Friday, December 30, 2005

Lack of reformed witness among hispanics,african americans especially in the urban areas part 4

Here are some more possible reasons for the lack of reformed witness;

1.Hispanics and African americans lack of knowlege,experience (or Both) of the reformed faith
2. poor choice of native church planters by the reformed witness
3. lack of support for native church planters interested in establishing reformed churches
4. lack of economic,social or intelluctual assests to appeal interest of the reformed witness to invest their time and money
5. naive native: The tenets of the reformed faith is above their grasp

overall the main reason is THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD: Romans chapter 9

Negatively all or some of the reasons I stated God is using in His purpose (to delay) for a limited reformed witness

Positively none of the reasons I stated- it is going to happen in His time and in His way

soli deo gloria

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