Friday, January 13, 2006

multi-cultureral worship vs ethno-centric worship

I have been thinking lately on worship in particular here in the U.S.A in light of rev 5:9-10 and other pertaining scriptures. These thoughts and questions came to mind:

1. worship in reformed churches here are ethnocentric white european in particular

2. worship in reformed churches are regulated by the regualative priciple.

3. reformed church worship in general excludes contributions of other cultures in its worship.

4. that ethnocentric and multi-cultural worship are both imperfect but both are biblical.

5. that the regualitive principle can and must be applied to both.

6. can ethnocentric worship apply the regualative priciple without looking first thru the lens of dominant culture?

7. is the problem of ethnocentric worhip in applying the regualative principle reallly that it is looking thru the lens of the dominant culture or is it something else?

8. can multicultural worship after being neglected and unrecongnized for so long be able:
a. assert itself

b. know how to apply or be willing to apply the regualative principle to its worship or settle for pragmatism or other man centered philosophies?

c. shed its inhibitions spawned by feeling of spiritiual inferiority or be like the weaker brother in 1 cor 8: 1-13 and reject those aspects of their cultural worship that does not go againest the word of God and consider it sin or unclean?

9. that in the end ethnocentricworship along with other cultures will be around God's throne glorifying God with thier individual God given talents...

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