Monday, April 03, 2006

I thank God

well I am still working on some short articles on:
1. hispanics and 5 points of calvinism

2. hispanics and the 5 solas

3. some thoughts on dating

But in this post I want to thank God for His providental care of me,my wife and my son and their blessing to me from Him is always active in His children's care.
-I want to thank God that my recently diagnosed diabetes(June 2005) that caused me to lose all my right toes due to amputation is so under control that most of my meds have been reduced and the only one i have left has been reduced to its lowest dosage. Soon i will get fitted for special shoes and begin physical therapy to walk again. The only sad part is that i may not be able to go my son"s 4th birthday party at school next month because they may not be wheelchair accessible.

-Please note to either check your home fire alarms and carbon dixode monitors(or if you dont have them please install them) i had a scare last week when my carbon monixide dectetors went off twice the same day. th first was around 2:20 n the afternoon and the super found the problem which was my stove the pilot light was to high and was burning the top of the stove forming a thin layer of soot which he cleaned up. The second time was when we were going to sleep and it rang> we called the fire dept and six firemen came and checked the alarms and the apt for carbon monoxide and thankfully it was nil. They said to change the batteries.

- for the wonderful birthday present that redeemer nyc pca may plant a church in nyc to reach out to hispanics. may God use the gifts and experiences he has blessed me and my wife for this wonderful endeavor and May He give us all the grace and wisdom in the words of star trek Capt Picard: Make it so....

sola Deo gloria....

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