Tuesday, March 25, 2008

the Transformers and the gospel

A while back after watching transformers the movie with my family. One qoute from the move remianed with me which is: No sacrifice/ No victory. This qoute you can apply to the Biblical gospel this way...

man ever since the fall sought salvation thru many inventions or works(no sacrifice) such as: science,philosophy,pleasure,legalism,manmade religons,morality,law etc But none of these inventions or works will ever earn/merit salvation(No victory)

There is only one sacrifence/one final,perfect,untakable victory: Jesus Christ for us lost sinners before the cross,at the cross,His present work and His future return....

1. romans 1:18-32

2. romans 3;10-16
2a. hebrews 11:4

3.ephesians 2:8-9

4.2 timothy 1:9

5. titus 3:5

6. romans 10:3

7.luke 18: 9-14

8.galatians 2:16/3:11

9.1 corinthians 1:21-22

10. ecclesiastes 2:1

11. hebrews 7:27

12.ephesians 2:13-18

13. john 14:5-7

14. 1 corinthans 15:56-58

15.hebrews 4:14-16

16.hebrews 10:11-13

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