Friday, February 24, 2006

images of christ

recently on carms discussion board i responded to a postee who posted that images of christ are biblical because martin luther and john calvin sanctions it. I responded in my post that reformed people have their own popes too not just the roman catholics--ours may take the form of godly past reformers and writers past and present,pastors ,sunday school teachers,denominations or lack of one ,confessions of faith etc etc. meaning that all of us,institions and traditions are marred by sin and very falliable-Only God and His word is not and only they have the authority to bind and guide our conscience,minds,heart and lives. And all the sayings and teachings of godly pastors,reformers,sundaly school teachers,past and present writers,denominations,traditions and historic creeds and confessions and churches must be put under the light and authority ofthe holy bible and accepted when they are in agreement and when they are in disagreement to reject them.

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