes are united through fertilization to the 23 maternal ones the full genetic meeting necessary to express all the inborn qualities of the new individual is gathered, i.e., personal constitution.
And if I may digress from the quote a moment to say: everything is there that is reflected in full adulthood; all the component building material is there. LaJunge goes on to write,
At two months of age, the human being is less than one thumb length from the head to the rump. He would fit at ease in a nutshell, but everything is there: hands, feet, head, organs, [and] brains; in the fourth week, his consciousness. All are in place. His heart has been beating for a month already and fingerprints can be detected. His heart is beating at two months at 150 to 170 beats a minute. To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion.
Well, there at least is an introduction to the issue. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has voted under pressure, pressure and influence from those who are engaged in a sexual revolution; from those who want to eugenically control who gets to be born or who dies; from those feminists who want to be sure there are no responsibilities that women have that men don't have; from those who would pour unto our agenda, as it were, a fear factor in terms of over-population. All these people have orchestrated, I think, under the control of Satan, the Supreme Court into doing what they did in 1973, and consequently, we are in a holocaust of convenience killing so people can be sexually free, so people don't have to deal with those who are disabled, so women can do whatever they think they want to do to be fulfilled, and so we can live the kind of materialistic, uncomplicated lifestyle that so many people want to live. The net effect is we become mass murderers.
With all of that as background we ask this most significant question, which will drive the focus of the rest of our discussion this morning and tonight: and here's the question, "What does the Bible say about all this?" I have about five points; I will give you one this morning and the rest tonight.
1. Conception is an Act of God.
We have already noted for you that from a medically scientific viewpoint, conception yields a new person, and so life begins at conception. Personhood begins at conception. We now say as we look to the Bible, that "Conception is an Act of God." Psalm 127:3 says, "Behold, children are a gift from the Lord." God creates personally every life—Scripture makes that fact clear.
Let me look at it from a negative standpoint, going all the way back say, to Genesis. Looking at it negatively: Genesis 20:13 says this, "For the Lord had completely closed all the wombs of the House of Abimilech." They couldn't have any babies because God didn't allow it. God closed the womb. Genesis 16:2, "And Sarah said to Abraham, 'The Lord has restrained me from bearing.'" 1 Samuel 1:5-6, "The Lord had shut up her [Hanna] womb." It says that twice. So here from a negative perspective you see that God closes the womb. God says no child will be born in that womb. He has control over that.
From the positive side, Genesis 17:16, God said to Abraham, "I will bless her [Sarah] and give you a son from her, and she shall be the mother of nations." I am going to open her womb. In Genesis 21:2 it says, "Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which the Lord had spoken." God said, I closed it; I'll open it. In Genesis 25:21 Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she was barren, and the Lord was entreated by him and Rebecca, his wife, conceived. God enabled her to have a child. 1 Samuel 1:19-20, goes on to talk about Hanna, and it says, "The Lord remembered her." Though He had shut her womb, He remembered her and after she had conceived she bore a son and called his name "Samuel," saying, "Because I have asked for him from the Lord." The Lord opened her womb and gave her a son.
Boaz, in Ruth 4:13, took Ruth (she was his wife), "And when he went in unto her, the Lord gave her conception." What a great statement: "The Lord gave her conception." No conception occurs ever, anywhere on the face of the earth, through all of human history, that is not a result of God's creative purpose. In Judges 13:3, Manoah's wife is at issue, and she has asked and the Lord responds. It says, "The angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, 'Behold, now that you are barren and bearest not, but you shall conceive and bear a son." That son was Samson, by the way. In other words, God has not allowed you to have a child, but He will.
Now, these passages simply illustrate to us that God is the power behind barrenness, and God is the power behind conception. Wherever there is conception—God has made it happen. So you are tampering with that which God has done. That's the point.
Now let's look at this from perhaps another viewpoint, not so much the narrative of Genesis and other passages, as the theology expressed. Go to Job, chapter 10, and here we find some statements with regard to Job's understanding of God, something of his theology and how it plays to this very issue. In Job, chapter 10, Job is musing over the fact that everything has gone wrong in his life and he is querying God, as he often does, about why. In Job 10:8, "Thy hands fashioned and made me altogether." I acknowledge that you made me. And then he asked, "and why would you destroy me?" He doesn't understand what is going on in his life and he says, "This I know, you fashioned me, you made me completely."
That word "altogether" literally in the Hebrew means "together all around," comprehensively, in every sense, You made me. Verse 9, "Remember now, that Thou hast made me as clay," in other words, it's just like picking up clay: "You formed me." Verse 10, another picture, "Didst You not pour me out like milk, and curdle me like cheese?" I mean, You extracted me, and You molded me, and formed me. "You (verse 11) clothed me with skin and flesh, and you knit me together with bones and sinews. You granted me life." You made me is what he says, every way he could think to say it. Look at chapter 12 of Job, and verse 9, "Who among all these doesn't know that the hand of the Lord has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?"
In other words, God is the source of all life. Look at Job 31, and I'll just show you two other passages that are very helpful. Job 31:15, "Did not He who made me in the womb make him, and the same one fashion us in the womb?" He's talking about one person (speaking of himself and someone else). Didn't God make us all? Didn't He fashion us in the womb? That creative process began in the womb at conception. Chapter 33 of Job, verse 4, "The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life." It is very apparent here in probably the oldest book in the Bible—Job, taking us clear back to the patriarchal time, (probably penned before the Pentateuch even) that they understood that they were made by God.
The Psalmist has the same concept; look at Psalm 22. David in a similar situation to Job, trying to figure out his problems, goes back to the fact that he knows God made him; Psalm 22:9, "Yet Thou are He who didst bring me forth from the womb; Thou didst make me trust when upon my mother's breast. Upon Thee I was cast from birth; Thou hast been my God from my mother's womb." From the time I was in the womb You made me and You were my God.
The 100th Psalm (we can't read all the scriptures related) says in verse 3, "Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves." You say, "Well, we made a baby." No, you didn't really make a baby; you were the human instrumentation through which God made a baby. Let me tell you something: you can transmit the physical features, but you cannot make a soul. Do you understand that? You cannot, through sexual relationships create an immortal, eternal soul. At the time of conception, when the physical factors come together, God has to impart a soul. In Psalm 104, and verse 30, "Thou dost send forth Thy Spirit, they are created," reminding us that the Spirit of God is the creating force.
The prophet Isaiah (and we will look at him just briefly), the prophet Isaiah helps us to see the same thing. In chapter 44 and 45, and just briefly, chapter 44:1, "Now listen, O Jacob, My servant and Israel, whom I have chosen: Thus says the Lord who made you (and here it is again) and formed you from the womb." Down in verse 24, "Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb." Over in chapter 45 of Isaiah, verse 9, he's talking about God being the potter and we are the clay, and we can't argue with how we are made, and all of that. And then He says, verse 11, "Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: Ask me about the things to come concerning my sons, and you shall commit to Me the work of My hands. It is I who made the earth, and created man upon it. I stretched out the heavens with My hands, and I ordained all their hosts. I have aroused him in righteousness . . . ." I, I, I, that's the whole point: "God made it all." He made it all. He is the source of creation.
In Jeremiah 1:5, God said to Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you." "I knew you," (Hebrew, yaddah), as a rational creature. Galatians 1:15, Paul says, "But when He who has set me apart, even from my mother's womb, and called me through His grace (and so forth)."
Paul knew, Jeremiah knew, any Christian knows that God has His hand on us from the time of conception, and that our eternal destiny was set from that moment and the purpose and plan for our service to God was set from that moment.
The New Testament emphasizes this in a majestic way: look at Matthew, chapter 1, the birth of Christ. This is quite an important illustration that often is not considered. Matthew 1:18, "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph (they were engaged, not yet married; they had not yet come together in sexual relationship), she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit." Now, this is very embarrassing to Joseph, because here he believed in his heart that this young girl was a spiritually committed girl, a righteous and holy girl, that she was a virgin and pure, and all of a sudden she is pregnant.
He was a good man and a righteous man, and didn't want to disgrace her and shame her publicly (He could have stoned her publicly), so he desired to just divorce her secretly. He was embarrassed and couldn't understand how this could happen, but when he considered this, "An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for that which has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.'"
The point that I want you to note is this: that God is involved in the very act of conception, not only in the case of Jesus Christ, but of any life born in the womb. It is no less true of me or you or anyone else born into this world, that God was involved in our conception. The difference is we didn't have a virgin birth—Jesus had no earthly father, but we are nonetheless the product of God's creative hand through His Holy Spirit, who breathes life into everything.
Furthermore, the life in the womb of Mary was no impersonal blob, it was no fetal material. It was the Son of God! That life began at conception. Christ came into the world at conception. Look at Luke 1, and I'll see if I can't give you another New Testament illustration. Luke 1:41 says, "It came about that when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting (Elizabeth, you remember was pregnant with John the Baptist), when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Of course, John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb also, as it tells us in Luke 1:15. So the Holy
Spirit was already involved in the life of John the Baptist as the Holy Spirit is involved in any life, because He is the one who breathes life. But in a unique way the Holy Spirit was somehow involved in the life of John the Baptist even in the womb, as in the life of Jesus Christ in the womb. And whatever that means, it says, "the baby leaped in her womb." It must mean that somehow that child responded to what was occurring on the outside. The Holy Spirit moved that little life into some movement, and that's a wonderful thing to contemplate, even though it is mysterious to comprehend.
Notice the word "baby" and that's the key point here. The word "baby" is (Greek, brephos): "the baby leaped." Would you please notice, this word is used in 2:12; 2:16; 18:15-16; 1 Peter 2:2, and other places, for a living baby that has been born. Here it is used for a baby that hasn't been born. Listen carefully to what I say: it is the word used for unborn or born babies; they didn't have a different word. They didn't call it a fetus; it was a baby. Unborn it was a baby; born, no separate word was needed. Once the infant is created it is "the baby," if it unborn or born. The actual moment of birth doesn't determine the viability or the life; the life is at conception and thus the babe is the babe in the womb: the babe out of the womb—no different terminology. This is not a mere collection of cells, this is a baby—this is a baby!
Conception, then is the act of God whereby a person is created by God's sovereign will. A soul is breathed into the living tissue by the Holy Spirit. That soul's destiny is already known to God and determined by Him from before the foundation of the world. Abortion then becomes a violent anti-God act. It is not only a murder of the individual, it is an affront to the Creator.
Now somebody says, "Now wait a minute. What about the deformed people that are born. Is God the creator of those?" Exodus, chapter 4, and verse 11, God says, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?" I make them that way. It is for His purposes sometimes to make men dumb, and deaf, and seeing, and blind.
Do you remember in John, chapter 9, the man born blind, and the disciples said, "Who sinned, this man or his parents?" And Jesus said, "Nobody. This man was born blind for the glory of God." God made it that way.
So the first point, and the point at which you must start any biblical discussion is that conception is an act of God. An act in which 23 chromosomes from a father and 23 chromosomes [from a mother] come together in a strip of DNA that makes a life. And at the moment of that physical coming together God then, by the agency of His Holy Spirit, breathes a soul: an immortal, eternal soul, that transcends the body (for it will live forever though the body will die). And at conception then you have life.
To kill that life is to "play God," and as serious an affront as it is against the life itself, it is a more serious one against the God who is the Creator. That is why it is the ultimate, the ultimate decline in our culture. It is the ultimate evidence of the wretchedness of our culture. It is the ultimate proof of how deep our atheism runs, that we kill life that God creates. We have usurped the sovereign throne and we are now God, and we will determine who lives and who dies. This is spilling over, my friends, into euthanasia which is coming, you better know, like a hurricane to wash away our whole old population because we are God now and we'll decide. This kind of atheism will bring the wrath of God and we will see that tonight.
Well, Father, we thank You this morning that You have called us to a clear understanding of these matters in Your Word. We are appalled, to put it mildly, and we are saddened, and we are chagrined at the horror that occurs in our own land. We thank You that in Your grace, we believe that You gather these little ones to Yourself, that You collect them into Your kingdom. We also thank You that You know from the very beginning that they will never be born because they will be killed, and that does not exonerate the murderer, and that you have planned for their future to be one of good and not harm. We thank You that You can overrule all these things; and yet Lord that does not expiate the sin for which people will be judged: those who do those things, those who have them done to them, those who tolerate them.
We thank You also Lord that You forgive: You forgive the woman who had an abortion, You forgive the man who did the abortion; You forgive the husband who allowed it, the lover who wanted it. You forgive all our sins if we come in the Name of Christ and ask forgiveness. We thank You that You can wash and make as clean as snow that one who is stained by such a sin as this, and you can give back peace for anxiety, and joy for sorrow, because of Your forgiveness. We do pray today Lord that You will give us clear convictions on this issue. Help us to know as a church, as Christians, we cannot tolerate any kind of abortion, any kind of usurping of the Divine Throne upon which You sit, any kind of violence, mass murder, without having the ground cry out against us.
Help us to speak clearly on this matter and to take our stand where we must take it. But Lord also we want You to give us compassion and kindness towards those who have fallen into this sin, and may we bring to them the saving gospel of Christ and His forgiving mercy. To that end we pray, and even that Lord, somehow You will reverse all of this in this land, [and] call us back to a righteous standard. Be with our leaders; give us leaders who will move us in a direction that pleases You, not in a direction that infuriates You. We ask for Your guidance, in Christ's Name. Amen
El punto de vista bíblico sobre el aborto Parte 2 Seguimos esta noche en la que dejó esta mañana en el debate de la cuestión del aborto, y como yo lo hice esta mañana, quisiera comenzar con una introducción que define el tipo de problema como lo enfrentamos. Me acerqué a algo que estadísticamente esta mañana y esta noche me gustaría que se enfoque un tanto desde un punto de vista ético. Permítanme compartir con ustedes algunas ideas que pueden ayudar a establecer esta cosa en su mente y luego vamos a ir a la Palabra de Dios para recibir respuestas concretas. Por siglos, el mundo occidental ha operado en lo que podríamos llamar una "santidad de la vida" ética. Es decir, una persona tiene derecho a la vida, simplemente porque él era humano y se consideraba humanos porque estaba vivo, pero ha habido un cambio en los últimos años hacia una ética de la calidad de vida, en lugar de una santidad de la vida ética. Esta nueva ética básicamente dice: "Una persona no tiene derecho a vivir, simplemente porque él es humano. Una persona sólo tiene derecho a vivir si cumple ciertos criterios, ciertas cualidades". De acuerdo con ese nuevo punto de vista moderno, una persona que no tiene derechos, simplemente porque él está vivo. Incluso si está físicamente vivo que deben cumplir algunos criterios adicionales para convertirse en humano. Si él no cumple con los criterios que él no tiene los derechos de un ser humano, incluido el derecho a la vida. Los no nacidos deben cumplir algún tipo de norma de un vago valor genético, o deben tener una vida que vale la pena vivir, o que debe ser buscado por la sociedad, o que deben cumplir con los criterios personales de la madre para ser considerado humano. Este cambio sutil permite la pesadilla escenarios de la utopía está pasando mal, así como el tipo de depuración de los programas genéticos que fueron perseguidos por Hitler y los nazis médicos. El mismo tipo de ética permitió a los nazis para eliminar elementos no deseados genéticos en la población. Cuando uno Nazi Death Camp guardia se le preguntó cómo podía exterminar a miles de personas su respuesta fue: "No se les considera como humanos." El paralelo a nuestras modernas situación es incómoda estrecha. De acuerdo a una serie de investigadores, Margaret Sanger (sp.), que, por cierto, es el fundador de Planificación de la Familia, la más grande del mundo a favor del aborto, de acuerdo con los investigadores que su estudio - que ella esencialmente de acuerdo con el enfoque de Hitler y trató de Malezas de la raza humana los negros, los europeos del sur, hebreos, y otros "débil de mente". Ella considera aborto como parte de un programa de mejoramiento genético de la raza humana. Esto entonces nos mueve a partir de la santidad de la vida a una calidad de vida derecho a la vida, y que la calidad de vida ha de ser determinada por los ingenieros genéticos o los filósofos o quien sea. Aunque chocante, eugenésicas estas propuestas no son muy diferentes en los principios de la actual práctica de abortar bebés por ningún motivo en absoluto. Un bebé que ha "Síndrome de Down", un bebé que haya algún otro defecto de nacimiento, o un bebé que sería un inconveniente no tiene una vida digna de ser vivida, por lo que no es humano, por lo que podemos disponer de ellas fácilmente. Respetados estudiosos ya han propuesto diferentes criterios para esta calidad de vida y puede leer interminablemente sobre ello. Una ilustración, Premio Nobel James Watson, propuso que una persona que no se declare que tengan la calidad de vivir hasta tres días después de su nacimiento, para estar seguros de que está saludable. En otras palabras, esperar tres días y después, si el niño no cumple con los criterios de tener en su vida. Otras propuestas requeriría que alguien ser varios años antes de que pudiera ser considerado un ser humano y, por tanto, acogerse a vivir. He oído recientemente que, en algunos países escandinavos están diciendo que una persona no puede ser considerado como verdaderamente humanos hasta que sean siete años. Por supuesto, si los criterios pueden imponerse cerca del comienzo de la vida se puede imponer en cualquier momento en la vida. Joseph Fletcher (que se le asocia con "ética de situación") sugiere que se considere a una persona debe tener un IQ de medir por lo menos 40. Los lactantes que no califica, ni las personas de edad que están seniles, ni otras personas que determinados tipos de accidentes. "En tales casos", argumenta Fletcher, "aborto, el infanticidio, la eutanasia y no está tomando la vida personal, sino que se limita a la vida biológica." Los intentos de justificar el aborto alegando que va a eliminar el sufrimiento no sólo forsakes la santidad de la vida ética, sino que también hace caso omiso de los hechos. Algunas personas dicen que hacer esto eliminar el sufrimiento, que no es verdad. Es como el argumento de que la discapacidad no tiene una vida digna de ser vivida; que hay validez al hecho de que los hijos no deseados van a ser los niños maltratados y, por lo tanto, en caso de que ellos no son deseados abortar para que no se nace y se No deseado convertirse en objeto de abusos. Por cierto, los estudios muestran que hay muy poca correlación entre la cantidad de un niño antes de su nacimiento se quiere y cuánto se quiere que los niños después de su nacimiento. Además, el Dr Lenoski (sp.) Profesor de Pediatría aquí en la USC, mostró que 91% de los niños son maltratadas previsto de los embarazos. Otro estudio demostró más en el comportamiento desviado quería bebés luego de los que no son deseados. Por lo tanto, cualquier argumento de que un niño no deseado se convierte en un niño maltratado no sólo frente a cualquier tipo de prueba. Por el contrario, parece haber una correlación entre el aborto y el maltrato de niños. Cuando aborto está legalizado en los Estados Unidos hay 167000 casos de maltrato de niños por año (fue legalizado en 1973). En 1979 hubo 711000; en 1982 hubo 1000000! Bretaña experimentó un considerable aumento en el abuso de los niños después de la liberalización de leyes de aborto. Ahora usted pregunta, "¿Cuál es la correlación?" La correlación es: usted comienza a educar a toda la sociedad que un niño no es una persona, no vale la pena vivir y no debe ser cualquier tipo de intrusión en su mundo, y de comenzar a tratarlos de esa manera. Profesor de Psiquiatría Philip Nay, llegó a la conclusión en un estudio de amplia publicidad, que la aceptación de la violencia contra los niños no nacidos reducido la resistencia de los padres a la violencia contra los nacidos - que debería ser obvia. Aborto es a menudo retratado como beneficien a la mujer y, sin embargo, irónicamente, cuando se toman decisiones sobre la base de sexo, las niñas son abortados luego mucho más a menudo los niños. De 8000 amniocenteses, es decir abortos, hecho en Bombay, 7999 de ellos eran niñas, uno era un niño. Este es el caso en China: sólo están autorizadas a tener un hijo y si se trata de una niña que acabar con él. En un estudio en los Estados Unidos, 29 de cada 46 niñas se abortan, sólo 1 de cada 53 niños se abortan. Así que la idea de que el aborto beneficios mujeres no parece encajar los hechos, sino que termina en la masacre de las mujeres en todo el mundo. Algunos sostienen que es necesario porque en el aborto de más de la población, sino que hace caso omiso de los principios de producción y distribución. ¿Cómo hacer en el mundo abortos en los Estados Unidos de aliviar el exceso de población de hacinamiento en algunas partes de África? No existe ninguna correlación. Además, los Estados Unidos y Europa tienen un problema de población diferentes: el número de nacer no son el envejecimiento y la sustitución de morir! Me dijeron esta mañana por alguien que trabaja para el IRS, que uno de los enormes problemas con el IRS y la seguridad social se enfrenta ahora es el hecho de que hay tantos abortos que allí no va a ser suficiente de la población nació a pagar su Sociales Seguridad en el momento en que se jubilen. Así que lo que estamos haciendo ahora: en muy pocos años van a elevar el nivel de la Seguridad Social a 67, y algunos años después de que los planes puedan aumentar en el mediados 70's. ¿Por qué? Ya que no hay una financiación, ya que no hay otro va a los asalariados a que nos apoye cuando nos de edad. Pro - Abortionists sostienen que la restricción de abortos nos devolverá la era de la espalda - callejón carnicerías. Dr Bernard Nathenson (sp.), que fue uno de los abortionist y convertido a un aborto posición no responde que no sólo son las muertes en la preselección Roe vs Wade día groseramente inflados, de hecho, dijo que mintió acerca de la forma Muchas muertes se produjeron en abortos ilegales porque querían aborto legalizado por razones de negocios. Así que todas las cifras inventadas para que la gente piensa que un mayor número de personas que mueren en realidad fueron abortos ilegales, pero él continuó diciendo que la evolución de la tecnología médica y farmacológica significa que incluso abortos ilegales se médicamente seguro. No es que ese derecho, pero que utilizan como argumento que si nunca dejar de legalizar el aborto no hacer abortos legales en menos de los servicios médicos adecuados y con menos de medio médicamente adecuada dará lugar a muchas muertes, y él dice, " Ese no es el caso, debido a la tecnología que tenemos. " El presente tolerancia del aborto está profundamente arraigado en este nuevo tipo de individualismo y el movimiento de derechos personales. El Aborto en favor de los pueblos siempre argumentan que la mujer tiene el derecho a controlar su propio cuerpo y, por lo tanto, tiene derecho a abortar cualquier tipo de intrusión en ese órgano. Sin embargo, la sociedad reconoce los derechos debe limitarse cuando en conflicto con los derechos de la otra persona, y sin duda la persona en el vientre de la madre tiene derechos. Un Tribunal Supremo de Justicia Antonio Scalla (sp.) dice, "La cuestión de si un derecho de la mujer sobre su cuerpo se extiende al aborto depende de si el feto es una vida humana." Ya hemos visto esta mañana que el feto es una vida humana, no una parte de el cuerpo de la madre, pero todos con una identidad propia: la que tiene su conjunto único de los genes, su propio sistema circulatorio; su propio tipo de sangre (muy a menudo), Y su propio cerebro. Se puede vivir y morir por separado de la madre, y la madre puede vivir o morir es independiente de la misma, es una vida! Pero estamos reingeniería de nuestras ideas y las filosofías que predominan en nuestra cultura de hoy son egoístas filosofías: entonces la intención de eliminar cualquier tipo de intrusión en las libertades del pueblo y las libertades. Ahora ¿qué dice la Biblia acerca de este asunto del aborto? Estamos volver a donde estábamos esta mañana. El primer punto que le he dado es esta: (y vamos a cubrir los restantes con sólo una breve reseña de ésta),
1. Concepción es la Ley de Dios. Hemos señalado esta mañana que Dios crea personalmente cada vida. Ahora esta mañana he dicho a usted que en el momento mismo de la vida que Dios hace una obra de creación. Los teólogos han debatido esta cuestión durante siglos supongo. Aquellos de ustedes que están familiarizados con la teología puede recordar algo llamado "Traducianism." El debate es, básicamente, "¿Tenemos como hombres y mujeres en el proceso de procreación de algún elemento de la procreación en nuestro poder para producir un alma?" La dificultad con que la pregunta es, "¿Pueden dos mueren seres humanos producen un alma eterna?" Pues la respuesta a la que probablemente es no. Por otra parte, la cuestión es si no hacemos que, en caso de que sea una vida independiente que se transmitan [entonces] ¿cómo es que nace con el pecado de Adán? Usted dice: "¿Cuál es la respuesta?" No tengo ni idea. Me siento muy presionada a la tierra a uno y otro lado porque sé que Dios no producir un alma pecaminosa. También sé que dos mueren seres humanos no pueden producir un alma eterna, y por lo que me limitaré a decir, a salir de él tan simple como mi mente puede permitir, en algún momento del proceso de procreación increíble Dios Inyecta el eternality en que la introspección que nos mancha Con nuestros fallenness. Pero cada concepción es, no obstante, un acto de Dios, como vimos la Escritura indica - Usted me hizo; Usted formó mí; Usted sopló en mí el aliento de la vida; Usted ordenado que yo vivo; Usted abrió el vientre; Usted me hizo a la Usted uno quisiera que sea. Este es el testimonio de la Escritura. Ahora vamos a ir a un segundo punto. 2. La Persona de creación es creado en la imagen de Dios. La persona creado es creado a imagen de Dios. En Santiago 3:9, "Con ella bendecimos (hablando sobre nuestras lenguas) - con que nos bendiga el Señor y Padre, y con ella nos maldición hombres que se han hecho en la semejanza de Dios." La persona que creó y sabemos ahora que su creación se produce en el momento de qué? Concepción. Y en el momento de la concepción de Dios sitúa a la realidad de la vida (y no sé si es exacto, en la fracción de segundo, si se trata de unos pocos milisegundos después de que), en algún momento (no sé dónde), en algún Punto Dios infunde personalidad y que el alma eterna que nunca va a morir es creado por Dios: que la verdadera es que no es sólo la recopilación de la genética, sino que es algo eterno. Exactamente en qué división segundo en el proceso que sucede nadie puede saber, pero, no obstante, cada vez que lo hace Dios, que se hace en la creación de la imagen de Dios, o en la imagen de Dios. Lo que estamos diciendo aquí es, entonces, que lo que se crea y lo que está concebido no es un animal. No es sólo una secuencia biológica. No es sólo una colección de células. No es cuestión del feto. No es sólo el tejido humano. Es creado por Dios a su imagen, y todo lo que hay para actuar, y de pensar, y sentir, y saber, y la confianza, y la esperanza de todo lo que es racional, y la moral y emocional está ahí. Volver atrás conmigo a Génesis, capítulo 1. Si usted necesita un recordatorio, se dice en el versículo 25, "Dios hizo las bestias de la tierra después de su especie, el ganado después de su especie, todo lo que se arrastra sobre la tierra después de su clase, y Dios vio que era bueno. Entonces Dios Dijo: 'Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen según nuestra semejanza, y las deja gobernar los peces del mar, y sobre las aves del cielo, y sobre el ganado, y en toda la tierra, y más de cada cosa larvada Que se arrastra sobre la tierra. Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó varón y hembra, los creó ". Nosotros no somos simples mortales, que no son sólo de carne somos inmortales. El intérprete de la piel y los músculos y los huesos es sólo un barco, es sólo un repositorio en el que algo de la propia imagen de Dios reside. En el Génesis, capítulo 9, versículo 6, versículo familiar, dice: "El que arroja la sangre de hombre, por el hombre su sangre será derramada, porque a imagen de Dios hizo al hombre, y como para usted: fructificad y multiplicaos." Si alguien mata a morir! No a causa de una afrenta contra la que la carne humana, sino porque de esa afrenta en contra de la imagen de Dios. Hay un dominio, hay una personalidad en el hombre que no existe en los animales. Hay una trascendencia que se eleva sobre el resto del orden creado. Gire a mí con el Salmo 139. Hay tanto que decir y me tipo de edición como voy, pero este es uno de los textos más importantes a tener en cuenta. En el Salmo 139 que tiene este gran paso que enseña que el feto es el extraordinario trabajo de Dios creado a su imagen. El versículo 13, "Para mi Thou didst forma perfeccionamiento activo partes; Thou didst tejer mí en el vientre de mi madre. Daré gracias a Ti, para mi, maravillosas son tus; maravillosas son tus obras, y mi alma lo sabe muy bien. Mi fotograma no Oculta a la Thee, cuando se hizo en secreto, y hábilmente forjado en las profundidades de la tierra. Thine ojos han visto mi unformed sustancia, y en tu libro estaban escritas todas, los días en que fueron ordenados para mí, cuando aún existe No era uno de ellos. " El versículo 13, mire, "Thou didst forma parte de mi perfeccionamiento activo,": literalmente, "Es Usted quien hizo mi riñones", es lo que él dice. "Usted me hizo en la parte más profunda de mi ser, y le hizo tejer mí en el vientre de mi madre." Se trata de un panorama absolutamente hermoso: el tejido juntos de todo lo que es parte de la humanidad; el tejido de cromosomas en el ADN. El tejido en conjunto de todos los componentes en el cuerpo humano increíble, tejida junto con el alma y el espíritu. En el versículo 14, "voy a dar gracias a Ti, para mi, maravillosas son tus hizo". "Fearfully", awesomely: utiliza de gran poder de Dios para llamar superando reverential impresionante desde que se hizo a su imagen. Él dice que estamos ", maravillosas son tus hecho," lleno de majestad como el trabajo de Dios. En el versículo 15 dice, "Mi marco no se oculta a la Thee," King James dice, "mi fondo", literalmente "mi fuerza, mis huesos, y mis nervios, y mis músculos." No fue escondido de usted cuando se hizo "en secreto" (el lugar secreto es el útero). Luego, en el versículo 15 que interesante frase ", y hábilmente forjado en las profundidades de la tierra;" literalmente "hábilmente forjado" en hebreo se puede traducir "cuando estaba entretejido de los hilos de colores diferentes." En otras palabras, "Cuando yo bordado, Usted hizo el propio tejido; Usted reunió a cada pequeña pieza, y le tejió a todos los que me hacen." Se trata de una bella imagen de la compleja, elaborada textura de la persona humana ", y Usted lo hizo en las profundidades de la tierra", una referencia al útero: se puede comparar Isaías 45:19 para uso similares. El versículo 16, "Thine ojos han visto mi unformed fondo," mi unshaped embrionarias sustancia: literalmente, de nuevo en el hebreo, "algo laminados juntos", cuando era apenas un poco de bola de la vida, cuando yo era sólo un poco de bola de cromosomas . "Y en tu libro estaban escritas todas," todos mis días, todos los años, todos los acontecimientos de mi vida, mi destino eterno de todo. Luego, versículo 17, dice, "¿Cómo son tus preciosos pensamientos también a mí, oh Dios! ¿Cómo inmensa es la suma de ellos!" Es tan increíble pensar acerca de Usted a pensar en mí antes de que yo se que jamás se haya hecho. Todo esto está detrás de este sentido de que esta creación es tan maravillosa y tan impresionante porque es una creación de la propia imagen de Dios. Esa imagen ha sido empañado. En el Salmo 51, leemos algo de que marring de la imagen; Salmo 51:5, "He aquí, yo se señaló en iniquidad, y mi madre en el pecado concebida mí." Ahora no significa que ilegítimamente fue concebido, porque no se encontraba (David hablando), que significa simplemente que, desde mi concepción es otra cosa sucede en mí demasiado, y es pecado. ¿Dios crea que el pecado? No, yo creo que pasamos sobre el pecado, Dios sólo crea la eternality: el alma y el espíritu eterno. Sólo una persona, por cierto, puede ser un pecador. Que la vida poco pequeño, que poco pequeño bebé, que poco enrollado pequeño balón de la genética, que poco feto, ya está designado como un pecador en el vientre desde la concepción: y sólo una persona es un pecador. Así que se creó a imagen de Dios, que es la imagen manchada por el pecado de Adán, transmitidas de generación en generación. Así que podemos decir que, alma eterna que es la creación de Dios, pero su propensión pecaminosa es el legado del hombre. Ningún ser humano es, por tanto, jamás concebidos fuera de la voluntad de Dios o jamás concebidos aparte de la imagen de Dios. La vida es un don de Dios, creado a su imagen. En tercer lugar, en el examen de los puntos a comprender la cuestión: 3. La Creación es la Descapacitado especiales del objeto de Dios Loving Care. Que la creación de indefensos que Él ha concebido en el vientre de una mujer es el objeto especial de Su cuidado amoroso. En primer lugar, quiero tratar de que a nivel general, si se me permite. Ya hemos visto que, a poco que la vida es considerado una persona, aunque sea una persona creada por Dios a su imagen y, sin embargo, un pecador. Entonces esa persona se convierte en el objeto especial de atención de Dios. El Señor se identifica con los pecadores, el Señor se identifica con los necesitados; el Señor se identifica con los pobres, el Señor se identifica con la viuda, el Señor se identifica con la orfandad; el Señor se identifica con el indefenso. En el Salmo 82 encontramos una referencia general a la que puede ser la base de nuestra comprensión. En el Salmo 82:3, "Vindicate los débiles y sin padre; hacer justicia a los afligidos y en la miseria. Salvamento a los débiles y necesitados." Es verdad que Dios tiene una preocupación especial por los desvalidos. ¿Hay alguien más indefensos, nadie es más débil, está más indefenso que cualquier persona que está por nacer? Así que, como todas las otras personas que son débiles y los indefensos, convertido en el "Especial cuidado de Dios." No tengo tiempo para entrar en todos los médicos de los fenómenos que protege a los bebés en el útero, pero es absolutamente increíble. ¿Cómo maravillosamente Dios ha aislado de la vida que poco calor, y la salud, y seguridad. Él ha diseñado la forma en el vientre de la madre a ser un protector. No olvidaré nunca cuando Patricia estaba embarazada de uno de nuestros más pequeños, y estoy tratando de recordar que - creo que fue Mark; sí, es Mark (he asociado a los niños con algunas casas y recordar que esto sucedió en la casa ) - Un día me llegó a casa desde donde yo estaba y me entró en la casa y ella estaba acostada en la cama y ella no se siente bien, y me dijo: "¿Qué ha pasado?" Ella dijo, "Bueno, me cayó frente a la televisión." Me dijo: "Usted que?" Ella dijo, "Me cayó frente a la televisión." Ahora que es un lugar extraño para estar en el primer lugar - en la televisión. Tuvimos un poco de la televisión portátil sentado en un bastidor de metal poco, y ella se subió a fijar la cortinas, y se quedó. Teníamos un piso de hormigón cubiertos con sólo una hoja de linóleo de azulejos y baldosas en este poco espacio, y ella dijo, "El peor de la que es, aterricé derecho sobre el bebé!" Tenía un enorme moretón en el centro de su estómago, y dijo, "yo sé, no me dan ningún discursos acerca de 'You're no debe ser escalada por encima de la televisión cuando está nueve meses de embarazo' "(Y ella era; Mark nació poco después). Ahora, la razón por la que dudaban a la hora de nombrar a los niños es porque se le puede mirar Mark extrañamente en el futuro, imaginando que podría haber sucedido algo, pero no lo hizo. Estábamos encantados porque, a partir de entonces hasta que Mark nació nos preguntamos si, de hecho, habría alguna consecuencia; Fuimos, después de que él nació, felices de ver con la totalidad de su peso en plena caída que poco concretas sobre la vida, la forma Perfectamente protegidas que era un poco. Dios tiene compasión por ejemplo en el desvalido. Recuerdo la lectura de algunos años atrás acerca de una señora que llegué a conocer, una señora que algunos de ustedes recuerden su nombre - se Ethel Waters. Fue un verdadero instrumento para el Señor; dar su testimonio comparte una maravillosa pequeña historia. Ella dijo, Una bonita negro niña fue atacada y violada por un hombre blanco en Pennsylvania. Fue apenas el pasado su decimotercero aniversario, y pronto se encontró embarazada. Y Ethel Waters dijo, "No, aborto, no". En cambio, un bebé saludable niña que llegó a amar a Cristo y Su gloria para cantar y hacer feliz a millones: una niña cuyo tema fue "El Ojo es Por Sparrow", y que la niña era yo. El amor se muestra a un bebé indefenso poco sin un padre nacido porque una madre no tenga un aborto dio al mundo un maravilloso regalo. Esa historia se puede repetir millones de veces. Inocente, indefensa personas tienen una especial protección en Dios, que quiere traer a su nacimiento, no importa cuáles sean las circunstancias en que podría ser provocado su concepción o lo que podría haber dificultades en la vida por venir. Su Dios tiene propósitos. Yo podría decir en el otro lado que, incluso pecadores que pasará una eternidad en el infierno que servir al propósito de Dios. "¿Y si Dios, dispuestos a hacer que los buques están equipados para llevar ira hasta la gloria a sí mismo", decide permitir que - de la que Su propio fin. Estoy convencido de que la furia de Dios algún día caer sobre los asesinos de Sus criaturas, que no han solicitado su perdón. Dios es el protector de los inocentes. Ahora para ilustrar este Bíblicamente; volver a Éxodo 21. Este es realmente uno de los pasajes más importantes sobre aborto, Éxodo 21:22, y aquí en esta sección de la Escritura tras los Diez Mandamientos, Dios da una serie de leyes que respecto de la vida y todas sus múltiples circunstancias. En Éxodo 21 tenemos una cuenta muy interesante, que nos dice en el versículo 22, Si los hombres luchan entre sí (ahora usted sigue con atención) y la huelga de una mujer con niños (no sé lo que dice la versión, y algunos dicen "por lo que tiene un aborto involuntario", algunos dicen, "Así que ella tiene un nacimiento prematuro" ), No hay hasta ahora un mayor perjuicio, tendrá seguramente una multa como el marido de la mujer puede exigir de él, y él deberá pagar como a los jueces decidir. Pero si hay alguna lesión, entonces nombrará a la vida como una pena de por vida, ojo por ojo, mano por mano, pie por pie, quemadura por quemadura, herida por herida, moretón por moretón. Ahora lo que se esta diciendo? Una de las lamentables traducciones en la New American Standard es la traducción "aborto involuntario". No sé la razón por la que el término hebreo traducido aquí "aborto involuntario". No hay razón, por lo menos en mi mente, para pensar que el versículo 22 se refiere a un aborto involuntario. Hay un contexto de apoyo para que, así como lingüísticas. El hebreo literal de la lectura no es más que esto, "Y si los hombres luchan entre sí y huelga de una mujer con niños (aquí está el hebreo), de modo que sus hijos salgan a la luz." Eso es lo que dice. En otras palabras, hace que el niño a punto de salir. "Sin embargo, no existe ninguna otra lesión, entonces él estará sin duda a pena de multa que el marido (o el marido de la mujer) puede exigir de él, y se pague como jueces o cualquiera que sea el permitir que los tribunales". Yalad es la palabra hebrea común para los niños. La única irregularidad aquí, en esa palabra es que está en plural. Y es muy probable que no se entiende un feto en desarrollo que se ha bebé. El verbo (en hebreo, yasa) a menudo se refiere al parto normal, y por lo que dice la lucha que ocurre: dos hombres luchan, uno se involucra en esta lucha, y probablemente una mujer en las medidas (ya saben, la esposa para tratar de poner fin a la Lucha) y ella se golpeó a fin de que sus hijos salgan (sólo de ella en el sentido plural), es decir, la gente común tiene lugar el parto. Por cierto, este término (en hebreo, yasa) refiriéndose al parto normal se utiliza en Génesis 15:4 e Isaías 39:7 de un parto procedentes de la lomos del padre y también en Génesis 25 y 26, y Jeremías 1, acerca de Una partida de nacimiento que sale del vientre de la madre. Por lo tanto, desde el lado del padre y parte de su madre el término se utiliza para expresar un niño que nace. En ningún caso significa que el término (en hebreo, yasa) se refieren a un aborto involuntario. Números 12:12 lo usa, pero se refiere a un nacimiento, todavía no es un aborto involuntario. La palabra hebrea para el aborto involuntario (shakal) utilizados en Éxodo 23:26, Oseas 9:14, no se utiliza en este versículo. Así que lo que tenemos aquí es un parto prematuro. Ahora, seguir el pensamiento: dos hombres luchan, la mujer probablemente en las medidas; ella se golpeó en el proceso y, en consecuencia, el trauma provoca un parto prematuro. Si todo lo que ocurre es que el niño sale y no hay más lesiones, entonces debe haber una multa por la incomodidad, de los problemas que pueden llegar a hacerse cargo del niño, y de hacerse cargo de la mujer porque de lo que El trauma que sufrió. Si no hay ningún debate sobre esto, entonces los jueces pueden discernir lo que debería ser. "Pero si no hay ninguna otra lesión...." ¿Qué sería "más daño"? Bueno, tendría que significar algo más severas, incluida la pérdida de la vida, "entonces usted nombrará como una pena de la vida para toda la vida." ¿Cuál es el punto? El punto es: si usted es responsable de matar a un niño no nacido que pagar con su vida. Ese es el punto. , Se constituye en el asesinato. "No hay más lesiones", luego en el versículo 22, ha sido incorrectamente en el sentido de que ha habido algún tipo de un aborto involuntario. El equivalente de "nuevas" no aparece en el texto hebreo. Simplemente dice (usted notará probablemente que "además" está en cursiva), que sólo dice "si no hay una lesión." Si el niño nace y no hay lesión de multa. Settle sea cual sea el costo de la atención médica, si es que hay alguno, pero si hay más de que, si hay lesiones para el niño, si hay lesiones a la madre luego "ley del talión" [Latina], es decir, "para teta Cion "se lleva a cabo. Si el niño ha sufrido en un área de la pena es la misma. Si el niño muere entonces la pena es la vida. Es simplemente la idea de un castigo apropiado, pero lo que destaca es la siguiente: si el niño sale y su ojo está lesionado, que perdió su ojo. Si él sale de su mano y es herido de perder su mano. Si el pie de su pie, y así sucesivamente, y así sucesivamente. Herida para que la herida de la justicia, pero si el niño muere que pagar con su vida. "Lex talión" la ley del talión. Así que la Escritura nos enseña entonces muy, muy claramente que la concepción es un acto de Dios, que todo individuo es concebido concebido a la imagen de Dios, y que cada persona es el especial cuidado de Dios. Nada ilustra más de que si hieren a un niño que nació es inoportuna y que le han infligido lesiones, usted paga un castigo justo, incluidos, si matan a los niños que usted paga con su vida. Dios tiene un cuidado especial para aquellos que no se pueden ayudar. Hay un cuarto punto en nuestro pequeño esbozo, y en el tipo de vínculos con esos otros. 4. La compasión es que se aplicará a todos los de la creación de Dios hecho a su imagen. Si esta es la forma en que el Señor se siente hacia ellos entonces esta es la forma en que sentimos, pero que se remonta a los judíos principio de esta mañana, "Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo", como lo hemos reiterado en Mateo 22:39. Romanos nos dice en el capítulo 13, "El amor cumple con toda la ley." El feto es tu vecino, es una persona que necesite atención y protección, y vamos a tratar a los niños no nacidos con el mismo tipo de compasión que se aplicarían a todos los de la creación de Dios a su imagen. Una de las cosas que me llegue a buen puerto, pero debo apartarme un momento para hacerlo, es el hecho de que hoy lo que ha de salir el aborto es también el movimiento Animal Rights Movement. Ellos están íntimamente relacionados porque el movimiento de los derechos de los animales, básicamente dice que los animales son las mismas que las personas, y usted recuerda que hace unos meses me reiteró a usted uno de los lemas los derechos de los animales, que es, "Una roca es una rata es un perro es Un chico. " En otras palabras, todo lo que se crea es de igual valor, y que es evidente para cualquiera que se extraña de que los relojes y la distorsión evolutiva que llamamos el Animal Rights Movement. No hay una adecuada comprensión de que el hombre es creado a imagen de Dios y debe ser tratada con especial atención y consideración especial y extraordinario de la compasión de Cristo ", como es que se aplicará a todos los hechos a la imagen de Dios. No puedo siquiera concebir cómo una madre puede pensar en un bebé como un enemigo, ya que era un bebé producto de violación, o si el bebé que fue de alguna manera corrupta. ¿Cómo que la mujer puede pensar que su hijo estaba en un enemigo cuando se le ha dado el privilegio dado por Dios a poco de que la protección de la vida, con todas sus debilidades, que sin duda no es natural instinto de una madre. Ella tendría que ser vendido por una cultura que se ha convertido en decadente. Bueno, hay mucho más que decir sobre esto. Permítanme que lo lleve a un quinto principio. Hemos dicho que la concepción es el acto de Dios, es creación de la imagen de Dios; la atención es la preocupación de Dios, y debe exigirse la compasión por el pueblo de Dios. Permítanme que lo lleve a un quinto y esto es quizás lo más sorprendente. 5. Condena de Asesinos es la Voluntad de Dios. Ya hemos leído en el libro del Éxodo, capítulo 21, que si una persona golpea a una mujer a fin de que el bebé sale y muere, se trata de la vida de por vida. No debe extrañarnos por que, ya que sabemos que eso es una forma viable y de la vida de una persona creada por Dios, pero en nuestros días que podría ser porque se nos ha dicho que no lo es. En Éxodo 20:13, Dios dice, "no de asesinato," y he leído que usted Génesis 9:6 que dice, "¿Quién de manera sheddeth hombre de la sangre, por el hombre su sangre será derramada, porque a imagen de Dios hizo Él Hombre. " En otras palabras, la Biblia indica claramente que si usted toma una vida que usted va a perder su vida. Algunas personas dicen, "Bueno, esa es la enseñanza del Antiguo Testamento, Jesús ciertamente cambió todo." No, Él no era el Jesús del Nuevo Testamento líder defensor de la pena capital. En Mateo, capítulo 26, y el versículo 51, que dice, "He aquí, uno de los que estaban con Jesús (Peter's que recordamos) y llamó a que se había llegado a cabo su espada, y golpeó al esclavo del sumo sacerdote, y cortó su oreja ". Usted sabe que él estaba tratando de cortar la cabeza y no el oído, y el muchacho "ducked", y sólo perdió su oreja, y entonces Jesús le dijo (Peter), "Pon la espada de nuevo en su lugar, para todos aquellos Que ocuparse de la espada deben perecer por la espada ". Él no es darle una profecía; reiterando Es una ley divina: si toma una vida que le dé una vida. Jesús fue la articulación de la Ley de Dios: que el acceso a una espada y que la vida del hombre y le dará a su vida. En Hechos, capítulo 25, y el versículo 11, Pablo dice en el versículo 10, "Estoy de pie ante el tribunal de César, donde debe ser juzgado. He hecho ningún mal a los Judios como usted también sabe muy bien. Si entonces Soy un malhechor, y se han comprometido nada dignos de muerte, no se niegan a morir. " Paul sabía la pena capital es camino de Dios. Dijo que, si he hecho algo digno de la muerte, entonces yo no se niegan a morir. Allí tiene usted el apóstol Pablo reiterando su convicción de que Dios había establecido la ley de la pena capital. En Romanos 13:4, dice que la policía, los soldados, quienes en el gobierno tomar las armas para proteger a los inocentes y castigar a los malvados, (dice,) "No llevan la espada para nada, sino que son ministros de Dios, Y son vengadores que traen ira ". Están armados con el fin de tener vida. Ellos no tienen que golpear a las espadas con las espadas que han de tomar su vida. Es evidente que la Escritura en el Antiguo Testamento por objeto la pena de la pena capital para los que la vida, e incluso la vida de un niño no nacido que cayó bajo. Jesús reiteró la pena capital es el conveniente para determinados delitos y lo mismo hizo el apóstol Pablo. En Proverbios 6:16, permítame darle una mayor comprensión en la actitud de Dios hacia los que toman la vida; "Hay seis cosas que el Señor aborrece, sí, siete que son una abominación a Él: altiva ojos, una altitud lengua, y las manos que Derramar sangre inocente. " Dios odia a las personas que derraman sangre inocente. ¿Hay algo más inocente que un recién nacido? ¿Hay algo más inocente que un niño protegido en condiciones de seguridad ocultas en el seno de su propia madre? En Proverbios 24:11, "lanzar a los que se están llevado a la muerte, y los que son asombrosas a la masacre, Oh celebrar de nuevo. Si usted dice, 'See, que no lo sabía,' ¿Él no consideramos que Pesa los corazones? Y no saben que Él guarda tu alma? Y Él no se preste a cada uno según su trabajo? " Si se permite a las personas inocentes que están siendo asesinados, no diga, "Bueno, yo no sabía lo que estaba pasando." Dios conoce su corazón, él sabe si usted sabe, y si son culpables Él os rendirá según su trabajo. Hay muchas otras Escrituras que hablan de la actitud de Dios. En Deuteronomio, capítulo 27, versículo 25, es digno de un momento, "Maldito es el que acepta un soborno a la huelga por una persona inocente." Dios dice, "Si le pagan para matar a alguien - maldición!" Hay algunos otros detalles: Levítico 18, 2 Reyes 24, Amos 1. Quiero aprovechar que es un paso más; Dios prohíbe toda toma de vidas inocentes, que entendemos. Pero quiero tomar una medida más lejos y decir lo siguiente: que en la que ha derramado sangre, que tiene un resultado muy interesante tener lugar. Vea el Salmo 106. Salmo 106, y voy a mostrar varios pasajes como esta recapitulación. Salmo 106, versículo 38; aquí es una acusación contra personas que pecaminosa, versículo 37, "sacrificado sus hijos e hijas a los demonios, y la sangre inocente derramada". De hecho, mataron a sus propios hijos para que sean los sacrificios a dioses falsos. Ellos "derramar sangre inocente, la sangre de sus hijos y sus hijas, a los que sacrificaron a los ídolos de Canaán." Ahora aviso de esta línea, es posible que desee subrayar ", y la tierra fue contaminada con la sangre." La tierra fue contaminada con la sangre - que la izquierda sí mismo, por así decirlo, en el suelo. Se tiñen la tierra. Ahora volver a Génesis, capítulo 4, y el versículo 10, Dios había dicho a Caín, "¿Dónde está tu hermano Abel?" Y él dijo, "No sé." Hizo saber que lo mataron. El versículo 10, "Y Dios le dijo: '¿Qué han hecho ustedes?" "Ahora escucha esto," La voz de la sangre de tu hermano clama a mí desde el suelo. Y ahora usted está maldito de la tierra, que ha abierto Su boca para recibir la sangre de tu hermano de tu mano. " Ahora seguir el pensamiento: Dios dice que usted arrojar sangre inocente, y que la sangre contamina la tierra. Es como si en todas partes es que las manchas de sangre de la tierra. La sangre de 2000000 abortado bebés en nuestra tierra, y en alguna parte entre 60 y 75 millones por la tierra cada año las manchas del suelo. Luego, en Génesis 4, Dios dice que la sangre clama. Que personifica a que la sangre como si está viva. Y ¿qué es para llorar? Es no correspondido! Es el llanto de las represalias. Es el llanto por la justicia. Es el llanto de la ejecución de su asesino. Génesis 42:22, "Y Rubén les respondió, diciendo: '¿no te dicen:' No pecar contra el muchacho", y usted no escucha? Ahora viene el cálculo de su sangre. " Y él estaba hablando de la manera en que había tratado a José. Habrá un cálculo de la sangre que clama a Dios porque ha sido derramada inocentemente. Varias veces la Escritura dice, "Y la sangre de un (determinada persona) será sobre tu cabeza" - recordar que? En otras palabras, usted es responsable. Y así Dios exige que la pena de muerte cuando la sangre derramada de vidas inocentes clama a Él. Y creo que esa es la difícil situación de América. Creo que la tierra es sucia y manchada con la sangre de los inocentes que han sido, y siguen siendo, incluso ahora, en este momento, masacrados. Nada muestra más claramente el total de la decadencia moral y espiritual de nuestra sociedad, su desprecio por Dios, y su desprecio por su labor creativa, por la que se hace a su imagen, su desprecio por Su compasión y la compasión de Cristo - nada más lo demuestra Que el asesinato en masa de millones de bebés. Este desprecio por la santidad de la vida humana y de la sustitución de lo que llamamos "calidad de vida", lo que nos hace ser asesinos de los niños, hace que el suelo muy de nuestra tierra a clamar a Dios por venganza. Y creo que ahora estamos bajo el juicio de Dios, una nación de asesinos: la tierra está pidiendo a gritos. Dios tiene sus caminos. Dios tiene sus caminos. Algunas de estas mujeres que asesinan a sus bebés pueden sufrir el juicio de Dios, de una manera y en algún otro. Algunos pueden sufrir el juicio de Dios sólo en un infierno eterno. Algunos pueden sufrir el juicio de Dios en un infierno eterno, y también en un infierno en esta vida de las drogas, las enfermedades venéreas, y quién sabe qué. Algunos pueden sufrir en la desigualdad de la vida y sueños destrozados. Algunos pueden sufrir con la enfermedad física. ¿Quién sabe lo que Dios metes en particulares a los que matan a los inocentes. Creo que de todos los médicos que participan en este. Creo que de todos los defensores del aborto, las mujeres liberationists y políticos incluidos, que ayudar e instigar el crimen, sólo Dios sabe lo que Él ha diseñado para ellos. Temerosamente, que pienso en la Coalición Religiosa "para" Aborto Derechos. ¿Sabe quién está en ella? American Baptist Churches, la Iglesia de los Hermanos, Iglesias Cristianas, la Iglesia Episcopal, Women's Caucus, la Iglesia Presbiteriana de los EE.UU., la Iglesia Unida de Cristo, la Iglesia Metodista Unida, la Iglesia Presbiteriana Unida, La Asociación Cristiana Femenina, etc Y la sentencia Dios espera de estas personas, que espera a estas personas. Y esta es la tristeza de ella - de que Dios juzgará porque el terreno grita! Hay una última palabra, y que es la siguiente: 6. Condescendiente procede de la gracia redentora de Dios a los participantes en esta tragedia. En primer lugar, voy a decir que es mi convicción de que Dios redima asesinado a los recién nacidos. Su gracia que llega y toma los pequeños tienen que estar con Él, ya que la Biblia es muy clara, y no voy a entrar en esto en detalle, nos han enseñado que en otras ocasiones. Pero la Biblia es muy clara por lo que las personas que perecen en el infierno, porque se niegan a creer que el infierno es para aquellos que rechazaron a Dios y que Cristo rechazó - algo que la bebé por nacer nunca podría hacer. Por lo tanto, Dios, no tener una base justa, ya sea interno o externo, en virtud de la actitud o la acción de un niño por nacer, no tendría base sobre la que condena al infierno ellos (con excepción de la depravación que han heredado de Adán, que No es nunca una causa de la condenación aparte de las pruebas en su comportamiento o actitud). Dios debe abrazar en su propio reino. En segundo lugar, y lo digo para concluir, Dios es también la amabilidad de perdonar a aquellos que han sido los asesinos de niños. Sé que hay algunas personas aquí que han tenido abortos, porque en una congregación de este tamaño es inevitable. Quiero que sepan que el Señor Jesucristo le ofrece el perdón para que el pecado. Puede haber algunos de ustedes que han participado en la práctica médica como un médico o una enfermera, o asistente, en la que usted y han participado en un aborto. Es posible que algunos de ustedes que pueda tener, en un momento u otro, ayudó a un amigo a llegar a un aborto, o quizás trabajado en un lugar donde que se hizo. El Señor perdona que si venimos a El. Por supuesto, cuando usted viene a Cristo todos tus pecados te son perdonados, incluido el pecado, para Él ofrece, como sabemos muy bien, que la gracia es mayor que nuestro pecado.
He recibido una carta que quiero compartir con ustedes, Estimado Juan, Siempre he sido un cristiano como desde que tengo memoria, y a la edad de 17, tuve un aborto. No puedo siquiera comenzar a explicar la desesperación y la ira que sentí entonces. Mi relación con mis padres no era buena. En ese momento me trasladé a cabo nuestra casa de mis padres de saber. He trabajado a tiempo completo y terminado la High School. Se infierno. No había nadie a mí, no había nadie a confiar en; yo estaba muy asustada. Fui a la Planificación de la Familia y les dijo: "Yo quería a mi bebé." Ellos pensaban que estaba loco. De ninguna manera lo que ofrecen mí otra alternativa como la adopción o ayuda. El único consejo que me ofrecieron fue la de aborto y de la manera de ir a Medi-Cal y decirles que yo no sabía quién era el padre, que forma Medi-Cal que pagar por ello. La prueba fue una horrible pesadilla que nunca olvidaré. Recuerdo especialmente el médico cantando ópera, si bien el procedimiento que se está haciendo. Lloré durante meses después. Lo único que se me tiró hacia mediante el hecho de que Jesús perdonó a mí, y con su bendición Ahora tengo tres hermosas niñas, y mantengo tranquilizador a mí mismo que en el cielo también tengo un niño que aún no han cumplido. Dios es amable. Como horribles, como horrendos, como impensable como toda esta cosa es, Dios en su misericordia está dispuesto a perdonar al pecador penitente: tanto el que está la madre y el que es el médico. Hay mucho más que decir, y acabo de izquierda y corrió a través de mucho, pero creo que usted entiende, ¿verdad lo que la Escritura tiene que decir sobre esto? Este es un tiempo en nuestro país a tomar una posición sobre esta cuestión. Este es un tiempo para compartir individualmente con personas que están confundidos, porque la cuestión es muy clara. Ahora Padre, damos las gracias a usted que hemos sido capaces de compartir juntos esta noche en lo que es una triste y decepcionante tema. Pero estamos agradecidos porque es tan esencial para nosotros entenderlo. Señor, sabemos que Usted odio a los que la sangre inocente derramada, y sabemos que la tierra que clama por la sangre que se requited; de venganza. Y sabemos que Usted juzgará como Usted juzgará a todos los pecadores, a menos que venir a Cristo, a menos que se arrepientan y sean perdonados. Rezo para que si hay algunos aquí que han derramado sangre inocente podrían llegar a los pies de la cruz y recibir a Jesucristo como Salvador. Y si hay incluso un cristiano que tuvo un aborto que esa persona se vaya a ti y confesar, y arrepentirse, y pedir que la limpieza que le ofrecen. Padre, lo que hacemos orar por nuestra nación. Sabemos que nos encontramos en el borde de la divina sentencia a causa de este horror que existe. Pedimos que Usted pueda causar esta nación que se señala a Cristo. Señor, no podemos siquiera imaginar cómo ese movimiento de Dios que podría suceder, pero creemos que con valentía y que consiste en que, incluso pedir que de alguna manera, algo que podría ocurrir para poner fin a esta masacre, y para causar las personas a pasar a usted por el perdón. Con este fin oramos en el Nombre de Cristo. Amén.
The Biblical View on Abortion
Part 2
We continue tonight where we left off this morning in our discussion of this matter of abortion, and as I did this morning, I want to begin with an introduction that sort of defines the problem as we face it. I approached it somewhat statistically this morning and tonight I would to approach it somewhat from an ethical viewpoint. Let me just share with you some thoughts that may help to set this thing in your mind and then we will go to the Word of God for specific answers.
For centuries the Western World has operated on what we could call a "sanctity of life" ethic. That is to say, a person had a right to life simply because he was human and was considered human because he was alive, but there has been a shift in recent years toward a quality of life ethic, rather than a sanctity of life ethic. This new ethic basically says, "A person doesn't have a right to live simply because he's human. A person only has a right to live if he meets certain criteria, certain qualities." According to that new modern viewpoint, a person has no rights simply because he is alive. Even if he is physically alive he must meet some additional criteria for being fully human. If he fails to meet the criteria he doesn't have the rights of a human, including the right to live. The unborn must meet some kind of a vague standard of genetic worthiness, or they must have a life worth living, or they must be wanted by society, or they must meet the mother's personal criteria to be considered human.
This shift subtly allows for the nightmarish scenarios of utopia's going awry, as well as the kind of genetic purification programs that were pursued by Hitler and the Nazi doctors. The same kind of ethic allowed the Nazis to weed out unwanted genetic elements in the population. When one Nazi Death Camp guard was asked how he could exterminate thousands of people his reply was, "They were not regarded as human." The parallel to our modern situation is uncomfortably close. According to a number of researchers, Margaret Sanger (sp.) who, by the way, is the founder of Planned Parenthood, the world's largest supporter of abortion—according to the researchers who study her—she essentially agreed with Hitler's approach and sought to weed from the human race blacks, southern Europeans, Hebrews, and other "feeble-minded." She regarded abortion as part of a genetic improvement program for the human race. This then moves us from the sanctity of life to a quality of life right to live, and that quality of life is to be determined by the genetic engineers or the philosophers or whoever.
Although shocking, these eugenic proposals are not very different in principles from the present practice of aborting babies for any reason at all. A baby who has "Down Syndrome," a baby who has some other birth defect, or a baby who would be an inconvenience doesn't have a life worth living; therefore, isn't human; therefore we can dispose of them readily.
Respected scholars have already proposed different criteria for this quality of life and you can read endlessly on this. One illustration, Nobel Laureate James Watson, proposed that a person not be declared having the quality to live until three days after birth, to be sure he's healthy. In other words, wait three days and then if the child doesn't meet the criteria—take its life. Other proposals would require that someone be several years old before he could be considered a human and thus qualify to live. I heard recently that in some Scandinavian countries they are now saying a person may not be truly considered to be human until they are seven years old.
Of course, if criteria can be imposed near the beginning of life then it can be imposed at anytime in life. Joseph Fletcher (you associate him with "situation ethics") suggested that to be considered a person one must have a measurable IQ of at least 40. Infants would not qualify, nor would the aged who are senile, nor would others who had certain types of accidents. "In such cases," argues Fletcher, "abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia are not taking personal life, but merely biological life."
Attempts to justify abortion by claiming that it will eliminate suffering not only forsakes the sanctity of life ethic, but also ignores the facts. Some people say to do this will eliminate suffering—that's not true. It's like the argument that the handicap don't have a life worth living; that there is validity to the fact that unwanted children are going to be abused children and, therefore, if they are unwanted abort them so they aren't born and being unwanted become abused. By the way, studies show that there is very little correlation between how much a child is wanted before birth and how much that child is wanted after birth.
Furthermore, Dr. Lenoski (sp.) Professor of Pediatrics here at USC, showed that 91% of battered children were from planned pregnancies. Another study demonstrated more deviant behavior in wanted babies then in those who are unwanted. So any argument that an unwanted child becomes an abused child just doesn't stand up to any kind of test. On the contrary, there seems to be a correlation between abortion and child abuse. When abortion was legalized in the United States there were 167,000 child abuse cases per year (it was legalized in 1973). By 1979 there were 711,000; in 1982 there were 1,000,000! Britain experienced a tenfold increase in child abuse after liberalizing abortion laws.
Now you ask, "What's the correlation?" The correlation is: you begin to educate the whole society that a child is a non-person, not worth living and shouldn't be any kind of intrusion into your world, and you begin to treat them that way. Professor of Psychiatry Philip Nay, concluded in a widely publicized study, that the acceptance of violence against the unborn lowered the parents resistance to violence against the born—that should be obvious.
Abortion is often portrayed as benefiting women; yet ironically when decisions are made on the basis of sex, girls are aborted far more often then boys. Out of 8,000 amniocenteses, that is abortions, done in Bombay, 7,999 of them were girls—one was a boy. This is true in China: they are only allowed to have one child and if it is a girl they kill it. In one study in the United States, 29 out of 46 girls were aborted—only 1 out of 53 boys were aborted. So the idea that abortion benefits women doesn't seem to fit the facts; it winds up in the slaughter of women around the world.
Some argue that abortion in necessary because of over population, but that ignores principles of production and distribution. How in the world do abortions in the United States alleviate over population in crowded parts of Africa? There is no correlation. Furthermore, the United States and Europe have a different population problem: the numbers being born are not replacing the aging and dying! I was told this morning by someone who works for the IRS, that one of the formidable problems the IRS and social security is facing now is the fact that there are so many abortions that there is not going to be enough people born to pay your Social Security by the time you retire. So what they are doing now: in a very few years they are going to raise the Social Security level to 67, and some years after that the plans are to raise it into the mid 70's. Why? Because there is no funding because there aren't going to be another wage earners to support us when we get old.
Pro-Abortionists argue that restricting abortions will return us the era of back-alley butchers. Dr. Bernard Nathenson (sp.) who was one of those abortionist and converted over to a non-abortion position replies that not only were deaths in the pre-Roe vs. Wade days grossly inflated, in fact, he said they lied about how many deaths occurred in illegal abortions because they wanted abortion legalized for business reasons. So they fabricated all the figures to make people think that more people were dying than actually were in illegal abortions; but he went on to say that developments in medical technology and pharmacology will mean that even illegal abortions will be medically safe. Not that that is right, but they use that as an argument that if we ever stop legalizing abortion—non-legal abortions done in less than proper medical facilities and with less than proper medically means will result in many deaths; and he says, "That's not the case, because of the technologically we have."
The present toleration of abortion is deeply rooted in this new kind of individualism and personal rights movement. The Pro-Abortion people always argue that a woman has the right to control her own body and, therefore, she has the right to abort any intrusion into that body. Yet society recognizes rights must be limited when they conflict with another person's rights; and certainly the person in the womb of the mother has rights. A Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalla (sp.) said, "Whether a woman's right over her body extends to abortion depends on whether the fetus is a human life." We already saw this morning that the fetus is a human life, not a part of the mother's body but with an identity all its own: it has its unique set of genes, its own circulatory system; its own blood type (very often), and its own brain. It can live and die separately from the mother, and the mother can live or die separately from it—it is a separate life! But we are reengineering our thinking and the philosophies that are dominant in our culture today are self-serving philosophies: then intend to remove any kind of intrusion into people's freedoms and liberties.
Now what does the Bible say about this matter of abortion? We go back to where we were this morning. The first point that I gave you was this: (and we will cover the remaining ones with just a brief review of this one),
1. Conception is Act of God.
We pointed out this morning that God creates personally every life. Now this morning I said to you that at the very moment of life God does a creative work. Theologians have debated this issue for centuries I suppose. Those of you who are familiar with theology might remember something called "Traducianism." The debate basically is, "Do we have as male and female in the procreative process somehow the element in our procreative power to produce a soul?" The difficulty with that question is, "Can two dying humans produce an eternal soul?" Well the answer to that probably is no. On the other hand, the question is if we don't do that, if that is an independent life being passed on [then] how is it that it is born with Adam's sin? You say, "What is the answer?" I have no idea.
I find myself hard pressed to land on either side because I know that God will not produce a sinful soul. I also know that two dying humans cannot produce an eternal soul; and so I would simply say, to leave it as simple as my mind can allow, at some point in the incredible procreative process God injects the eternality into that soul—we stain it with our fallenness. But every conception is nonetheless an act of God as we saw Scripture indicates—You made me; You formed me; You breathed into me the breath of life; You ordained that I would live; You opened the womb; You made me to be the one You wanted me to be. This is the testimony of Scripture. Now let's go to a second point.
2. The Person Created is Created in the Image of God.
The person created is created in the image of God. In James 3:9, "With it we bless (speaking about our tongues)—with it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men who have been made in the likeness of God." The person created and we know now that creation occurs at the moment of what? Conception. And at the moment of conception God puts the reality of life (and I don't know if it's at the exact split second; if it's a few milliseconds after that), at some point (I don't know where), at some point God infuses personhood and that eternal soul that will never die is created by God: that real being that is not just the collection of genetics, but is something eternal. Exactly at what split-second in the process that happens no one can know, but nonetheless whenever God does it—that creation is made in the likeness of God, or in the image of God.
What we are saying here then is that what is created and what is conceived is not an animal. It is not just a biological sequence. It is not just a collection of cells. It is not fetal matter. It is not just human tissue. It is created by God in His image, and everything that is there for acting, and thinking, and feeling, and knowing, and trusting, and hoping everything that is rational, and moral, and emotional is there.
Go back with me to Genesis, chapter 1. If you need a reminder, it says in verse 25, "God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, the cattle after their kind, everything that creeps on the ground after its kind, and God saw that it was good. Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image according to our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him male and female, He created them."
We are not mere mortals; we are not merely flesh—we are immortal. The shell of skin and bones and muscle is only a vessel; it's only a repository in which something of the very image of God resides. In Genesis, chapter 9, verse 6, a familiar verse, says, "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man, and as for you: be fruitful and multiply." If you kill somebody—you die! Not because of an affront against that human flesh, but because of such an affront against the image of God.
There is a dominion; there is a personhood in man that does not exist in animals. There is a transcendence that rises above the rest of the created order. Turn with me to Psalm 139. There is so much to say and I am kind of editing as I go, but this is one of the more important texts to be reckoned with. In Psalm 139 you have this great passage which teaches that the unborn child is the special work of God created in His image. Verse 13,
"For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from Thee, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them."
Verse 13, look at it, "Thou didst form my inward parts,": literally, "It is You who made my kidneys," is what he says. "You made me in the deepest part of my being, and You did weave me in my mother's womb." That is an absolutely beautiful picture: the weaving together of all that is part of humanity; the weaving of chromosomes in the DNA. The weaving together of all the components in the incredible human body, woven together with the soul and the spirit. In verse 14, "I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." "Fearfully" means awesomely: used of God's great power calling for surpassing reverential awe since we are made in His image. He says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," full of majesty as the work of God.
In verse 15 he says, "My frame was not hidden from Thee," King James says, "my substance," literally "my strength, my bones, and my sinews, and my muscles." It was not hidden from you when I was made "in secret" (the secret place is the womb). Then in verse 15 that interesting phrase, "and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;" literally "skillfully wrought" in the Hebrew could be translated "when I was interwoven of various colored threads." To put it another way, "When you embroidered me, You made the very fabric; You pulled together every tiny little piece, and You wove it all to make me."
It is a beautiful picture of the complicated, elaborate texture of the human being; "and You did it in the depths of the earth," a reference to the womb: you can compare Isaiah 45:19 for similar usage. Verse 16, "Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance," my unshaped embryonic substance: literally, again in the Hebrew, "something rolled together," when I was just a little ball of life, when I was just a little ball of chromosomes. "And in Your book they were all written," all my days, all my years, all the events of my life, my eternal destiny—everything. Then verse 17, he says, "How precious also are Thy thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" It is so incredible to think about You thinking about me before I was ever made. The whole thing behind this is this sense that this creation is so wonderful and so awesome because it is a creation in the very image of God. That image has been marred.
In Psalm 51, we read something of that marring of the image; Psalm 51:5, "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me." Now he doesn't mean that he was illegitimately conceived, because he wasn't (David speaking); he simply means that from my conception there was something else going on in me too—and it is sin. Did God create that sin?
No, I believe that we pass on the sin—God only creates the eternality: the eternal soul and spirit. Only a person, by the way, can be a sinner.
That little tiny life, that little tiny baby, that little tiny rolled up ball of genetics, that little fetus, is already designated as a sinner in the womb from conception: and only a person is a sinner. So we are created in the image of God, which image is stained by the sin of Adam, passed on from generation to generation. So we can say that, that eternal soul is the creation of God, but its sinful propensity is the legacy of man. No human being, then, is ever conceived outside God's will or ever conceived apart from God's image. Life is a gift from God created in His own image.
Thirdly, in considering points to understand the issue:
3. The Helpless Creation is the Special Object of God's Loving Care.
That helpless creation which He has conceived in the womb of a woman is the special object of His loving care. First of all, I want to deal with that on a general level if I might. We have now seen that, that little life is considered a person, albeit a person created by God in His own image, and yet a sinner. That person then becomes the special object of God's care. The Lord identifies with sinners; the Lord identifies with the needy; the Lord identifies with the poor; the Lord identifies with the widow; the Lord identifies with the orphan; the Lord identifies with the defenseless.
In Psalm 82 we find a general reference to that which can be a basis for our understanding. In Psalm 82:3, "Vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy." It is true that God has a special concern for the helpless. Is anyone more helpless, is anyone weaker, is anyone more defenseless than that unborn child? So they, as all others who are weak and defenseless, become the "Special Care of God."
I don't have time to go over all of the medical phenomena that protects the baby in the womb, but it is absolutely incredible. How wonderfully God has insulated that little life for warmth, and health, and safety. How He has designed the womb of the mother to be a protector. I will never forget when Patricia was pregnant with one of our little ones, and I am trying to remember which—I think it was Mark; yes, it was Mark (I have to associate kids with certain houses and remember which house this happened in)—One day I came home from wherever I was and I came in the house and she was lying in the bed and she was not feeling well, and I said, "What happened?" She said, "Well, I fell off the television." I said, "You what?" She said, "I fell off the television." Now that is a strange place to be in the first place—on the television. We had a little portable television sitting on a little metal rack, and she climbed it to fix the drapes, and she fell. We had a concrete floor covered with just a sheet of linoleum tile in this little room, and she said, "The worse of it is—I landed right on the baby!" She had a huge bruise right in the center of her stomach, and she said, "I know, don't give me any speeches about 'You're not supposed to be climbing on top of the television when you are nine months pregnant'" (and she was; Mark was born soon after). Now the reason I hesitated to name the child is because you may be looking at Mark oddly in the future, imagining that something might have happened, but it didn't.
We were thrilled because, from then on until Mark was born we wondered if, indeed, there would be some result; We were, after he was born, thrilled to see with all of her weight falling full on concrete on that little life, how perfectly protected that little one was. God has such compassion on the helpless.
I remember reading some years back about a lady that I got to know, a lady that some of you remember—her name was Ethel Waters. She was a real instrument for the Lord; giving her testimony she shared a wonderful little story. She said,
A pretty black girl was attacked and raped by a white man in Pennsylvania. She was barely past her thirteenth birthday and soon was found pregnant. And Ethel Waters said, "No, abortion, no." Instead, a healthy baby girl who came to love Christ and sing for His glory and make millions happy: a girl whose theme song was "His Eye is On the Sparrow;" and that girl was me.
The love shown to a helpless little baby without a father born because a mother wouldn't have an abortion gave the world a wonderful gift. That story can be repeated millions of times.
Innocent, defenseless people have a special protector in God who wants to bring them to birth no matter what the circumstances might be that brought about their conception or what difficulty there might be in the life to come. God has His purposes. I might say on the other side that even sinners who will spend an eternity in Hell will serve the purpose of God. "What if God, willing to make vessels who are fitted unto wrath to bring Himself glory," chooses to allow that—that's His own purpose.
I am convinced that the fury of God will someday fall on the murderers of His creatures who have not sought His forgiveness. God is the protector of the innocent. Now to illustrate this Biblically; go back to Exodus 21. This is one of the really important passages about abortion, Exodus 21:22; and here in this section of Scripture following the Ten Commandments, God gives a number of laws that regard life and all of its myriad of circumstances. In Exodus 21 we have a very interesting account; it says to us in verse 22,
If men struggle with each other (now you follow carefully) and strike a woman with child (I don't know what you version says; some say "so she has a miscarriage," some say, "So she has an untimely birth"), yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him; and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
Now what is this saying? One of the unfortunate translations in the New American Standard is the translation "miscarriage." I don't know why they translated the Hebrew term here "miscarriage." There is no reason, at least in my mind, to believe that verse 22 refers to a miscarriage. There is a contextual support for that as well as linguistic. The literal Hebrew reading is simply this, "And if men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child (here's the Hebrew) so that her children come out." That's what it says. In other words, it causes the child to come out. "Yet there is no further injury, then he shall surely be fined as the husband (or the woman's husband) may demand of him; and be paid as whatever the judges or the courts allow." Yalad is the common Hebrew word for child. The only irregularity here in that word is that it is plural. And it is unlikely that it means a developing fetus that has been miscarried.
The verb (Hebrew, yasa) often refers to ordinary childbirth, and so it says the struggle happens: two men are fighting, one gets involved in this fight; and probably a woman steps in (you know, the wife to try to stop the fight) and she gets struck so that her children come out (just looking at it on the plural sense); that is, an ordinary childbirth takes place. By the way, that term (Hebrew, yasa) referring to ordinary childbirth is used in Genesis 15:4 and Isaiah 39:7 of a childbirth generated from the loins of the father and also in Genesis 25 and 26, and Jeremiah 1, about a birth that comes out of the womb of the mother. So from the father's side and the mother's side the term is used to express a child that is born.
In no case does that term (Hebrew, yasa) refer to a miscarriage. Numbers 12:12 uses it but it refers to a still birth—not a miscarriage. The Hebrew word for miscarriage (shakal) used in Exodus 23:26, Hosea 9:14, is not used in this verse. So what you have here is a premature birth.
Now, follow the thought: two men are fighting, the woman probably steps in; she gets hit in the process and consequently the trauma causes a premature birth. If all that happens is that the child comes out and there is no further injury, then there should be a fine for the discomfort, for the problems that might come to take care of the child, and to take care of the woman because of whatever trauma she suffered. If there is any debate about it, then the judges can discern what that should be. "But if there is any further injury. . . ." What would "any further injury" be? Well, it would have to mean something more severe, including the loss of life; "then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life."
What's the point? The point is: if you are responsible for killing an unborn child you pay with your life. That's the point. It is constituted as murder.
"No further injury," then in verse 22, has been incorrectly taken to mean that there has been some kind of a miscarriage. The equivalent of "further" doesn't appear in the Hebrew text. It simply says (you'll notice probably that "further" is in italics), it just says "if there is no injury." If the child is born and there is no injury—fine. Settle whatever be the medical costs, if there are any, but if there is more than that, if there is injury to the child, if there is injury to the mother then "lex talionis" [Latin], that is, "tit for tat" takes place. If the child has suffered in one area—the penalty is the same. If the child dies then the penalty is life. It is just the idea of appropriate punishment, but what it points out is: if the child comes out and his eye is injured—you lose your eye. If he comes out and his hand is injured—your lose your hand. If his foot—his foot, and so forth, and so forth. Wound for wound—that's justice, but if the child dies you pay with your life. "Lex talionis" the law of retaliation.
So Scripture teaches us then very, very clearly that conception is an act of God; that every person conceived is conceived in the image of God, and that each person is the special care of God. Nothing illustrates that more than if you injure a child that is untimely born and you have inflicted that injury—you pay a just punishment including, if you kill that child—you pay with your life. God has special care for those who are helpless.
There is a fourth point in our little outline and it kind of ties in with these others.
4. Compassion is to be applied to all of God's creation made in His image.
If this is how the Lord feels towards them then this is how we feel—but going back to the Jewish principle this morning, "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself," as we have it reiterated in Matthew 22:39. Romans tells us in chapter 13, "Love fulfills the whole law." The unborn child is your neighbor; it is a person in need of care and protection, and we are to treat unborn children with the same kind of compassion that we would apply to all of God's creation in His image. One of the things I hesitate to say, but I must digress a moment to do so, is the fact that today what you have coming out of the abortion movement is also the Animal Rights Movement. They are inextricably linked because the animal rights movement basically says that animals are the same as people; and you remember some months ago that I reiterated to you one of the animal rights slogans, which is, "A rock is a rat is a dog is a boy." In other words, everything that is created is of equal value, and that is apparent to anybody who watches that bizarre and evolutionary distortion that we call the Animal Rights Movement.
There is not a proper understanding that man is created in the image of God and is to be treated with special care and special consideration and special Christ-like compassion is to be applied to all made in the image of God. I cannot even conceive how a mother could think of a baby as an enemy, whether that baby was a product of rape, or whether that baby was in some way malformed. How that woman could think that child in her was an enemy when she has been given the God-given privilege of protecting that little life with all of its weaknesses—certainly that is not natural instinct to a mother. She would have to be sold that by a culture that had become decadent.
Well, there is much more to say about that. Let me take you to a fifth principle. We have said that conception is the act of God; creation is in the image of God; care is the concern of God; and compassion should be required by the people of God. Let me take you to a fifth one and this is perhaps most startling.
5. Condemnation of Murderers is the Will of God.
We already read in Exodus, chapter 21, that if a person strikes a woman so that the baby comes out and dies—it is life for life. We shouldn't be surprised by that since we know that's a viable life and a person created by God, but in our day we might be because we have been told that it isn't. In Exodus 20:13, God said, "Thou shalt not murder," and I read you Genesis 9:6 which says, "Who so sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made He man." In other words, clearly the Scriptures indicates that if you take a life you are going to lose your life. Some people say, "Well, that's Old Testament teaching; certainly Jesus changed all that." No, He didn't Jesus was the leading New Testament advocate of capital punishment.
In Matthew, chapter 26, and verse 51, it says, "Behold, one of those who were with Jesus (that's Peter we remember) reached and drew out his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest, and cut off his ear." You know that he was trying to cut off his head and not his ear, and the guy "ducked" and just lost his ear; and then Jesus said to him (Peter), "Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword." He is not giving him a prophecy; He is reiterating a divine law: if you take a life you give a life. Jesus was articulating the Law of God: you take up a sword and take that man's life and you will give your life.
In Acts, chapter 25, and verse 11, Paul said in verse 10, "I am standing before Caesar’s tribunal, where I ought to be tried. I have done no wrong to the Jews as you also very well know. If then I am a wrongdoer, and have committed anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die." Paul knew capital punishment was God's way. He said, if I have done something worthy of death, then I do not refuse to die. There you have the Apostle Paul reiterating his own belief that God had established the law of capital punishment. In Romans 13:4, he said that the police, the soldiers, whoever in the government bear arms to protect the innocent and punish the evil, (he says,) "Do not bear the sword for nothing; they are ministers of God, and they are avengers who bring wrath." They are armed in order to take life. They don't have swords to spank you with—they have swords to take your life.
Clearly the Scripture in the Old Testament designed the capital punishment penalty for those who took life, and even the life of an unborn child fell under that. Jesus reiterated capital punishment is suitable for certain crimes and so did the Apostle Paul. In Proverbs 6:16, let me give you further insight into God's attitude towards those who take life; "There are six things the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood." God hates people who shed innocent blood. Is there anything more innocent than an infant? Is there anything more innocent than a protected infant hidden safely in the womb of its own mother?
In Proverbs 24:11, "Deliver those who are being taken away to death, and those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh hold them back. If you say, 'See, we did not know this,' does He not consider it who weighs the hearts? And does not He know it who keeps your soul? And will He not render to every man according to his work?" If you are allowing people who are innocent to be killed, don't say, "Well, I didn't know what was going on." God knows your heart, he knows whether you know, and if you are guilty He will render you according to his work.
There are many other Scriptures that speak about God's attitude. In Deuteronomy, chapter 27, verse 25, is worthy of a moment, "Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to strike down an innocent person." God says, "If you are paid to kill someone—curse you!" There are some other specifics: Leviticus 18, 2 Kings 24, Amos 1.
I want to take it a step further; God forbids any taking of innocent life—that we understand. But I want to take it a step further and say this: that where you have blood shed, you have a very interesting result take place. Look at Psalm 106. Psalm 106, and I am going to show you several passages as we wrap this up. Psalm 106, verse 38; here is an indictment against sinful people who, verse 37, "sacrificed their sons and daughters to the demons, and shed innocent blood." They actually killed their own children to make them sacrifices to false gods. They "shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan." Now notice this line, you might want to underline it, "and the land was polluted with the blood." The land was polluted with the blood—it left itself, as it were, in the soil. It stained the land.
Now go back to Genesis, chapter 4, and verse 10, God had said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" And he said, "I don't know." He did know—he killed him. Verse 10, "And God said to him, 'What have you done?'" Now listen to this, "The voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground. And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand." Now follow the thought: God says you shed innocent blood, and that blood pollutes the land. It is as if that blood is everywhere staining the land. The blood of 2,000,000 aborted babies in our land, and somewhere between 60 and 75 million across the earth every year stains the soil.
Then in Genesis 4, God says that blood cries out. He personifies that blood as if it's alive. And what is it crying for? It is unrequited! It is crying for retaliation. It is crying for justice. It is crying for the execution of its murderer. Genesis 42:22, "And Reuben answered them, saying, 'Did I not tell you, 'Do not sin against the boy'; and you would not listen? Now comes the reckoning for his blood." And he was talking about how they had treated Joseph. There will be a reckoning for the blood that cries out to God because it has been shed innocently.
Several times Scripture says, "And the blood of a (certain person) shall be on your head"—remember that? In other words, you are responsible. And so God requires the death penalty when blood shed from innocent life cries out to Him. And I believe that's the plight of America. I believe that the land is stained and soiled with the blood of the innocents who have been, and are continuing to be, even now as I speak, massacred. Nothing shows more clearly the total moral and spiritual decadence of our society—its disregard for God; its disregard for His creative work, for that which is made in His image; its disregard for His compassion and the compassion of Christ—nothing shows this more than the mass murder of millions of babies. This disdain for the sanctity of human life and the substitution of what we call the "quality of life," which causes us to be murderers of children, causes the very soil of our land to cry out to God for retribution. And I believe we are now under the judgment of God, a nation of murderers: the ground is crying out. God has His ways. God has His ways.
Some of these women who murder their babies may suffer the judgment of God in one way and some in another. Some may suffer the judgment of God only in an eternal Hell. Some may suffer the judgment of God in an eternal Hell and also in a hell in this life of drugs, venereal disease, and who knows what. Some may suffer in the brokenness of life and shattered dreams.
Some may suffer with physical disease. Who knows what God metes out in individual retribution to those who kill the innocents. I think of all the medical doctors engaged in this. I think of all the advocates of abortion, women's liberationists and politicians included, who aid and abet the crime—God alone knows what He has designed for them.
Fearfully, I think about the Religious Coalition "for" Abortion Rights. Do you know who's in it? American Baptist Churches, the Church of the Brethren, Christian Churches, Episcopalian Church, Women's Caucus, The Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., The United Church of Christ, The United Methodist Church, The United Presbyterian Church, The YWCA, etc. And the judgment of God awaits these people—it awaits these people. And this is the sadness of it—that God will judge because the ground cries out! There is a final word, and that is this:
6. Condescending redeeming grace comes from God to the participants in this tragedy.
First of all, I will say it is my conviction that God redeems murdered infants. That His grace reaches out and takes those little ones to be with Himself, because the Bible is so very clear, and I won't get into this in detail; we have taught it on other occasions. But the Bible is so very clear that people perish in hell because they refuse to believe—that Hell is for those who rejected God and who rejected Christ—something an unborn infant could never do. So, God, not having a just basis, either internally or externally, by virtue of the attitude or the action of an unborn child, would have no basis on which to sentence them to hell (except for the depravity they inherited in Adam, which is never a cause for damnation apart from its evidence in behavior or attitude). God must then embrace them into His own kingdom.
Secondly, and I say this in conclusion, God is also graciously forgiving those who have been the murderers of infants. I know that there are some people here who have had abortions, because in a congregation this size it is inevitable. I want you to know that the Lord Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness for that sin. There may be some of you who have been engaged in medical practice as a doctor, or a nurse, or attendant, in that and you have been involved in an abortion. There may some of you who may have, at one time or another, assisted a friend into getting to an abortion, or perhaps worked in a place where that was done. The Lord forgives that if we come to Him. Of course, when you come to Christ all your sins are forgiven, including that sin, for He offers, as we know so well, grace that is greater than our sin.
I received a letter that I want to share with you,
Dear John,
I have always been a Christian as long as I can remember, and at the age of 17, I had an abortion. I can't even begin to explain the despair and anger which I felt then. My relationship with my parents was not good. At that time I moved out our home to keep my parents from knowing. I worked full-time and completed High School. It was hell. There was no one to help me; there was no one to confide in; I was so frightened. I went to Planned Parenthood and told them, "I wanted my baby." They thought I was crazy. In no way did they offer me another alternative such as adoption or help. The only advice they offered me was that of abortion and how to go to Medi-Cal and tell them that I didn't know who the father was; that way Medi-Cal would pay for it.
The ordeal was a horrendous nightmare I will never forget. I remember especially the doctor singing opera while the procedure was being done. I cried for months thereafter. The only thing that pulled me through was the fact that Jesus forgave me, and with His blessing I now have three beautiful little girls, and I keep reassuring myself that in heaven I also have a child I haven't yet met.
God is gracious. As horrible, as horrendous, as unthinkable as this whole thing is, God in His mercy is willing to forgive the penitent sinner: both the one who is the mother and the one who is the medical practitioner.
There is so much more to say, and I have just raced through and left much out, but I think that you understand, don't you what the Scripture has to say about this? This is a time in our country to take a stand on this issue. This is a time to share individually with people who are confused, because the issue is very clear cut.
Now Father, we thank You that we have been able to share together tonight in what is such a sad and disappointing subject. But we are thankful because it is so essential for us to understand it. Lord we know that You hate those who shed innocent blood, and we know that the ground cries out for that blood to be requited; for retaliation. And we know that You will judge as You will judge all sinners, unless they come to Christ, unless they repent and are forgiven. I pray that if there are any here who have shed innocent blood they would come to the foot of the cross and receive Jesus Christ as Savior. And if there is even a Christian who had an abortion that that person would come to You and confess, and repent, and ask for that cleansing which You offer.
Father, we do pray for our nation. We know we stand on the brink of divine judgment because of this horror that exists. We ask that You would cause this nation to be drawn to Christ. Lord, we can't even imagine how such a movement of God could happen, but we would boldly and we would hopefully even ask that somehow, something might happen to stop this slaughter, and to cause people to turn to you for forgiveness. To this end we pray in Christ's Name. Amen.
Part 2
We continue tonight where we left off this morning in our discussion of this matter of abortion, and as I did this morning, I want to begin with an introduction that sort of defines the problem as we face it. I approached it somewhat statistically this morning and tonight I would to approach it somewhat from an ethical viewpoint. Let me just share with you some thoughts that may help to set this thing in your mind and then we will go to the Word of God for specific answers.
For centuries the Western World has operated on what we could call a "sanctity of life" ethic. That is to say, a person had a right to life simply because he was human and was considered human because he was alive, but there has been a shift in recent years toward a quality of life ethic, rather than a sanctity of life ethic. This new ethic basically says, "A person doesn't have a right to live simply because he's human. A person only has a right to live if he meets certain criteria, certain qualities." According to that new modern viewpoint, a person has no rights simply because he is alive. Even if he is physically alive he must meet some additional criteria for being fully human. If he fails to meet the criteria he doesn't have the rights of a human, including the right to live. The unborn must meet some kind of a vague standard of genetic worthiness, or they must have a life worth living, or they must be wanted by society, or they must meet the mother's personal criteria to be considered human.
This shift subtly allows for the nightmarish scenarios of utopia's going awry, as well as the kind of genetic purification programs that were pursued by Hitler and the Nazi doctors. The same kind of ethic allowed the Nazis to weed out unwanted genetic elements in the population. When one Nazi Death Camp guard was asked how he could exterminate thousands of people his reply was, "They were not regarded as human." The parallel to our modern situation is uncomfortably close. According to a number of researchers, Margaret Sanger (sp.) who, by the way, is the founder of Planned Parenthood, the world's largest supporter of abortion—according to the researchers who study her—she essentially agreed with Hitler's approach and sought to weed from the human race blacks, southern Europeans, Hebrews, and other "feeble-minded." She regarded abortion as part of a genetic improvement program for the human race. This then moves us from the sanctity of life to a quality of life right to live, and that quality of life is to be determined by the genetic engineers or the philosophers or whoever.
Although shocking, these eugenic proposals are not very different in principles from the present practice of aborting babies for any reason at all. A baby who has "Down Syndrome," a baby who has some other birth defect, or a baby who would be an inconvenience doesn't have a life worth living; therefore, isn't human; therefore we can dispose of them readily.
Respected scholars have already proposed different criteria for this quality of life and you can read endlessly on this. One illustration, Nobel Laureate James Watson, proposed that a person not be declared having the quality to live until three days after birth, to be sure he's healthy. In other words, wait three days and then if the child doesn't meet the criteria—take its life. Other proposals would require that someone be several years old before he could be considered a human and thus qualify to live. I heard recently that in some Scandinavian countries they are now saying a person may not be truly considered to be human until they are seven years old.
Of course, if criteria can be imposed near the beginning of life then it can be imposed at anytime in life. Joseph Fletcher (you associate him with "situation ethics") suggested that to be considered a person one must have a measurable IQ of at least 40. Infants would not qualify, nor would the aged who are senile, nor would others who had certain types of accidents. "In such cases," argues Fletcher, "abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia are not taking personal life, but merely biological life."
Attempts to justify abortion by claiming that it will eliminate suffering not only forsakes the sanctity of life ethic, but also ignores the facts. Some people say to do this will eliminate suffering—that's not true. It's like the argument that the handicap don't have a life worth living; that there is validity to the fact that unwanted children are going to be abused children and, therefore, if they are unwanted abort them so they aren't born and being unwanted become abused. By the way, studies show that there is very little correlation between how much a child is wanted before birth and how much that child is wanted after birth.
Furthermore, Dr. Lenoski (sp.) Professor of Pediatrics here at USC, showed that 91% of battered children were from planned pregnancies. Another study demonstrated more deviant behavior in wanted babies then in those who are unwanted. So any argument that an unwanted child becomes an abused child just doesn't stand up to any kind of test. On the contrary, there seems to be a correlation between abortion and child abuse. When abortion was legalized in the United States there were 167,000 child abuse cases per year (it was legalized in 1973). By 1979 there were 711,000; in 1982 there were 1,000,000! Britain experienced a tenfold increase in child abuse after liberalizing abortion laws.
Now you ask, "What's the correlation?" The correlation is: you begin to educate the whole society that a child is a non-person, not worth living and shouldn't be any kind of intrusion into your world, and you begin to treat them that way. Professor of Psychiatry Philip Nay, concluded in a widely publicized study, that the acceptance of violence against the unborn lowered the parents resistance to violence against the born—that should be obvious.
Abortion is often portrayed as benefiting women; yet ironically when decisions are made on the basis of sex, girls are aborted far more often then boys. Out of 8,000 amniocenteses, that is abortions, done in Bombay, 7,999 of them were girls—one was a boy. This is true in China: they are only allowed to have one child and if it is a girl they kill it. In one study in the United States, 29 out of 46 girls were aborted—only 1 out of 53 boys were aborted. So the idea that abortion benefits women doesn't seem to fit the facts; it winds up in the slaughter of women around the world.
Some argue that abortion in necessary because of over population, but that ignores principles of production and distribution. How in the world do abortions in the United States alleviate over population in crowded parts of Africa? There is no correlation. Furthermore, the United States and Europe have a different population problem: the numbers being born are not replacing the aging and dying! I was told this morning by someone who works for the IRS, that one of the formidable problems the IRS and social security is facing now is the fact that there are so many abortions that there is not going to be enough people born to pay your Social Security by the time you retire. So what they are doing now: in a very few years they are going to raise the Social Security level to 67, and some years after that the plans are to raise it into the mid 70's. Why? Because there is no funding because there aren't going to be another wage earners to support us when we get old.
Pro-Abortionists argue that restricting abortions will return us the era of back-alley butchers. Dr. Bernard Nathenson (sp.) who was one of those abortionist and converted over to a non-abortion position replies that not only were deaths in the pre-Roe vs. Wade days grossly inflated, in fact, he said they lied about how many deaths occurred in illegal abortions because they wanted abortion legalized for business reasons. So they fabricated all the figures to make people think that more people were dying than actually were in illegal abortions; but he went on to say that developments in medical technology and pharmacology will mean that even illegal abortions will be medically safe. Not that that is right, but they use that as an argument that if we ever stop legalizing abortion—non-legal abortions done in less than proper medical facilities and with less than proper medically means will result in many deaths; and he says, "That's not the case, because of the technologically we have."
The present toleration of abortion is deeply rooted in this new kind of individualism and personal rights movement. The Pro-Abortion people always argue that a woman has the right to control her own body and, therefore, she has the right to abort any intrusion into that body. Yet society recognizes rights must be limited when they conflict with another person's rights; and certainly the person in the womb of the mother has rights. A Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalla (sp.) said, "Whether a woman's right over her body extends to abortion depends on whether the fetus is a human life." We already saw this morning that the fetus is a human life, not a part of the mother's body but with an identity all its own: it has its unique set of genes, its own circulatory system; its own blood type (very often), and its own brain. It can live and die separately from the mother, and the mother can live or die separately from it—it is a separate life! But we are reengineering our thinking and the philosophies that are dominant in our culture today are self-serving philosophies: then intend to remove any kind of intrusion into people's freedoms and liberties.
Now what does the Bible say about this matter of abortion? We go back to where we were this morning. The first point that I gave you was this: (and we will cover the remaining ones with just a brief review of this one),
1. Conception is Act of God.
We pointed out this morning that God creates personally every life. Now this morning I said to you that at the very moment of life God does a creative work. Theologians have debated this issue for centuries I suppose. Those of you who are familiar with theology might remember something called "Traducianism." The debate basically is, "Do we have as male and female in the procreative process somehow the element in our procreative power to produce a soul?" The difficulty with that question is, "Can two dying humans produce an eternal soul?" Well the answer to that probably is no. On the other hand, the question is if we don't do that, if that is an independent life being passed on [then] how is it that it is born with Adam's sin? You say, "What is the answer?" I have no idea.
I find myself hard pressed to land on either side because I know that God will not produce a sinful soul. I also know that two dying humans cannot produce an eternal soul; and so I would simply say, to leave it as simple as my mind can allow, at some point in the incredible procreative process God injects the eternality into that soul—we stain it with our fallenness. But every conception is nonetheless an act of God as we saw Scripture indicates—You made me; You formed me; You breathed into me the breath of life; You ordained that I would live; You opened the womb; You made me to be the one You wanted me to be. This is the testimony of Scripture. Now let's go to a second point.
2. The Person Created is Created in the Image of God.
The person created is created in the image of God. In James 3:9, "With it we bless (speaking about our tongues)—with it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men who have been made in the likeness of God." The person created and we know now that creation occurs at the moment of what? Conception. And at the moment of conception God puts the reality of life (and I don't know if it's at the exact split second; if it's a few milliseconds after that), at some point (I don't know where), at some point God infuses personhood and that eternal soul that will never die is created by God: that real being that is not just the collection of genetics, but is something eternal. Exactly at what split-second in the process that happens no one can know, but nonetheless whenever God does it—that creation is made in the likeness of God, or in the image of God.
What we are saying here then is that what is created and what is conceived is not an animal. It is not just a biological sequence. It is not just a collection of cells. It is not fetal matter. It is not just human tissue. It is created by God in His image, and everything that is there for acting, and thinking, and feeling, and knowing, and trusting, and hoping everything that is rational, and moral, and emotional is there.
Go back with me to Genesis, chapter 1. If you need a reminder, it says in verse 25, "God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, the cattle after their kind, everything that creeps on the ground after its kind, and God saw that it was good. Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image according to our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him male and female, He created them."
We are not mere mortals; we are not merely flesh—we are immortal. The shell of skin and bones and muscle is only a vessel; it's only a repository in which something of the very image of God resides. In Genesis, chapter 9, verse 6, a familiar verse, says, "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man, and as for you: be fruitful and multiply." If you kill somebody—you die! Not because of an affront against that human flesh, but because of such an affront against the image of God.
There is a dominion; there is a personhood in man that does not exist in animals. There is a transcendence that rises above the rest of the created order. Turn with me to Psalm 139. There is so much to say and I am kind of editing as I go, but this is one of the more important texts to be reckoned with. In Psalm 139 you have this great passage which teaches that the unborn child is the special work of God created in His image. Verse 13,
"For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from Thee, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them."
Verse 13, look at it, "Thou didst form my inward parts,": literally, "It is You who made my kidneys," is what he says. "You made me in the deepest part of my being, and You did weave me in my mother's womb." That is an absolutely beautiful picture: the weaving together of all that is part of humanity; the weaving of chromosomes in the DNA. The weaving together of all the components in the incredible human body, woven together with the soul and the spirit. In verse 14, "I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." "Fearfully" means awesomely: used of God's great power calling for surpassing reverential awe since we are made in His image. He says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," full of majesty as the work of God.
In verse 15 he says, "My frame was not hidden from Thee," King James says, "my substance," literally "my strength, my bones, and my sinews, and my muscles." It was not hidden from you when I was made "in secret" (the secret place is the womb). Then in verse 15 that interesting phrase, "and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;" literally "skillfully wrought" in the Hebrew could be translated "when I was interwoven of various colored threads." To put it another way, "When you embroidered me, You made the very fabric; You pulled together every tiny little piece, and You wove it all to make me."
It is a beautiful picture of the complicated, elaborate texture of the human being; "and You did it in the depths of the earth," a reference to the womb: you can compare Isaiah 45:19 for similar usage. Verse 16, "Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance," my unshaped embryonic substance: literally, again in the Hebrew, "something rolled together," when I was just a little ball of life, when I was just a little ball of chromosomes. "And in Your book they were all written," all my days, all my years, all the events of my life, my eternal destiny—everything. Then verse 17, he says, "How precious also are Thy thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" It is so incredible to think about You thinking about me before I was ever made. The whole thing behind this is this sense that this creation is so wonderful and so awesome because it is a creation in the very image of God. That image has been marred.
In Psalm 51, we read something of that marring of the image; Psalm 51:5, "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me." Now he doesn't mean that he was illegitimately conceived, because he wasn't (David speaking); he simply means that from my conception there was something else going on in me too—and it is sin. Did God create that sin?
No, I believe that we pass on the sin—God only creates the eternality: the eternal soul and spirit. Only a person, by the way, can be a sinner.
That little tiny life, that little tiny baby, that little tiny rolled up ball of genetics, that little fetus, is already designated as a sinner in the womb from conception: and only a person is a sinner. So we are created in the image of God, which image is stained by the sin of Adam, passed on from generation to generation. So we can say that, that eternal soul is the creation of God, but its sinful propensity is the legacy of man. No human being, then, is ever conceived outside God's will or ever conceived apart from God's image. Life is a gift from God created in His own image.
Thirdly, in considering points to understand the issue:
3. The Helpless Creation is the Special Object of God's Loving Care.
That helpless creation which He has conceived in the womb of a woman is the special object of His loving care. First of all, I want to deal with that on a general level if I might. We have now seen that, that little life is considered a person, albeit a person created by God in His own image, and yet a sinner. That person then becomes the special object of God's care. The Lord identifies with sinners; the Lord identifies with the needy; the Lord identifies with the poor; the Lord identifies with the widow; the Lord identifies with the orphan; the Lord identifies with the defenseless.
In Psalm 82 we find a general reference to that which can be a basis for our understanding. In Psalm 82:3, "Vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy." It is true that God has a special concern for the helpless. Is anyone more helpless, is anyone weaker, is anyone more defenseless than that unborn child? So they, as all others who are weak and defenseless, become the "Special Care of God."
I don't have time to go over all of the medical phenomena that protects the baby in the womb, but it is absolutely incredible. How wonderfully God has insulated that little life for warmth, and health, and safety. How He has designed the womb of the mother to be a protector. I will never forget when Patricia was pregnant with one of our little ones, and I am trying to remember which—I think it was Mark; yes, it was Mark (I have to associate kids with certain houses and remember which house this happened in)—One day I came home from wherever I was and I came in the house and she was lying in the bed and she was not feeling well, and I said, "What happened?" She said, "Well, I fell off the television." I said, "You what?" She said, "I fell off the television." Now that is a strange place to be in the first place—on the television. We had a little portable television sitting on a little metal rack, and she climbed it to fix the drapes, and she fell. We had a concrete floor covered with just a sheet of linoleum tile in this little room, and she said, "The worse of it is—I landed right on the baby!" She had a huge bruise right in the center of her stomach, and she said, "I know, don't give me any speeches about 'You're not supposed to be climbing on top of the television when you are nine months pregnant'" (and she was; Mark was born soon after). Now the reason I hesitated to name the child is because you may be looking at Mark oddly in the future, imagining that something might have happened, but it didn't.
We were thrilled because, from then on until Mark was born we wondered if, indeed, there would be some result; We were, after he was born, thrilled to see with all of her weight falling full on concrete on that little life, how perfectly protected that little one was. God has such compassion on the helpless.
I remember reading some years back about a lady that I got to know, a lady that some of you remember—her name was Ethel Waters. She was a real instrument for the Lord; giving her testimony she shared a wonderful little story. She said,
A pretty black girl was attacked and raped by a white man in Pennsylvania. She was barely past her thirteenth birthday and soon was found pregnant. And Ethel Waters said, "No, abortion, no." Instead, a healthy baby girl who came to love Christ and sing for His glory and make millions happy: a girl whose theme song was "His Eye is On the Sparrow;" and that girl was me.
The love shown to a helpless little baby without a father born because a mother wouldn't have an abortion gave the world a wonderful gift. That story can be repeated millions of times.
Innocent, defenseless people have a special protector in God who wants to bring them to birth no matter what the circumstances might be that brought about their conception or what difficulty there might be in the life to come. God has His purposes. I might say on the other side that even sinners who will spend an eternity in Hell will serve the purpose of God. "What if God, willing to make vessels who are fitted unto wrath to bring Himself glory," chooses to allow that—that's His own purpose.
I am convinced that the fury of God will someday fall on the murderers of His creatures who have not sought His forgiveness. God is the protector of the innocent. Now to illustrate this Biblically; go back to Exodus 21. This is one of the really important passages about abortion, Exodus 21:22; and here in this section of Scripture following the Ten Commandments, God gives a number of laws that regard life and all of its myriad of circumstances. In Exodus 21 we have a very interesting account; it says to us in verse 22,
If men struggle with each other (now you follow carefully) and strike a woman with child (I don't know what you version says; some say "so she has a miscarriage," some say, "So she has an untimely birth"), yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him; and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
Now what is this saying? One of the unfortunate translations in the New American Standard is the translation "miscarriage." I don't know why they translated the Hebrew term here "miscarriage." There is no reason, at least in my mind, to believe that verse 22 refers to a miscarriage. There is a contextual support for that as well as linguistic. The literal Hebrew reading is simply this, "And if men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child (here's the Hebrew) so that her children come out." That's what it says. In other words, it causes the child to come out. "Yet there is no further injury, then he shall surely be fined as the husband (or the woman's husband) may demand of him; and be paid as whatever the judges or the courts allow." Yalad is the common Hebrew word for child. The only irregularity here in that word is that it is plural. And it is unlikely that it means a developing fetus that has been miscarried.
The verb (Hebrew, yasa) often refers to ordinary childbirth, and so it says the struggle happens: two men are fighting, one gets involved in this fight; and probably a woman steps in (you know, the wife to try to stop the fight) and she gets struck so that her children come out (just looking at it on the plural sense); that is, an ordinary childbirth takes place. By the way, that term (Hebrew, yasa) referring to ordinary childbirth is used in Genesis 15:4 and Isaiah 39:7 of a childbirth generated from the loins of the father and also in Genesis 25 and 26, and Jeremiah 1, about a birth that comes out of the womb of the mother. So from the father's side and the mother's side the term is used to express a child that is born.
In no case does that term (Hebrew, yasa) refer to a miscarriage. Numbers 12:12 uses it but it refers to a still birth—not a miscarriage. The Hebrew word for miscarriage (shakal) used in Exodus 23:26, Hosea 9:14, is not used in this verse. So what you have here is a premature birth.
Now, follow the thought: two men are fighting, the woman probably steps in; she gets hit in the process and consequently the trauma causes a premature birth. If all that happens is that the child comes out and there is no further injury, then there should be a fine for the discomfort, for the problems that might come to take care of the child, and to take care of the woman because of whatever trauma she suffered. If there is any debate about it, then the judges can discern what that should be. "But if there is any further injury. . . ." What would "any further injury" be? Well, it would have to mean something more severe, including the loss of life; "then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life."
What's the point? The point is: if you are responsible for killing an unborn child you pay with your life. That's the point. It is constituted as murder.
"No further injury," then in verse 22, has been incorrectly taken to mean that there has been some kind of a miscarriage. The equivalent of "further" doesn't appear in the Hebrew text. It simply says (you'll notice probably that "further" is in italics), it just says "if there is no injury." If the child is born and there is no injury—fine. Settle whatever be the medical costs, if there are any, but if there is more than that, if there is injury to the child, if there is injury to the mother then "lex talionis" [Latin], that is, "tit for tat" takes place. If the child has suffered in one area—the penalty is the same. If the child dies then the penalty is life. It is just the idea of appropriate punishment, but what it points out is: if the child comes out and his eye is injured—you lose your eye. If he comes out and his hand is injured—your lose your hand. If his foot—his foot, and so forth, and so forth. Wound for wound—that's justice, but if the child dies you pay with your life. "Lex talionis" the law of retaliation.
So Scripture teaches us then very, very clearly that conception is an act of God; that every person conceived is conceived in the image of God, and that each person is the special care of God. Nothing illustrates that more than if you injure a child that is untimely born and you have inflicted that injury—you pay a just punishment including, if you kill that child—you pay with your life. God has special care for those who are helpless.
There is a fourth point in our little outline and it kind of ties in with these others.
4. Compassion is to be applied to all of God's creation made in His image.
If this is how the Lord feels towards them then this is how we feel—but going back to the Jewish principle this morning, "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself," as we have it reiterated in Matthew 22:39. Romans tells us in chapter 13, "Love fulfills the whole law." The unborn child is your neighbor; it is a person in need of care and protection, and we are to treat unborn children with the same kind of compassion that we would apply to all of God's creation in His image. One of the things I hesitate to say, but I must digress a moment to do so, is the fact that today what you have coming out of the abortion movement is also the Animal Rights Movement. They are inextricably linked because the animal rights movement basically says that animals are the same as people; and you remember some months ago that I reiterated to you one of the animal rights slogans, which is, "A rock is a rat is a dog is a boy." In other words, everything that is created is of equal value, and that is apparent to anybody who watches that bizarre and evolutionary distortion that we call the Animal Rights Movement.
There is not a proper understanding that man is created in the image of God and is to be treated with special care and special consideration and special Christ-like compassion is to be applied to all made in the image of God. I cannot even conceive how a mother could think of a baby as an enemy, whether that baby was a product of rape, or whether that baby was in some way malformed. How that woman could think that child in her was an enemy when she has been given the God-given privilege of protecting that little life with all of its weaknesses—certainly that is not natural instinct to a mother. She would have to be sold that by a culture that had become decadent.
Well, there is much more to say about that. Let me take you to a fifth principle. We have said that conception is the act of God; creation is in the image of God; care is the concern of God; and compassion should be required by the people of God. Let me take you to a fifth one and this is perhaps most startling.
5. Condemnation of Murderers is the Will of God.
We already read in Exodus, chapter 21, that if a person strikes a woman so that the baby comes out and dies—it is life for life. We shouldn't be surprised by that since we know that's a viable life and a person created by God, but in our day we might be because we have been told that it isn't. In Exodus 20:13, God said, "Thou shalt not murder," and I read you Genesis 9:6 which says, "Who so sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made He man." In other words, clearly the Scriptures indicates that if you take a life you are going to lose your life. Some people say, "Well, that's Old Testament teaching; certainly Jesus changed all that." No, He didn't Jesus was the leading New Testament advocate of capital punishment.
In Matthew, chapter 26, and verse 51, it says, "Behold, one of those who were with Jesus (that's Peter we remember) reached and drew out his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest, and cut off his ear." You know that he was trying to cut off his head and not his ear, and the guy "ducked" and just lost his ear; and then Jesus said to him (Peter), "Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword." He is not giving him a prophecy; He is reiterating a divine law: if you take a life you give a life. Jesus was articulating the Law of God: you take up a sword and take that man's life and you will give your life.
In Acts, chapter 25, and verse 11, Paul said in verse 10, "I am standing before Caesar’s tribunal, where I ought to be tried. I have done no wrong to the Jews as you also very well know. If then I am a wrongdoer, and have committed anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die." Paul knew capital punishment was God's way. He said, if I have done something worthy of death, then I do not refuse to die. There you have the Apostle Paul reiterating his own belief that God had established the law of capital punishment. In Romans 13:4, he said that the police, the soldiers, whoever in the government bear arms to protect the innocent and punish the evil, (he says,) "Do not bear the sword for nothing; they are ministers of God, and they are avengers who bring wrath." They are armed in order to take life. They don't have swords to spank you with—they have swords to take your life.
Clearly the Scripture in the Old Testament designed the capital punishment penalty for those who took life, and even the life of an unborn child fell under that. Jesus reiterated capital punishment is suitable for certain crimes and so did the Apostle Paul. In Proverbs 6:16, let me give you further insight into God's attitude towards those who take life; "There are six things the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood." God hates people who shed innocent blood. Is there anything more innocent than an infant? Is there anything more innocent than a protected infant hidden safely in the womb of its own mother?
In Proverbs 24:11, "Deliver those who are being taken away to death, and those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh hold them back. If you say, 'See, we did not know this,' does He not consider it who weighs the hearts? And does not He know it who keeps your soul? And will He not render to every man according to his work?" If you are allowing people who are innocent to be killed, don't say, "Well, I didn't know what was going on." God knows your heart, he knows whether you know, and if you are guilty He will render you according to his work.
There are many other Scriptures that speak about God's attitude. In Deuteronomy, chapter 27, verse 25, is worthy of a moment, "Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to strike down an innocent person." God says, "If you are paid to kill someone—curse you!" There are some other specifics: Leviticus 18, 2 Kings 24, Amos 1.
I want to take it a step further; God forbids any taking of innocent life—that we understand. But I want to take it a step further and say this: that where you have blood shed, you have a very interesting result take place. Look at Psalm 106. Psalm 106, and I am going to show you several passages as we wrap this up. Psalm 106, verse 38; here is an indictment against sinful people who, verse 37, "sacrificed their sons and daughters to the demons, and shed innocent blood." They actually killed their own children to make them sacrifices to false gods. They "shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan." Now notice this line, you might want to underline it, "and the land was polluted with the blood." The land was polluted with the blood—it left itself, as it were, in the soil. It stained the land.
Now go back to Genesis, chapter 4, and verse 10, God had said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" And he said, "I don't know." He did know—he killed him. Verse 10, "And God said to him, 'What have you done?'" Now listen to this, "The voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground. And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand." Now follow the thought: God says you shed innocent blood, and that blood pollutes the land. It is as if that blood is everywhere staining the land. The blood of 2,000,000 aborted babies in our land, and somewhere between 60 and 75 million across the earth every year stains the soil.
Then in Genesis 4, God says that blood cries out. He personifies that blood as if it's alive. And what is it crying for? It is unrequited! It is crying for retaliation. It is crying for justice. It is crying for the execution of its murderer. Genesis 42:22, "And Reuben answered them, saying, 'Did I not tell you, 'Do not sin against the boy'; and you would not listen? Now comes the reckoning for his blood." And he was talking about how they had treated Joseph. There will be a reckoning for the blood that cries out to God because it has been shed innocently.
Several times Scripture says, "And the blood of a (certain person) shall be on your head"—remember that? In other words, you are responsible. And so God requires the death penalty when blood shed from innocent life cries out to Him. And I believe that's the plight of America. I believe that the land is stained and soiled with the blood of the innocents who have been, and are continuing to be, even now as I speak, massacred. Nothing shows more clearly the total moral and spiritual decadence of our society—its disregard for God; its disregard for His creative work, for that which is made in His image; its disregard for His compassion and the compassion of Christ—nothing shows this more than the mass murder of millions of babies. This disdain for the sanctity of human life and the substitution of what we call the "quality of life," which causes us to be murderers of children, causes the very soil of our land to cry out to God for retribution. And I believe we are now under the judgment of God, a nation of murderers: the ground is crying out. God has His ways. God has His ways.
Some of these women who murder their babies may suffer the judgment of God in one way and some in another. Some may suffer the judgment of God only in an eternal Hell. Some may suffer the judgment of God in an eternal Hell and also in a hell in this life of drugs, venereal disease, and who knows what. Some may suffer in the brokenness of life and shattered dreams.
Some may suffer with physical disease. Who knows what God metes out in individual retribution to those who kill the innocents. I think of all the medical doctors engaged in this. I think of all the advocates of abortion, women's liberationists and politicians included, who aid and abet the crime—God alone knows what He has designed for them.
Fearfully, I think about the Religious Coalition "for" Abortion Rights. Do you know who's in it? American Baptist Churches, the Church of the Brethren, Christian Churches, Episcopalian Church, Women's Caucus, The Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., The United Church of Christ, The United Methodist Church, The United Presbyterian Church, The YWCA, etc. And the judgment of God awaits these people—it awaits these people. And this is the sadness of it—that God will judge because the ground cries out! There is a final word, and that is this:
6. Condescending redeeming grace comes from God to the participants in this tragedy.
First of all, I will say it is my conviction that God redeems murdered infants. That His grace reaches out and takes those little ones to be with Himself, because the Bible is so very clear, and I won't get into this in detail; we have taught it on other occasions. But the Bible is so very clear that people perish in hell because they refuse to believe—that Hell is for those who rejected God and who rejected Christ—something an unborn infant could never do. So, God, not having a just basis, either internally or externally, by virtue of the attitude or the action of an unborn child, would have no basis on which to sentence them to hell (except for the depravity they inherited in Adam, which is never a cause for damnation apart from its evidence in behavior or attitude). God must then embrace them into His own kingdom.
Secondly, and I say this in conclusion, God is also graciously forgiving those who have been the murderers of infants. I know that there are some people here who have had abortions, because in a congregation this size it is inevitable. I want you to know that the Lord Jesus Christ offers you forgiveness for that sin. There may be some of you who have been engaged in medical practice as a doctor, or a nurse, or attendant, in that and you have been involved in an abortion. There may some of you who may have, at one time or another, assisted a friend into getting to an abortion, or perhaps worked in a place where that was done. The Lord forgives that if we come to Him. Of course, when you come to Christ all your sins are forgiven, including that sin, for He offers, as we know so well, grace that is greater than our sin.
I received a letter that I want to share with you,
Dear John,
I have always been a Christian as long as I can remember, and at the age of 17, I had an abortion. I can't even begin to explain the despair and anger which I felt then. My relationship with my parents was not good. At that time I moved out our home to keep my parents from knowing. I worked full-time and completed High School. It was hell. There was no one to help me; there was no one to confide in; I was so frightened. I went to Planned Parenthood and told them, "I wanted my baby." They thought I was crazy. In no way did they offer me another alternative such as adoption or help. The only advice they offered me was that of abortion and how to go to Medi-Cal and tell them that I didn't know who the father was; that way Medi-Cal would pay for it.
The ordeal was a horrendous nightmare I will never forget. I remember especially the doctor singing opera while the procedure was being done. I cried for months thereafter. The only thing that pulled me through was the fact that Jesus forgave me, and with His blessing I now have three beautiful little girls, and I keep reassuring myself that in heaven I also have a child I haven't yet met.
God is gracious. As horrible, as horrendous, as unthinkable as this whole thing is, God in His mercy is willing to forgive the penitent sinner: both the one who is the mother and the one who is the medical practitioner.
There is so much more to say, and I have just raced through and left much out, but I think that you understand, don't you what the Scripture has to say about this? This is a time in our country to take a stand on this issue. This is a time to share individually with people who are confused, because the issue is very clear cut.
Now Father, we thank You that we have been able to share together tonight in what is such a sad and disappointing subject. But we are thankful because it is so essential for us to understand it. Lord we know that You hate those who shed innocent blood, and we know that the ground cries out for that blood to be requited; for retaliation. And we know that You will judge as You will judge all sinners, unless they come to Christ, unless they repent and are forgiven. I pray that if there are any here who have shed innocent blood they would come to the foot of the cross and receive Jesus Christ as Savior. And if there is even a Christian who had an abortion that that person would come to You and confess, and repent, and ask for that cleansing which You offer.
Father, we do pray for our nation. We know we stand on the brink of divine judgment because of this horror that exists. We ask that You would cause this nation to be drawn to Christ. Lord, we can't even imagine how such a movement of God could happen, but we would boldly and we would hopefully even ask that somehow, something might happen to stop this slaughter, and to cause people to turn to you for forgiveness. To this end we pray in Christ's Name. Amen.
Este hombre es bueno y útil para mí. Me pagó por su PRODUCTO HIERBAS HIERBAS PARA HACER ME EMBARAZADA Y REALMENTE me PUNTO DE deliever MI PRODUCTO CHILD.THIS ES BUENO Y ACTIVO, SOLO COST350USD.GET y él lo publicaremos A SU PAÍS después de realizar el pago y le enviaremos SU DIRECCIÓN POSTAL PARA ÉL QUE usará para enviar a usted en el tiempo ... ahora estoy entre la multitud Él ha ayudado CON BUEN RESULT.APPRECIATE USTED SIR.SANDRA SIDNEY
babakule le ayudará a quedar embarazada sin importar el año que ha gastado seraching una manera de quedar embarazada ... he hecho utilizado de él y de sus hierbas a base de plantas que sólo cost350usd.now am a pocos meses de embarazo que llegué a conocer a través de su pregnant..before ahora yo era 6years estéril sin alegría y happiness.i reunió diferentes fuentes pero nadie funcionó para mí, pero maravillas producto BABAKULE para mí gracias a hm alone..babakule @ outlook.com + 2347052944754
Este hombre es bueno y útil para mí. Me pagó por su PRODUCTO HIERBAS HIERBAS PARA HACER ME EMBARAZADA Y REALMENTE me PUNTO DE deliever MI PRODUCTO CHILD.THIS ES BUENO Y ACTIVO, SOLO COST350USD.GET y él lo publicaremos A SU PAÍS después de realizar el pago y le enviaremos SU DIRECCIÓN POSTAL PARA ÉL QUE usará para enviar a usted en el tiempo ... ahora estoy entre la multitud Él ha ayudado CON BUEN RESULT.APPRECIATE USTED SIR.SANDRA SIDNEY.
An amazing testimony on on how i conceive, also cure from fibroid, i wonder why people still don't believe that roots and herbs are very essential and fruitful in different aspect, especially when you can't conceive and bear children. I am a living witness because I tried all I could to be pregnant but all to no avail, on this faithful day, i decided to check the net for updates on healthy living and i came across testimonies of lot of women who Priest Babaka has helped with his native herbs to conceive. i decided to put a try because this has been my greatest problem in life so I emailed Priest Babaka, and he told me what to do which i did, after which he sent me some roots and herbs syrup and gave me step by step guild lines on how and when to have sex with my man. I missed my menstrual flow within a short period of taking it, and the doctor confirmed that I am pregnant. I am very glad to tell the world that I just put to bed a bouncing baby boy last week. Contact Priest Babaka for your own testimony via Email: babaka.wolf@gmail.com Or Facebook at priestly.babaka
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