Friday, May 23, 2008

a just stand for life

I came across this recent news item and felt i should pass it along to you and my wife faced the same situation somewhat she took the test for down syndrome etc for expectant mothers-we both agreed if the results came back negative that we would take the stand like this brave lady did-to keep her down syndrome baby whose life is a blessing of God and because of this all life is sacred,has meaning and purpose... here is a quote from the article that caught my eye:

"We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place"

Thursday, May 22, 2008

In Memory of maria

My heart goes out to steve camp and his family-after they lost their daughter maria in a tragic accident-i have lost two babies to the Lord last year and this year came close this past monday to lose the little 12 week old in my wife's womb-all i can add ia to pray for them that God will provide the grace they all need to sail through thsi storm of grief and perhaps doubt.....

Friday, May 16, 2008

Indiana Jones speculations and theories

baby picture

Please pray for our little one who is in this picture 11 weeks old....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



To my suprise today I passed the 10,000 visitor mark!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Gee i hope this movie is true for 2011:

Star wars clone wars cartoon network teaser

Una Oracion

SIN EMBARGO PECOPor Arthur Bennett - editor del libro "The Valley of Vision" publicado por Banner of Truth
Eres bueno más allá de todo pensamiento,
Pero yo soy vil, detestable, miserable, ciego;
Mis labios están prestos a confesar, pero mi corazón es lento para sentir,
y mis caminos son renuentes a enmendar.
A ti traigo mi alma;
quebrántala, hiérela, inclínala, moldéala.
Desenmascara ante mí la deformidad del pecado,
para así aborrecerlo, odiarlo y huir a ti.
Mis facultades han sido un arma de revuelta en contra tuya;
como un rebelde, he dado mal uso a mi fuerza,
y he servido al repugnante adversario de tu reino.
Dame gracia para lamentar mi necia insensatez,
Concédeme conocer que el camino de los transgresores es duro,
que las sendas del mal son sendas de maldición,
que apartarse de ti es perder todo bien.
He visto la pureza y belleza de tu perfecta ley,
la felicidad de aquellos en cuyo corazón ésta reina,
la tranquila dignidad del andar al que nos llama,
y sin embargo, violo y menosprecio sus preceptos.
Tu Espíritu de amor lucha dentro de mí,
me trae advertencias de la Escritura,
habla por medio de providencias sorprendentes,
me atrae con gemidos secretos,
y sin embargo,
escojo voluntades y deseos
para mi propio daño,
le ofendo y contristo de manera impía,
y le provoco a abandonarme.
Lloro y lamento todos estos pecados, y por ellos pido perdón.
Obra en mí un arrepentimiento más profundo y duradero;
Dame la plenitud de un dolor piadoso que tiemble y tema,
y que también confíe y ame,
que sea siempre poderoso y siempre seguro;
Concede que a través de las lágrimas de arrepentimiento, yo pueda ver más claramente
el brillo y las glorias de la cruz de salvación.

Iglesia Biblica del Señor Jesucristo

Creation cares

Friday, May 09, 2008

super apostles

bv. not by might


Ingredients:1 2-lb. frying chicken, cut into pieces3 lbs. fresh pork chops, cut into pieces4 tablespoons oil3 green plantains1 lb mapueyl lb. ñamel lb. potatoes 1/2 lb. white yautía1/2 lb. yellow yautía1/2 lb. auyama3 ears corn, halved1 green pepper, chopped1 large onion, sliced3 sprigs cilantrico3 coriander (cilantro) leaves1/2 teaspoon oregano3 cloves garlic, crushed1/4 teaspoon ground all-spice2 tablespoons vinegar*
Preparation:Marinate the meat for two hours in all the ingredients in the second section (from green pepper on). In a large kettle, saute meat in the oil. Peel and dice the other vegetables. Stir with the meat. Add water to cover. Cook until broth thickens. Season to taste.Unavailable vegetables may be substituted with those that are available.Serve from the cooking kettle. Spoon two spoons of cooked rice on top of each bowl of stew. Serves 8-10. (Allow 1/2 lb. meat per person).Do not use ham or smoked pork.*For vinegar, Dominicans use the squeezed juice from the naranja agria (an orange with pocked surface) or agrio (juice from the naranja agria poured over marble-sized onions, green pepper, and garlic which sets for a week or so.)

Happy Mother's Day

Proverbios 6:20-22 \ Proverbs 6:20-22
La Biblia de las Américas (LBLA)
Listen to this passage
Advertencia contra el adulterio 20Hijo mío, guarda el mandamiento de tu padre, y no abandones la enseñanza de tu madre;
21átalos de continuo en tu corazón, enlázalos a tu cuello.
22Cuando andes, te guiarán; cuando duermas, velarán por ti; y al despertarte, hablarán contigo.

English Standard Version (ESV)
Listen to this passageView commentary related to this passage
Warnings Against Adultery 20(A) My son, keep your father’s commandment, and forsake not your mother’s teaching.21(B) Bind them on your heart always; (C) tie them around your neck.22(D) When you walk, they[a] will lead you; (E) when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you.

Here are some resources on Mother's day:


audio: Hannah: A Woman of Grace - Pt. 1

audio: The Hope of God-Fearing Mothers

audio: Motherhood vs. Lady MacBeth

audio: Rendering Mothers Their Due

video: A Message For Mothers

A WOMAN After God's Own Heart = Women and Wives God Will Bless

Audio: marriage,motherhood and homemaking series


over the hedge

God has two hedges(Matthew Mead, "The Power of Gracein Weaning the Heart from the World")
God is never better to us—than when the creature is most bitter to us!Thus God dealt with Israel, "She said, 'I will go after my lovers, who give me my food and my water, my wool and my linen, my oil and my drink.' Therefore I will hedge up her path with thorns; I will wall her in—so that she cannot find her way. She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them. Then she will say, 'I will go back to my husband as at first, for then I was better off than now.'" Hosea 2:6-8. God has two hedges which the Scripture takes notice of:1. The hedge of his protection, which you read of Job 1:10, "Haven't You placed a hedge around him, his household, and everything he owns?"2. The hedge of affliction, which you read of here: "I will hedge up her path with thorns."Now the Lord make use of both these hedges:The hedge of protection—is to keep His people from danger.The hedge of affliction—is to stop His people from wandering.The hedge of protection—is to keep them in God's way.The hedge of affliction—is to keep them out of sin's way.The hedge of protection—is to keep them from suffering.The hedge of affliction—is to keep then from sinning, and to put them upon returning to God.So it was with Israel here—when God had hedged up her way, that she could not find her paths, nor overtake her lovers—then she cries out, "I will go back to my husband as at first, for then I was better off than now!"It is a great mercy for God to wean a soul from the world; for it never suffers greater—than when it forsakes God to live upon the creature! "Those who cling to lying vanities—turn their backs on all God's mercies!" Jonah 2:8. It is forsaking the living fountain—to quench our thirst from a broken cistern! Jeremiah 2:13.When the Lord weans a soul from the world—He embitters the world to the soul; either by some affliction, or by some disappointment in the creature—which makes the soul look out for the more pure and lasting satisfactions, which are in Christ.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~


This is one us puerto ricans love to eat:
· 3 green plantains · 1 tablespoon salt dissolved in 4 cups water · 8 ounce lean bacon(you can substitute sizzlelean) · 2 cloves garlic · Vegetable oil, for deep fat frying · 1 teaspoon chopped hot pepper · 1 tablespoon corn or safflower oil · 1 teaspoon salt · ½ teaspoon black pepper
Peel plantains and cut vertically into 1-inch thick slices. Soak slices for 20 minutes in salted water. Meanwhile, fry bacon until crisp, then crumble and set aside. (Traditionally, mofongo is made with pork cracklings, also known as crisp fried pork skin. Bacon is a contemporary twist. For less fat, lean chopped ham can also be substituted.) Drain plantain slices well. Deep fry plantain until tender, yet not browned. Drain on paper towels. Mash and mix together the garlic cloves, hot pepper, oil, salt and pepper. Blend half of the fried plantain slices with half of the crumbled bacon and half of the garlic mixture; mix thoroughly. Roll mixture into 2-inch balls. Repeat with the remaining ingredients. Serve hot with seasoned rice.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Quotables worship and more

God Is wih us always

Matthew 8:23-27 (Amplified Bible)
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation

23And after He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him.
24And [a]suddenly, behold, there arose a violent storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered up by the waves; but He was sleeping.
25And they went and awakened Him, saying, Lord, rescue and preserve us! We are perishing!
26And He said to them, Why are you timid and afraid, O you of little faith? Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great and wonderful calm ([b]a perfect peaceableness).
27And the men were stunned with bewildered wonder and marveled, saying, What kind of Man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him!

I thank God

I thank God because it looked like a third baby was going home to Him-and i am glad to say My wife did not miscarry God was/is with us in the hospital and every area of our life...that God still wants us to enjoy that little blessing here on earth...

just keep her and the little baby in her womb in your prayers-along with me and my son...

thank you for visiting my blog


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Ironman and the gospel

Me and my family went to see Ironman yesterday (By the way I give a thumbs up)and several qoutes stands out. So based on this i will relate it as it points toward the biblical gospel sometime next week....

so look for it....

Friday, May 02, 2008

sorry about this week

i am sorry i have not responded nor posted this week-i just needed some time off. Life lately has been a rollercoaster ride the high of being a new father by this thanksgiving-and the low of going to and searching for jobs-thinking you got the job and left just hearing the silence of crickets-and wondering even in declaring no discrimination base on age,race,disability etc is it all just lip service??? and do they all see in me is my limp??? well anyway i am taking the rest of this week off and hopefully i will post next week...pray for me as i contuine the elusive search for employment and thus fullfilling God's call for husbands to provide for their families....